I must be a crazy bastard, because the Wii U's sales are still lower than my prediction. Not by a whole lot though. I feel like this should be about what we expected of MK8. I definitely don't expect any sustained momentum from the console, I could have only seen that happening if the bump was like 100k bigger than it currently is at least.
Xbox One is really what probably subverted them. <200k (assuming that's what it did, and I don't expect it to do much better than twice as good as last month if that's what Microsoft's PR team went with) in big pricedrop month with no Kinect is bad. This really solidifies the PS4's dominance this gen, considering the lack of exclusive releases for the thing (March had InFamous).
Surprised Tomadachi did that well, and also surprised that the 3DS got that much of a hardware bump this month.