I'll use that thread to say the same thing again and again!
Nintendo's problem is software, and their conservatism. They're managing there legacy and they'll die by continuing to do that. If Disney never had renewal, but kept releasing Mickey and Donald movies for years, they would be dead.
Nintendo going third party will only be a short boom, but the problem will remain the same after a while if they don't evolve radically in there way to think games. They can have every strategy you want but not acknowledging that will only distance the problem for a short while. Nintendo games don't appeal to new people, or at least new gamers anymore. Zelda is not the game that defines how an adventure game should be today, nor Metroid for its genre. Mario is not a game relevant enough, revolutionary and modern enough, so non mario fans just have to play it. This is really a matter of state of mind. They have to stop thinking of their properties as cherished legacy which they refresh yearly. They have to act like they have everything to prove again, and show the world how it's done.
Short term wise, strengthening their portable market, where they are relevant cause it's still a domain for kids and gamers with more old schools tastes, will give them an advantage, but for how long..