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NPD Sales Results for February 2009


Hammer24 said:
IIRC, weren´t Mass Effect and Bioshock games that broke out of the "high profile game in Q4" pattern, and tremendously profited from it?
Mass Effect, no. BioShock, barely.

F#A#Oo said:
GT5, Heavy Rain, God of War, Final Fantasy 13 (it is coming out before the 360 version right?)
Not in North America, no.
F#A#Oo said:
GT5, Heavy Rain, God of War, Final Fantasy 13 (it is coming out before the 360 version right?)

Only in Japan. Which will help it of course, but it's a smaller market. It could kick start more Japanese publisher support for RPGs and such, but the 360 iterations of the genre don't seem to be doing as great world wide.
gofreak said:
Doesn't sound familiar to GC or certainly DC, wrt support.

The difference between PS3 and these systems - a pretty facking key difference from a consumer's POV - is that their market performance (which in absolute terms was a lot lower than PS3's anyway), directly reflected the level of content access an owner of those systems had. DC publisher support completely imploded. GC didn't enjoy particularly strong support. Their market performance did actually matter to the quality of the ownership experience.

That's very different to the case on PS3.
Well, I meant to say first party support.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Hammer24 said:
IIRC, weren´t Mass Effect and Bioshock games that broke out of the "high profile game in Q4" pattern, and tremendously profited from it?

To the detriment of bigger games?

To ask the question more directly, do you not think KZ2 would have done better still if it at launched in the holidays?
I think KZ2 sales are very poor, given the hype that surrounded the game, and its very high quality: yes it's only two days, but Halo 3 in "only 5 days" managed to sell 3.3mil in USA and move a lot of 360s. For a game like this, I could easily expect 1 million in the first day.

And word of mouth? This is a super-hyped game that people are waiting since the console's launch: do you think it really needs word of mouth?
For shits and since this is an NPD thread, here's a launch synchronized X360 vs PS3 image for the US only.

shykyoichi said:
Wii is recession-proof. And wasn't Patcher touting a 700k+ Wii sales?
Yeah, he got that one.
Spider_Jerusalem said:
And word of mouth? This is a super-hyped game that people are waiting since the console's launch: do you think it really needs word of mouth?
Sure. It needs word of mouth from the tiny percentage of hardcore nerds who have actually been following the game for years to everyone else.
Spider_Jerusalem said:
I think KZ2 sales are very poor, given the hype that surrounded the game, and its very high quality: yes it's only two days, but Halo 3 in "only 5 days" managed to sell 3.3mil in USA and move a lot of 360s. For a game like this, I could easily expect 1 million in the first day.

And word of mouth? This is a super-hyped game that people are waiting since the console's launch: do you think it really needs word of mouth?

Plus we know that a huge percentage of that was absolutely in the first two days.


Time Traveler
Spider_Jerusalem said:
I think KZ2 sales are very poor, given the hype that surrounded the game, and its very high quality: yes it's only two days, but Halo 3 in "only 5 days" managed to sell 3.3mil in USA and move a lot of 360s. For a game like this, I could easily expect 1 million in the first day.

And word of mouth? This is a super-hyped game that people are waiting since the console's launch: do you think it really needs word of mouth?
And Halo 3 was sold to a smaller userbase...


BenjaminBirdie said:
The burden of performance on the PS3 is not to perform at or close to the 360 when synched up in a frankly meaningless way, it is, I would imagine, to perform better than the 360 or at least better than the PS3 did at the same time last year.

you are just talking bull... how can PS3 perform better when it is sold for $400 in worst economy since big depression, while 360 dropped their price to $200?

Burden to fanboys maybe, but burden to analysts and investors - i dont think so. They like making money, not arguing with fanboys.

Besides, KZ2 sold well, and it sold well worldwide. UK month alone should see it over 200k units, let alone rest of the europe. Game should make Sony overall double what it was made for, in the 1st month of sales. And thats on most expensive console on the market, at worst time possible.

SFIV did excellet worldwide on PS3, which is another boost to Sony as well. Obviously they make a lot of money from licensing, and it also boosts developer confidence as well as investors... Similar should happen with RE5 this month.
spwolf said:
you are just talking bull... how can PS3 perform better when it is sold for $400 in worst economy since big depression, while 360 dropped their price to $200?

Burden to fanboys maybe, but burden to analysts and investors - i dont think so. They like making money, not arguing with fanboys.

Besides, KZ2 sold well, and it sold well worldwide. UK month alone should see it over 200k units, let alone rest of the europe. Game should make Sony overall double what it was made for, in the 1st month of sales. And thats on most expensive console on the market, at worst time possible.

SFIV did excellet worldwide on PS3, which is another boost to Sony as well. Obviously they make a lot of money from licensing, and it also boosts developer confidence as well as investors... Similar should happen with RE5 this month.

I think they'd also like improving their sales YOY when releasing one of their biggest games of the year, which would probably fall under the auspices of pleasing investors, as KZ undoubtedly involved a large investment of capital and if that capital invested leads to a monthly sales scenario that might as well not even have had Killzone 2 on the system when comparing February's, that's probably not what investors want to see.

Burden is probably the wrong word, but I couldn't think of another one.


Btw I find it a bit absurd when people mention word of mouth.

I mean seriously the only console/s that seems to actually have that word of mouth signiture is the DS and Wii. Then we move to games and again it's those two platforms that have those same signitures.

You cannot apply the same to the 360 or PS3...their games have their spike and then everyone moves on...


spwolf said:
you are just talking bull... how can PS3 perform better when it is sold for $400 in worst economy since big depression, while 360 dropped their price to $200?

Burden to fanboys maybe, but burden to analysts and investors - i dont think so. They like making money, not arguing with fanboys.

I haven't been paying attention, but isn't Birdie talking in absolutes? As in, nothing - not the poor economy, not the time of launch, not the disparity in price points, NOTHING - matters except how the two consoles are selling right now, today. And 360 is outselling PS3, period.

You can handicap PS3 as much as you want by saying, "It came out a year later, so let's sync the launches," or "Not fair! It's a $400 console in a great depression!" But the only fact that matters is what the consoles are selling today, and what the LTD totals look like.


belvedere said:
So did the morons laughing about the KZ2 sales shoot themselves after they realized it came out the 27th?

Doubledex said:
No, they're still to stupid to get that

It's been mentioned numerous times by posters.

did you guys just jump to the last page of the thread?
spwolf said:
you are just talking bull... how can PS3 perform better when it is sold for $400 in worst economy since big depression, while 360 dropped their price to $200?

Burden to fanboys maybe, but burden to analysts and investors - i dont think so. They like making money, not arguing with fanboys.

Besides, KZ2 sold well, and it sold well worldwide. UK month alone should see it over 200k units, let alone rest of the europe. Game should make Sony overall double what it was made for, in the 1st month of sales. And thats on most expensive console on the market, at worst time possible.

SFIV did excellet worldwide on PS3, which is another boost to Sony as well. Obviously they make a lot of money from licensing, and it also boosts developer confidence as well as investors... Similar should happen with RE5 this month.
The price of the machine is absolutely a major hindrance, and of course it's intrinsically tied to the cost of the machine, but both of those things are Sony's choice/fault and *only* Sony's choice/fault. It is of course the reason why it isn't doing better, but throwing it out there every time as a defence for the machine's soft performance just gets more and more "uh hunh, and?" with every utterance.
manueldelalas said:
And Halo 3 was sold to a smaller userbase...
Didn't Halo 3 sell to over 50% of all 360 owners in it's first two months or something? Comparing it to a single system game without the word Wii in it is ridiculous.

To the detriment of bigger games?

To ask the question more directly, do you not think KZ2 would have done better still if it at launched in the holidays?

Didn't R2 put up almost equal numbers as KZ2 in November? And then fell on it's face in Dec, for a high profile fps in December at least? Well actually, that's a good question. Is KZ2 good enough to have eaten into WaW and possibly Gears/L4D sales? I think it would have, much more than R2 did.


Synched launch charts, KZ2 sales detractors and defenders, and Wii coasting along not giving a shit about either.

Yup. Normal NPD thread.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Only in Japan. Which will help it of course, but it's a smaller market. It could kick start more Japanese publisher support for RPGs and such, but the 360 iterations of the genre don't seem to be doing as great world wide.

This generation seems to have killed the RPG genre (atleast for me)...

If I want my RPG fix I have to go to my DS or PS2. Which is fine and all but damn! 3 years in and I'm baffled to why we haven't seen a decent RPG on the PS3/360. Oh and I can't get into S-E's RPG's this generation they just seem C and B level games at best...
Kolgar said:
You can handicap PS3 as much as you want by saying, "It came out a year later, so let's sync the launches," or "Not fair! It's a 400 console in a great depression!" But the only fact that matters is what the consoles are selling today, and what the LTD totals look like.

This and how much money they are making or losing is the only thing that matters. Using the price of the PS3 as a crutch to bat away poor performance (or lack of advertising for certain games) is meaningless at this point except from a statistical curiosity outlook.


Junior Butler
Dabanton said:
It's been mentioned numerous times by posters.

did you guys just jump to the last page of the thread?

People will believe what they want to believe and based on recent responses, that's the case. The sad thing though, is something like NPD sales actually affects them emotionally.

This is gaf etc.
F#A#Oo said:
This generation seems to have killed the RPG genre (atleast for me)...

If I want my RPG fix I have to go to my DS or PS2. Which is fine and all but damn! 3 years in and I'm baffled to why we haven't seen a decent RPG on the PS3/360. Oh and I can't get into S-E's RPG's this generation they just seem C and B level games at best...
It's funny. Surely this gen's RPGs are better than PS2 or DS ones by merely being part of this generation, right? The fact that they (Well, compared to PS2 at least) mostly aren't is really indicative of how poorly these devs understand what people want.
F#A#Oo said:
This generation seems to have killed the RPG genre (atleast for me)...

If I want my RPG fix I have to go to my DS or PS2. Which is fine and all but damn! 3 years in and I'm baffled to why we haven't seen a decent RPG on the PS3/360. Oh and I can't get into S-E's RPG's this generation they just seem C and B level games at best...

I've enjoyed LO and BD quite a bit, but I haven't finished them, which probably says something.

But I haven't gotten rid of them either, which probably says something else. I keep wanting to get the S-E stuff or Vesperia, but I have these two unfinished behemoths looking down at me. LO, I have to say, is a really great experience. The reason I haven't finished it is because I spent dozens of hours getting every mortal all their skills and transfering them to the immortals. I really quite like that system.


Kolgar said:
I haven't been paying attention, but isn't Birdie talking in absolutes? As in, nothing - not the poor economy, not the time of launch, not the disparity in price points, NOTHING - matters except how the two consoles are selling right now, today. And 360 is outselling PS3, period.
It's especially funny how all of a sudden it seems natural for 360 to break its own records during these poor economy times while the same people predicted in August/September last year only a short-term bump of sales caused by the price cut and then it would be back to the previous mediocre results.


One reason I haven't gotten as strongly into RPGs this generation compared to last is simply that there haven't been nearly as many and also due to my constantly dwindling free time. I honestly don't have the time to blow on 30 hours of cutscenes, particularly when the average RPG story isn't all that amazing.

Which might explain why I've gone from a pretty stable RPG gamer towards things like Art Style games and puzzle stuff. I grew up, time became scarce, and I've other things to do.

This is anecdotal, of course, but I think it's somewhat telling considering the age of the 'Sony era' gamer has likely reached a point where obligations and responsibilities manifest themselves more readily.


Nocebo said:
I think the people that matter don't care how the ps3 is doing compared to the xbox360 from years ago. The PS3 is losing to its competitors right now and that makes it look bad. I think the 360 didn't do so hot because of the lack of game support and maybe RROD fears. But what is there to lift the PS3 up to beat the present day 360? The developer support for PS3 is probably as good as it is going to get. If something like KZ2 can't push significant numbers (we'll find out for sure in march npd thread) then what else is there? GT5?

A price drop will definitely increase sales.(we'll see if they announce that at GDC or not) Also look at SFIV sales on PS3. That shows that devs can still make money off the PS3 so i dont think they would discontinue supporting it nor avoid giving support to it. Theres plenty of PS3 exclusives coming out this year plus steadily 3rd party support FYI.

Spider_Jerusalem said:
I think KZ2 sales are very poor, given the hype that surrounded the game, and its very high quality: yes it's only two days, but Halo 3 in "only 5 days" managed to sell 3.3mil in USA and move a lot of 360s. For a game like this, I could easily expect 1 million in the first day.

And word of mouth? This is a super-hyped game that people are waiting since the console's launch: do you think it really needs word of mouth?

a)There were 2 Halos b4 Halo 3. Both of them were very successfull on XB1, no reason why HL3 wouldnt sell.
b)Halo3 marketing was Huge.(7-11 anyone?)
b)KZ1 wasnt a huge success when it came out, big disappointment. KZ:Liberation was an Ok game but wasnt that big of a deal really.(only for PSP crowd, not a huge console release)

Only the really hardcore or fans of KZ universe were day1 for KZ2. Others were skeptical due to previous GG games. (EX: "KZ1 sucked, KZ2 is gonna suck too"). Core(normal? not sure what word to use, semi-casual?) gamers dont really know about this game. Why? Because Sony didnt market the game as usual. So it could be said that word of mouth is the only way for this game to sell.

You might say "hey there was the E3 05 vid plus reviews!!!, hype of 4 years". Ok well ONLY the hardcore(us) watched E3 and knew about the video, your typical joe gamer doesnt give a shit like that. Reviews are meant for the ppls that know about the said game and only really matter to, again, us hardcore gamers(see KZ 9.4 fiasco etc). An example of this is my friend Mike. He bought the game last weekend I believe. He only bought it because he played it over his friend's house. Thats right, not because he saw a TV ad nor from a review he read, because of his friend. He had no idea it what it was b4. If he hadnt got it from his friend, I would of told him about it, hence "word of mouth". Not everyone out there is like us.

(B4 I get bashed, I dont expect KZ2 to magicly sell gangbusters on march nor expect PS3 to skyrocket and beat 360 anytime soon. I do blame Sony for once again dropping the ball here on a big release. Im not here to protect PS3 nor anything just stating why word of mouth might get KZ2 some sales after the day1 ppls and that hype only affected the hardcore)
szaromir said:
It's especially funny how all of a sudden it seems natural for 360 to break its own records during these poor economy times while the same people predicted in August/September last year only a short-term bump of sales caused by the price cut and then it would be back to the previous mediocre results.

And it seems there aren't any distinct games pushing this behaviour: maybe we're really at a point where "casual" PS2 owners start looking for a new console, and many of them end up getting a 360. This, or maybe L&D had a strong impact on console sales too, maybe people who finished the game on PS3 and now bought a 360 for the new story...


Accept one saviour, get the second free.
F#A#Oo said:
This generation seems to have killed the RPG genre (atleast for me)...

If I want my RPG fix I have to go to my DS or PS2. Which is fine and all but damn! 3 years in and I'm baffled to why we haven't seen a decent RPG on the PS3/360. Oh and I can't get into S-E's RPG's this generation they just seem C and B level games at best...
Drakensang says "RPGs? On consoles? Hahaha"
szaromir said:
It's especially funny how all of a sudden it seems natural for 360 to break its own records during these poor economy times while the same people predicted in August/September last year only a short-term bump of sales caused by the price cut and then it would be back to the previous mediocre results.

Yup. People keep bringing up the economy, but we know that every 360 sold is not an arcade, and we know that it's still a $200 machine that requires a bunch of other investments for a lot of its functionality and yet it has made a tremendous YOY gain when, like you said, many were predicting it would only receive a slight bump and then dip back down. I wouldn't be surprised if there were predictions that it would be Killzone's release that helped foster that.
belvedere said:
So did the morons laughing about the KZ2 sales shoot themselves after they realized it came out the 27th?

KZ2 came out on a Friday in the UK (like most games, so it only had two days of sales to report), and dropped >50% in its second full week, and dropped >50% from that in its 3rd full week according to chart track.

Given a similar sales pattern in the states, it would pull about the same numbers for the entire month of March as it did for the last two days of February, which would put it in the same boat as Bioshock. Good numbers, but not worthy of the lofty sales goals posted here and elsewhere, and certainly not a system seller on the level of MGS4.
belvedere said:
So did the morons laughing about the KZ2 sales shoot themselves after they realized it came out the 27th?

Nope, they were hugely successful actually. Their intent was to rile up the people dumb enough to take the bait, and it worked. Fully 1/4 of the posts in this thread are pointing out to people that Killzone 2 was on sale for 2 days.
i feel sorry for the Sony fans, because Sony don't care about sales numbers right now. they care about profit. they don't care about revenue. they care about profit. they don't care about sales charts. they care about profit.

this is difficult for a lot of Sony kids, because Sony are happily letting the 360 continue to outsell them. because they care more about profit than outselling the 360 right now.

they couldn't care less about whether or not KZ2 'wins' any given NPD period. they put it out where they think it will do the best business, and frankly it's looking fairly smart to have given SF4 breathing room.

it may not look pretty in the sales charts, but it should give the game the best sales it was going to get over all.

releasing last winter would have cannibalized their other first party titles, and releasing later, would have let the PS3 hardware sales nose dive even more.

KZ2 has done nicely, and it will continue to do nicely. as ever, the lofty expectations of one set of fanboys, and the joy of another set of fanboys for the game not reaching them will over shadow that.

no one game can save a system. lets stop judging a game's performance on hardware sales.

lets see if KZ2 is as front loaded as most PS3 games seem to be or not.


plagiarize said:
i feel sorry for the Sony fans, because Sony don't care about sales numbers right now. they care about profit. they don't care about revenue. they care about profit. they don't care about sales charts. they care about profit.

I'm predicting this comment will receive the following response:

MGS4? Killzone 2? Little Big Planet? Resistance 2? Uncharted?

Why should we feel bad? We have awesome games to play!


But here's WHY the Killzone 2 sales don't matter ...


BenjaminBirdie said:
Yup. People keep bringing up the economy, but we know that every 360 sold is not an arcade, and we know that it's still a $200 machine that requires a bunch of other investments for a lot of its functionality and yet it has made a tremendous YOY gain

It also does not explain how Wii Play and Wii Fit are selling at virtually 1:1 with Wii which makes that price tag for a Wii $400

Though I guess the Nintendo is recession proof explanation would take care of that


plagiarize said:
i feel sorry for the Sony fans, because Sony don't care about sales numbers right now. they care about profit. they don't care about revenue. they care about profit. they don't care about sales charts. they care about profit.

This part hurt my brain.
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