Significant is an odd choice of words, but there were many Wii U titles that offered motion controls as a viable control option, such as Pikmin 3, and those absolutely count in my book. Heck, what about Wii Sports Club? That title seems to have gotten a lot of fanfare from Nintendo.
This is because Pikmin 3 was originally developed for the Wii before getting shoe horned into the Wii U at the end of the cycle. Of course motion controls were a viable (and superior) play option. The friggin game was designed FOR them.
As far as Wii Sports Club goes, that is just a desperate grab at past glory. Any little twig to keep the Wii U from totally burning out.
I see a lot of people talk about how much they love remote play, and thereby, the Wii U. That's fine and good but remote play should have been an optional add-on. Not something you highlight as a key feature. Certainly not when the experience is subpar at best. Awful battery life, low res screen, shitty sound, and abysmal range. This is not how I want to enjoy my game. I can barely get 15 feet from the console before the signal dies and remote play fails. That's not even outside my living room.
I'm really glad remote play exists for people that enjoy it. But it should not be a primary selling point when a tremendous amount of gamers won't even require it. Living alone, own tv/room/console etc.
The Wii U is a bust. Say what you want, the numbers don't lie. Where will Nintendo go from here? Hopefully back to square one and get their shit together.
God I remember the days of getting questions like "Is Mario on PS2," and reading them the riot act and raving about how Mario would NEVER be on a non-Nintendo system. Now I almost wish he was. This is a hard generation to endure as a Nintendo supporter.