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NPD Sales Results for August 2014 [Up4: PS4 #1, XB1 last week sales 2x last Jul week]


Xillia 2 should have been Xillia 1+2, Xillia 1 should have never released as it did, Zestiria should have never been considered for PS3, at best it should have been a PS4 title with a sloppy PS3 down-port.

If they have any brains at all, they would make sure that NA and EU get a PS4 version..
"Beginning with Q1 FY07, the method of reporting hardware and software unit sales has been changed from production shipments to recorded sales"


Btw the FY11 figure (6.8m) don't include Vita (see slide 15)


Last official figure we have for PSP sales is 76.3m as of March 31, 2012.

Well that was badly read fo my part. Thank you.

Changing the numbers:
FY04 2.97
FY05 14.06
FY06 8.36/9.53
FY07 13.89
FY08 14.11
FY09 9.9
FY10 8.0
FY11 6.8
FY12 7.0
FY13 4.1
FY14q1 0.75
Total PSP+PSV: 89.94/91.11
PSP FY04-11: 78.09/79.26
PSP+PSV FY12-14: 11.85
If PSP 76.3(Min.) -> PSV: 13.64/14.81
If PSP 78.09(FY04-11):->PSV: 11.85/13.02
If PSP 80(Max?) -> PSV: 9.94/11.11

Eeeh if FY11 is all PSP, how can it only be at 76.3 m? 78.09 seems to be last all PSP data included. This doesnt seem to affect on Vita WW LTD end results. Worst possible shipment is still 9.94. Hmm. Maybe PSP as sold even more than 80 m?
Then I'm assuming you thought the PS4 would be higher than 200K too right?

Madden doesn't compare to the AAA games coming this Holiday. While I wouldn't say that the XB1 will beat the PS4 in November or December, I wouldn't use how it did alongside Madden to determine that.

Definitely I thought they both would be over 200. What was the PS4 numbers sub 200 too?


As a market leader, I think that the PS4 is the most expensive in the last generations.
PS2 was 299, Wii 250, 360 started at 299. Without any temporal advantage to build momentum over the others (like PS2 and 360)
PS4 atm hasn't a steady flow of releases, had so few strong titles able to move hardware and/or strong exclusives from a commercial pov.
I think that we're unable to tell the real potential of the ps4 on the market, as a market leader.

While there was a 360 on the market for $299, that model was affectionately known as the "tard pack," and made up a tiny minority of the system's early sales. The $399 model garnered the lion's share of sales, and was seen as the real 360 by the public.
Poor month overall, then again, it was basically only Madden and Diablo at the end of the month. I'm surprised Metro redux didn't chart in the top? Maybe more people opted for the digital as it split the games up.
Wrong bgamer90. Again. Bayonetta 2 and luigi death stare's long legs will push Wii u to heaven. Also the effect of treehouse streaming and operation #smashxboxone

When are people going to apologize to polygon btw for the Mario kart shens



the possibility is there, you can't deny that

it's really on Nintendo to implement them into their software in creative and enticing ways

I've had parents ask about the Amiibos at work and be interested in the figures only to get turned off when they found out it wouldn't be like Skylanders or Infinity. Nintendo is wasting a good opportunity not having their own figure game come out.


Seems like a given it will be more on PS4. I just don't think the exclusive content will be enough to combat the install base.

You're a marketing guy, right?

If they all start selling consistently more on PS4, why bother with the exclusive marketing and content going into next year? MS seems so willing to court EA as a whole and the CoD franchise.


I've had parents ask about the Amiibos at work and be interested in the figures only to get turned off when they found out it wouldn't be like Skylanders or Infinity. Nintendo is wasting a good opportunity not having their own figure game come out.

I barely know what they do and I follow the industry relatively closely. That doesn't bode well for its sales prospects among the masses.


I've had parents ask about the Amiibos at work and be interested in the figures only to get turned off when they found out it wouldn't be like Skylanders or Infinity. Nintendo is wasting a good opportunity not having their own figure game come out.

that's weird because it seems like Nintendo is trying to put more value into Amiibos by having them work across games instead of just one. obviously I need to see how they work in other games but I got the feeling they didn't want to just lock content behind them and call it a day. I think if Nintendo can properly get that message across then they have a decent chance at being successful with Amiibo.


I've had parents ask about the Amiibos at work and be interested in the figures only to get turned off when they found out it wouldn't be like Skylanders or Infinity. Nintendo is wasting a good opportunity not having their own figure game come out.

I still don't understand what the heck are they supposed to do. Why not a game?


CoD is the one I want to see. If that sells more on PS4 in November....

I also want to see the Destiny split.

I would expect nothing less. Last year when COD Ghosts came out they both had an install base of 1 million in NA at launch. By the time Advance Warfare comes out I guess it depends on how much of a lead the PS4 has built up in the states, but I think even if it's not that large, it will still be enough for COD to sell more on the PS4.


the possibility is there, you can't deny that

it's really on Nintendo to implement them into their software in creative and enticing ways

People don't buy the system for Nintendo games but they'll buy if there's good Amiibo functionality? Nope, it's not happening. Amiibos will simply double down on the existing Nintendo hardcore.
Wii U at 60!
Xbone at 159!

Holy crap not even the madden bundle saved the X1.
Man I thought for sure it would break 200 this month.

Yeah nothing is saving X1 this holiday thats for sure.

I'm not sure why people ever believed the Madden bundle would "save" Xbox One. I mean, isn't the general public already pretty much aware that PlayStation 4 is more powerful and thus will have the better performing games? Also having the most players would lead to a lot more competition online.

When I checked the Best Sellers on Amazon while eagerly awaiting my White Destiny bundle I never saw Madden XB1 over Madden PS4, and the bundle was practically always behind the standard PS4 SKU and the Destiny Bundle.

CoD is the one I want to see. If that sells more on PS4 in November....

I also want to see the Destiny split.

I'm confident CoD will be on top on PS4 again. As for Destiny, I think the split will be close to 1.75:1 without bundles, and close to 2-2.5:1 with bundles.
While there was a 360 on the market for $299, that model was affectionately known as the "tard pack," and made up a tiny minority of the system's early sales. The $399 model garnered the lion's share of sales, and was seen as the real 360 by the public.

Well, 360 picked the crown in the last few years where the common price was 299 iirc.
I was wrong in consider the launch price of 360 as I was talking about "market leaders"
When 360 was at 399 the market leader was the wii (250).
My mistake, sorry


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
3ds is 5 digits? what is Nintendo DOING with new 3ds? You need so much more than a stop gap! This is crisis mode come on
Everyone obviously does not care about it because if they did there would be a far greater disparity than the current one.

However, it can't be denied that there are some that DO and it does affect sales to a certain extent. Quit grasping at straws here, we've already discussed this and you're adding nothing to the discussion.

My post was a bit snarky but don't try to avoid my question by pretending that I'm just bringing up an old argument (or saying that I'm grasping at straws, which I find strange that you're acting like you "won" that argument). It's not off topic at all to point out a contradiction.

That some people don't care about the difference is blatantly obvious given what we know happened last gen (Skyrim still sold on PS3, after all) but did you acknowledge the ones that do care? No. In fact, you wrote that audience off almost entirely, arguing that most people wouldn't care because they boughts systems for exclusives, not multiplatform games. According to you, multiplatform games are just the side dishes to the main course of exclusives.

that's weird because it seems like Nintendo is trying to put more value into Amiibos by having them work across games instead of just one. obviously I need to see how they work in other games but I got the feeling they didn't want to just lock content behind them and call it a day. I think if Nintendo can properly get that message across then they have a decent chance at being successful with Amiibo.

I haven't followed them that much but my impression so far has been that Nintendo are just shoehorning them into existing games. Doesn't really seem like something that'll catch on outside of their hardcore fans.


Well that was badly read fo my part. Thank you.

Changing the numbers:
FY04 2.97
FY05 14.06
FY06 8.36/9.53
FY07 13.89
FY08 14.11
FY09 9.9
FY10 8.0
FY11 6.8
FY12 7.0
FY13 4.1
FY14q1 0.75
Total PSP+PSV: 89.94/91.11
PSP FY04-11: 78.09/79.26
PSP+PSV FY12-14: 11.85
If PSP 76.3(Min.) -> PSV: 13.64/14.81
If PSP 78.09(FY04-11):->PSV: 11.85/13.02
If PSP 80(Max?) -> PSV: 9.94/11.11

Eeeh if FY11 is all PSP, how can it only be at 76.3 m? 78.09 seems to be last all PSP data included. This doesnt seem to affect on Vita WW LTD end results. Worst possible shipment is still 9.94. Hmm. Maybe PSP as sold even more than 80 m?

I don't know why, but Parmenides has different numbers. In this post he had LTD through FY09 at 63.2. Then, in this post, he has LTD through FY09 at 61.5. That's how he winds up at 76.3 through FY11. I don't know which numbers are accurate. I believe they restated some when they switched from production shipments to shipments.

I'll bet he has a spreadsheet. You should PM him and see what he has to say. He's thorough.
I've had parents ask about the Amiibos at work and be interested in the figures only to get turned off when they found out it wouldn't be like Skylanders or Infinity. Nintendo is wasting a good opportunity not having their own figure game come out.
Wait, let me get this right. Nintendo are releasing a bunch of NFC capable figurines of their popular characters, but they aren't making a Skylanders style game with which they can be used?

What then is the point of people buying them other than to "catch em all".

Surely they aren't narrowing their business model so much that they will depend on hardcore Nintendo fans buying everything Nintendo releases.

Not having a Skylanders style game ready for their figurines seems like a massive oversight by NCL.
If the new 3DS can stabilise the sales rate, or increase it back up to 4M, for at least a couple years then it can reach the PSP's LTD. But I don't really expect it to.
Wait, let me get this right. Nintendo are releasing a bunch of NFC capable figurines of their popular characters, but they aren't making a Skylanders style game with which they can be used?

What then is the point of people buying them other than to "catch em all".

Surely they aren't narrowing their business model so much that they will depend on hardcore Nintendo fans buying everything Nintendo releases.

Not having a Skylanders style game ready for their figurines seems like a massive oversight by NCL.
As described thus far, they're accessory items to Nintendo software. A single figurine can be used with multiple games, and they accumulate data or something making characters stronger in Smash for instance, from memory.


I haven't followed them that much but my impression so far has been that Nintendo are just shoehorning them into existing games. Doesn't really seem like something that'll catch on outside of their hardcore fans.

their functions for games other than smash bros. haven't been revealed yet so we don't really know if they're just shoehorning them in or if they have something a bit more creative in mind.
My post was a bit snarky but don't try to avoid my question by pretending that I'm just bringing up an old argument (or saying that I'm grasping at straws, which I find strange that you're acting like you "won" that argument). It's not off topic at all to point out a contradiction.

That some people don't care about the difference is blatantly obvious given what we know happened last gen (Skyrim still sold on PS3, after all) but did you acknowledge the ones that do care? No. In fact, you wrote that audience off almost entirely, arguing that most people wouldn't care because they boughts systems for exclusives, not multiplatform games. According to you, multiplatform games are just the side dishes to the main course of exclusives.

I haven't followed them that much but my impression so far has been that Nintendo are just shoehorning them into existing games. Doesn't really seem like something that'll catch on outside of their hardcore fans.

It is something we've already discussed, don't try and play coy here. No one said anything about "winning" anything, but you certainly didn't win if that's what you're implying. I did not write them off entirely AT ALL.

I simply stated that slightly superior multiplats are not the basis of what wins a console generation. When is the last time that the most powerful console "won" a generation because of that reason. It's hasn't happened yet for as long as I can remember.

I do think it will happen with the PS4 though of course, but there are many reasons why the PS4 is ahead and the power difference is not one of the major reasons. It's amplified because of the other things that make the PS4 a more popular console.

The PS2 didn't lose because it was weaker than Xbox and GameCube. The PSX didn't lose because it was weaker than N64. The 360 wasn't bought just because of the multi platform superiority.(even though it can be argued that the PS3 was actually was stronger for games most notably the exclusives and the Wii actually "won" the generation)

These things do play a role, but are not the most important things in a console generation. Exclusives, where friends are playing, controller preference and so much more play a greater role in what happens in a console generation.

The DRM fiasco and poor PR are examples of things that have mattered more than the hardware difference in this generation as well.
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