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NPD Sales Results for June 2014 [Up3: All Hardware (June/LTD), Top 10 Software SKUs]


Of course it's not going to happen just from Mario Kart 8, but I really don't think Hyrule Warriors is going to do much, at least not in the U.S., neither is Bayonetta 2. The coming months don't look all that great and next year is probably worse overall.

Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

Mr Swine

Below 100k would be disastrous. That is the point where they need to think about a genuine price cut as the Xbone is still getting steamrollered worldwide.

It would be a lot of fun if MS did a $100 price drop worldwide in the next few months.

Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

Nintendo needs to do Bayonetta 2 ads with the Link/Samus/Peach costumes :p
So people interested in GT and Uncharted already have PS4s?

Don't understand this statement as many people wait for the game(s) to release to buy the console instead of buying the console to just... wait for the game(s) they bought the console for.

Halo: Master Chief Collection. This is not Halo 5. You can't draw parallels with it and the mainline series.
Maybe Nintendo can quickly bundle NES Remix 1/2 for an August release or something?

Fun enough game, and I think it packs a decent enough nostalgia factor to intrigue new console owners.

That wouldn't be a bad idea (the same goes for the upcoming Wii Sports Club retail release), but they'd have to put some power behind a NES Remix 1/2 collection for it to have any sort of real impact on the WiiU's sales.
I just can't see that happening seeing as big clever marketing pushes have to be planned long in advance before these games release.

The best they can do now is keep MK8 fresh in consumers minds with new commercials and deals (if they're even planning on doing that). Hopefully that can help the WiiU limp along until the fall (which isn't very far away at this point)


So people interested in GT and Uncharted already have PS4s?

Don't understand this statement as many people wait for the game(s) to release to buy the console instead of buying the console to just... wait for the game(s) they bought the console for.

I would say that the somewhat odd situation of third party games on previous gen consoles outselling the Xbox One versions might reflect that current Xbox One owners are skewed more so hardcore first party Xbox guys than is normal though. Given the terrible Xbox PR leading up to One coming out, that is not unlikely.


I must be a crazy bastard, because the Wii U's sales are still lower than my prediction. Not by a whole lot though. I feel like this should be about what we expected of MK8. I definitely don't expect any sustained momentum from the console, I could have only seen that happening if the bump was like 100k bigger than it currently is at least.

Xbox One is really what probably subverted them. <200k (assuming that's what it did, and I don't expect it to do much better than twice as good as last month if that's what Microsoft's PR team went with) in big pricedrop month with no Kinect is bad. This really solidifies the PS4's dominance this gen, considering the lack of exclusive releases for the thing (March had InFamous).

Surprised Tomadachi did that well, and also surprised that the 3DS got that much of a hardware bump this month.


-“Combined sales of Xbox One and PS4 are over 80 percent higher than the combined totals for Xbox 360 and PS3 – an indication of the strength of the start of this new console generation,” said Callahan.

still not good enough for Borderlands to see a current gen release tho...


Below 100k would be disastrous. That is the point where they need to think about a genuine price cut as the Xbone is still getting steamrollered worldwide.

Problem is, Microsoft already had their "price cut." Doing it again so soon will just have customers thinking that Microsoft is very desperate & just sets a precedent assuming, "I'll just wait until Microsoft lowers the price to ??? before buying it."
I just started with the predictions game and Nintendo came in and smacked me down hard. I really wasn't paying too much attention to them, but how in the world did MK8 improve hardware sales so much in the month after it was released? I realize that it was the first full month but I figured people would have bought the Wii U ahead of time if they were going to pick up the game. For future reference is it normal to have this kind of delayed reaction.

It's not really delayed; Mario Kart 8 came out on May 30th. It had a mere 2-days; the rest of the sales followed in June.
Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

It's not a zelda game, it's a Musou game with Zelda characters. Even if you consider it a "zelda game" that's not nearly as big as a Mario Kart game.
Wii U need constant stream of games now if Nintendo don't want to lose that momentum.

Next big game is Hyrule Warriors in September. Followed by Bayonetta 1 & 2 in October.

Followed by games like Captain Toad, Smash Bros, Sonic Boom. And some multi games like Skylander and Watch Dogs. And many eShop games.


Whatever Bayonetta 2 does will be like 99% front loaded I'd imagine. Everyone who wants that game will get it day one or thereabouts so however little it sells will be all it'll get. Hope I'm wrong and everyone was said they were waiting to get a Wii U when Bayo 2 comes out actually does so, and I hope the numbers aren't pitiful.

With Hyrule Warriors, it could go either way really. Could bomb or sell better than an previous mainline Zelda to date. I'd have to imagine that there's a lot of people who'd rather play this kinda of 'Zelda' with its sick guitar solos and over the top action rather than what I'd assume a vast majority of the people out there think of the main line Zelda, which is boring and dull etc. An acquired taste if you will. Who knows really.
Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

Hyrule warriors will help. I can feel the anecdotical hype withing my circle of friends. If a remake of wind waker gave a decent boost to Wiii U's sales I don't see why original Zelda software can't do the same.
  • Microsoft adds a new skew resulting in more sales
  • Microsoft adds a $100 price drop resulting in more sales
  • Microsoft has bigger marketing campaign to reinforce new pricepoint (more sales)
  • Target and others had the $440 Titanfall bundle with Kinect skew adding more numbers
  • Microsoft had people holding off last month for the kinectless version which should of added even more numbers than just a normal price drop. Two months of price drop anticipation boost this months NPD numbers compared to the typical one.
Microsoft should be extremely worried. Even breaking even the results are horrible.

I mean this seriously: What about Halo?

I figured Halo is going to make some great sales... but then again, it's a collection of older games. How good is the Halo 2 MP sauce to sell consoles...with new games like Destiny making a partnership with Sony?

Is there any hope past Halo?
It's not exactly an easy sell.

Yes, it's Zelda, which will help it, but DW games sell like crap in NA.

Yes, but it'll almost certainly be marketed and perceived as a Zelda game, not a DW game.

Regardless, it may still do poorly--I was just pointing out he forgot a game


Halo: Master Chief Collection. This is not Halo 5. You can't draw parallels with it and the mainline series.

I can't imagine many people give a shit about Halo 5 after how badly 343 butchered 4. On the other hand the thirst is real for millions of people that want to play halo 1,2,3 online in 1080p and 60fps. Shit's gonna sell 10 million easily.


Damn, well done Sony, Nintendo and Mario Kart 8. Its pretty impressive how well Sony is doing without their first party essentially having a presence.
well don't forget, they had PS4 sub-200k, that's going to kill them

I have 86k for Wii U and 127k I think for 3DS...



North America has become PlayStationland. It's amazing how quickly the market changed.

So even with price parity PS4 wins again.

This is the cruel reality for Microsoft. At $399, consumers in their strongest territory are seeing more value in their main competitors' offering that is equally priced. This is really bad news for Microsoft, because it means that Microsoft will have to undercut the PS4 by a significant amount to make a serious dent. Will Microsoft tolerate another $100 price drop so soon?

It should be clear by now that Microsoft has lost their home advantage. It's going to take everything they've got (and a big scoop of luck) to reverse their fortunes in NA. With the PS4's hardware advantage, it's going to be really really tough for Microsoft to convince people to purchase COD/Madden/GTAV/AC/Destiny on XB1 instead of PS4.

Fall 2014 is going to be a bloodbath.
Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

It will do extremely well in Japan. And by that I mean relative to Japan's other top-selling console games.

Also, I read that last sentence as Aonuma in my head. Are you sure you don't want to tell me about powerful enemies appearing in a peaceful setting?


Hyrule Warriors is kinda hard to predict.
It might sell on fan service alone but a Musou game is still Musou = review scores will be super low.
Wow! Unbelievable how far MS fell. I guess the "third console curse" is for real.

While I don't think they have a chance of first place barring a miracle, I still think sales have been pretty solid. Especially when you figure in all of the bad press and extra hundred dollars for the beginning of its life.


It's not a zelda game, it's a Musou game with Zelda characters. Even if you consider it a "zelda game" that's not nearly as big as a Mario Kart game.

Maybe it's not a "real" Zelda game. But it's also not really a Musou game. Just having the Zelda IP involved in some way I think gives it a fighting chance to do well if not great on the charts.


I eagerly await the next memo from the Microsoft leadership team on their new cloud-first, mobile-first, sales-second strategy going forward.


The Birthday Skeleton
Bayonetta 2 isn't going to do well, but I think Hyrule Warriors will surprise a lot of people. It is still a Zelda game after all.

While Bayo and Hyrule Warriors might not be best sellers individually (although I also think HW will sell better than most people expect) they will make up for a good crescendo up to the SSB release and there will be constant flow of games from September onward. I'm also curious where they will squeeze Captain Toad in this schedule.

I expect still some MK8 inertia for July, so maybe 80-100k, 60-75k for August and then continously increasing until SSB 4.


Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
-“Combined sales of Xbox One and PS4 are over 80 percent higher than the combined totals for Xbox 360 and PS3 – an indication of the strength of the start of this new console generation,” said Callahan.

still not good enough for Borderlands to see a current gen release tho...

Yea that's weird. I know they are likely making a current gen Borderlands 3 at Gearbox, but they could have just released the PC version of the pre-sequel on PS4/XB1 (or something similar). Like Batman last year, I cab't go back to last gen now.

Mr Swine

Problem is, Microsoft already had their "price cut." Doing it again so soon will just have customers thinking that Microsoft is very desperate & just sets a precedent assuming, "I'll just wait until Microsoft lowers the price to ??? before buying it."

But it's not really a price cut if they take out a pheripal? So they still can do a price cut
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