NPD Sales Results for February 2014 [Up2: PS4/XB1/Wii U/360 Hardware, BD/Poke/DK]


After mulling it over a bit more, I don't think Microsoft will win March.

  • I think that lots of people who really wants Titanfall has got one for the Beta, and are thus included in Februrary NPD.
  • Infamous: Second Son will boost PS4's sales.
  • Lots of rumors of Sony boosting supplies in March.
  • Two PS4 bundles are selling better at Gamestop than the 2 Titanfall bundles. (,13ffff2412)

It might be close, but I still see Sony as the winner of March.

Unless Microsoft shows that the Secret Sauce can deliver, or they do a heavy (
) price cut, they'll still be second.


I am not exactly basing it on last gen. It's just a bold prediction,i could be wrong but i stand by it.
you will be wrong. Ps4 is supply constrained and still outsold it. Ps4 will stay ahead wether you like it or not. And I do not think they will drop their price if they stay close to ps4.


Should be ~124K for PS3+Wii, based on that 43% remark.

Curious if despite better than expected performance Wii U still ended up worst selling home console platform besides the Wii.

Yeah, I got that also... and if the XBOX Family beat the PS Family...

Then XBF @ 372k - PS4 ~286.7k = PS3 < ~85.3k

So PS3 might just edge out the Wii U

That would then leave Wii @ < 38.6k


You really are full of it. That happened once. Halo 3 month.

well xbox 360 is beating the ps3 handily in the US and they had constant pr's of them beating ps3 for like 23 or 24 consecutive months before the next gen consoles came out. so coming close or losing to sony must be hurting them so the point still makes sense even though you are right he is probably wrong when it comes to doing 4x sales.


Media Create Maven
So for single SKUs, the ordering is:
1. Minecraft (360)
2. Bravely Default (3DS)
3.? (something like Cod 360 or Lego 360)?
4. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U)

if I'm not mistaken.


did ms only mention titanfall 5 times in their pr.?

This is why MS locked up the exclusive. They are betting all their money on Titanfall to keep them competitive until fall when they can price drop. Looking at this months numbers I think it'll work until they run into the Destiny/PS4 combo in September.
ps4 will win march. the 'console war' looks over tbh, the ps4 right now has virtually no killer app and is still selling like crazy. just imagine when gt and uncharted release

titanfall helping ms quite a bit though, cant put my finger on anything else giving them an increase


I think they're finally doing the reverse of what they did before and making FF titles into new IPs instead of other series/teams into FF titles.
Which is funny, because they used to change games like Seiken Dentetsu and SaGa to Final Fantasy in order to get them to sell more. Now being called Final Fantasy could very well make them sell less.
And the launch month in the UK with FIFA

Germany still has bundles and my Canadian WOW friend said he bought a bundle in Canada. Why does it feel like the US are now getting screwed?
Still out of stock in most stores.
Amazon barely got another batch today.(after being sold out for a few days)

You are right:
Amazon Hourly Updated Chart: (Bolded PS4 | Underline Xbox One)
1: PS4
4: Titanfall Game: Xbox One
7: Infamous (This will only go up closer to release)
8: Titanfall Game: PC
9: Metal Gear Solid V: PS4
10: Xbox One/Titan Fall Bundle: Console
11: DS4 (PS4 Controller)
22: Titanfall Game: Xbox 360
51: Call of Duty: PS4
54: Killzone :pS4
56: Metal Gear Solid V: Xbox One

I really didn't think Metal Gear Solid was that closely tied to the PS4, the gap is INSANE.


Which is funny, because they used to change games like Seiken Dentetsu and SaGa to Final Fantasy in order to get them to sell more. Now being called Final Fantasy could very well make them sell less.

Yeah brand acceleration can work both in a positive and negative direction, which is why you want to be careful with how you brand highly visible products.

Putting out subpar products in Final Fantasy ended up helping tank a whole swath of games due to doubling down so much.
"Xbox platform sold more than any other home console platform"

I guess this means XB1+360 > PS4+PS3. Hence that PS3 number.
I was just re-reading that PR line. At first I thought it was unclear what they were referring to, but they do specify the "Xbox platform" and that it sold more than any other "platform." So you're probably right.

(I usually take platform to refer to a specific system)
With Xbox One and Xbox 360 combined, the Xbox platform sold more hardware than any other home console platform and held 43 percent of the home console market share in the U.S.

so 360+ONE = 258k+114k = 372k so rest of the market would be (372k/ 0.43) - 372k = 865.1k-372k= 493.1k

PS4: 258,000 / 0.9 = 286.7K
Wii U: Nearly 82.5K (+~25%)

So PS3+Wii would be 493.1k - 286.7k = 206.4k, correct? (I'm assuming handheld don't count for the "console" market)
Glad to see Donkey Kong and Bravely Default do well for the month. It's also nice to see the Xbox One nearing PS4 in sales. The competition is healthy for the industry.


I wonder how much more Bravely Default would have sold if it had been given a FF branding in the west?

It did start out as the sequel to FWoL didn't it?
I don't think it would have sold any better to be honest. If it weren't sold out everywhere for ages, that would have helped.
I'm kind of wondering why Microsoft is bundling in Forza/Titanfall now. Sales seem to be doing well enough?

Forza is neither here nor there, so the real question is why Titanfall?

The answer is xbox live subscriptions. Every person who gets Titanfall, free or not is signing up to xbox live to play it. At this stage of the console life cycle, that is much more important than actual game sales because the subscription keeps money coming in for a much longer time.

Further, you would expect few players to actively subscribe to multiple online services. So giving away Titanfall now can help drive Call of Duty or Destiny or whatever the "next big thing" is (including future versions of Titanfall itself).


holy SHIT those numbers are way higher than I thought

I guess the only conclusion we can make is FUCK JANUARY, CONSOLE GAMING AIN'T DEAD YET

seriously what was up with january, fuck that month

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Retail software sales really have to stop going down so much.

Crazy hardware sales were up so much with software still down nearly 10%.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
What! Look at thief. It's not even good.

Yes. I was agreeing strongly with you.

I myself am somewhat reluctant to buy last-gen games like South Park and Dark Souls 2 simply because I'm done with those consoles, and I might not be the only one according to the numbers.
Yeah, I got that also... and if the XBOX Family beat the PS Family...

Then XBF @ 372k - PS4 ~286.7k = PS3 < ~85.3k

So PS3 might just edge out the Wii U

That would then leave Wii @ < 38.6k

WiiU having tight battle with PS3. Brings memories of battle between GBA and PS3 during 2007.

Retail software sales really have to stop going down so much.

Crazy hardware sales were up so much with software still down nearly 10%.

Last gen dying off quickly and while PS4 and Bone are selling well it's not enough to counter that as the total userbase for them is still too tiny.


That's a surprising rebound for xbone. The industry may not be dead after all? I'm excited to see how the months ahead go.
Part of me wonders if Sony is hoarding a few PS4s for March for Infamous, and so they can combat in the only real month MS can put up a fight. I'll laugh if PS4 still wins March


I feel it's positive since I think it takes the burden off of JP sales as the only notable source of revenue.

Presumably series continuation decisions will no longer be made solely on Japanese sales potential, which puts a nice buffer on having to make up any budget increases they give the sequels, and I wouldn't be surprised if Square publishes the next one themselves in the West.

Basically my theory is in the long run they want something that resembles the profits of a 1+ million seller and if they can do a fair amount of that overseas I don't think they need to trend as strongly in Japan.

Please no..that means Europe is screwed if SE takes the reign again. And the yanks will have to deal with Digital River.

While I can see what you mean I feel an MMO is a bit tangential.

Perhaps, honestly? It's just my opinion and I'm crazy.

"Xbox platform sold more than any other home console platform"

I guess this means XB1+360 > PS4+PS3. Hence that PS3 number.

Think many are referring to software sales.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Dark bomb 2 = bomb

You'll see

(I think this is one exception the hardcore would be ok making and buying on last gen)


Microsoft isn't happy that they aren't #1. Sony on the other hand are exactly where they want to be. They were behind 8 to 10 million in North America. Even if Microsoft passes sony in North America. Its a victory for sony. They will always be couple a thousand units close. Not by millions and that stings for Microsoft.
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