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NPD Sales Results for March 2009


Grecco said:
So they actually released the Wii version on time? I had no idea. They had announced that the Wii and PS2 versions would be released later. :lol Interesting.
PS2 version was actually still delayed IIRC, but Activision isn't stupid, they know the Wii is the strongest console for GH. Game is fucking awesome BTW, you should check it out on whatever system if you aren't burned out on GH-style games yet and don't mind the shitty interface.
AdventureRacing said:
I have absolutely no doubts that had killzone 2 been released on the 360 with the same advertising it would of cleared 1 million for certain in the first month.

Honestly I just don't like the ps3 controller for FPS games. It just doesn't feel right to me.


y'all should be ashamed
AdventureRacing said:
I have absolutely no doubts that had killzone 2 been released on the 360 with the same advertising it would of cleared 1 million for certain in the first month.
Here's the thing: you're probably right. This is due, as noted a few pages back, to the Xbox Live experience. You play with random dudes, games are going to come up. People will talk. And in turn, you might check out a game that was previously not on your radar. Xbox Live pushes games in a way that the PS3 can never deliver; it has built such a tight community that when a good game gets on the radar, people will talk about it, and it will sell. No matter if it's a new IP (BioShock, L4D).

Now, it's way different for PS3 owners. There's not a profound sense of community at all on the PS3 online experience unless youre playing with friends from online forums, etc. So how else are you going to target PS3 owners aside from advertising?


Grecco said:
So they actually released the Wii version on time? I had no idea. They had announced that the Wii and PS2 versions would be released later. :lol Interesting.

Yeah and the Gamestops proceeded to fuck Wii owners out of the extra preorder pedal :lol

And how is Metallica hardcore? Maybe the 80's version but after Metallica Black they are about as mainstream as U2

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
AdventureRacing said:
This trend of blaming sales purely on advertising or lack there of is kinda annoying. As soon as a big game sells below expectations e.g. uncharted, killzone 2, LBP etc immediately the advertising push is blamed. It had nothing to do with the console it's on or the general interest of the consumer, it was all because of the advertising. Maybe general PS3 owners just aren't as interested in these titles as the posters on gaf.

I have absolutely no doubts that had killzone 2 been released on the 360 with the same advertising it would of cleared 1 million for certain in the first month.

Also it is kind of interesting seeing these incredible numbers being done by a console RTS are being written off as solely due to the 'halo' brand name.

If this is the case halo must surely be one of the strongest brands in gaming today. In fact i would say it is probably the biggest franchise in gaming besides the gigantic nintendo franchises (mario, pokemon and the like) and the sims. People usually come back and suggest franchises like GT ,GTA, FF are bigger but halo has already outsold GTA on the 360. GT sales are not going to come anywhere near halo 3's (it will be interesting to see if it can come anywhere near halo 2's sales despite being on a larger user base). Even in FF glory days on PS1 and PS2 i don't think FF was able to macth halo 3 in this gen it will be blown away. I guess it could be argued that CoD is bigger because it gets released every year.

Will be interesting to see what ODST can sell if halo wars can post 600K+.

ODST is clearing 1 mill easy.
Sharp said:
PS2 version was actually still delayed IIRC, but Activision isn't stupid, they know the Wii is the strongest console for GH. Game is fucking awesome BTW, you should check it out on whatever system if you aren't burned out on GH-style games yet and don't mind the shitty interface.

The PS2 version is out now.
....Almost completely forgot the PS3 launched at $600 ...and I paid that for it

I love you Sony but damn =(

Awesome RE5 numbers though ...didn't expect them to be that high


markatisu said:
Yeah and the Gamestops proceeded to fuck Wii owners out of the extra preorder pedal :lol

And how is Metallica hardcore? Maybe the 80's version but after Metallica Black they are about as mainstream as U2
Compared to the mainline GH games? Obviously there's a big audience for it, and it's a great game which helps, but the songs are harder than usual and a lot of people aren't going to go out of their way to get a metal game. RB:Beatles, on the other hand, is the game people keep asking me about because I'm kind of the "guitar hero guy" in my dorm. I think that's going to sell very well.


Sharp said:
PS2 version was actually still delayed IIRC, but Activision isn't stupid, they know the Wii is the strongest console for GH. Game is fucking awesome BTW, you should check it out on whatever system if you aren't burned out on GH-style games yet and don't mind the shitty interface.

Oh i own the X360 version, left work an hour early to make sure i could get a copy on sunday when it launched. Had no idea the Wii version was out that day though. (And i dont reemmber it being out at Best Buy either)

i just argued that it would sell more on Wii than 360/PS3 with BBG and Dave. So im suprised it didnt.

But then again i had no idea it was out either. So i wonder if that had any effect..


sparkle this bitch
To defend Killzone 2 a bit, People trying to note its a "bomba" are way off. It definitely sold a million worldwide in about a month. And it will also probably continue to sell well. Regardless of what light you hold it under. It is already a critically acclaimed, and will be a financial success. It will most likely also sell multi millions when it is all said and done. So if you trying to make it out to be this...sinking ship. Just stop, All your doing is making yourself look like an idiot. Isn't it exactly what you want to be successful in the end? An extremely well done and quality game? Even though the hype for it was by far the worst on Gaf reaching absolutely retarded levels at points. I don't really think that is a reason for clout over the game.
outunderthestars said:
I wouldn't really call GH and rockband core games anymore. Anything sold with a hunk of cheap plastic in the box sells on the wii.
OK, so GH and Rock Band don't count because they come with peripherals. I suppose REmakes don't count because they're ports (or because of the RE brandname) and HotD doesn't count because it's riding the RE coat tails. CoD:WaW doesn't count either because, let's face it, it's CoD. Same with Lego Indiana Jones because it's kiddy, therefore not core. M&S doesn't count for the same reason.

I'm running out of examples here because the "core"* titles released on the system by third parties are so few and far between.

* Aimed at 15 - 25 male demographic.


Also, some people never learn..
"GAF bomba" doesn't translate into an "actual bomba"....or that games that are not in the Top 10 totally not sold..like sold 0 copies.
Boom Blox? No More Heroes? Tiger Woods? ...didn't (back then) Suda (was it?) posted on his site how happy he was with No More Heroes' sales, yet people up to this day still say it bombed hard??

How many times, LTDs has been released, and you have the same people talking about "darn, I thought the game bombed, guess it didn't".. or "wow, surprised that it did all that yet never was in the Top 20"...

Heck, didn't someone from Sega said that MadWorld was "doing fine"..yet some people here are like" OMG it was a disaster in sales, Wii failed!!!! Wii is for casual and grandmas confirmed!!!"

And let's not talk about Killzone 2 sales.
Which in fact are good sales, yet for some reason many around here overhyped the game, even when many were constantly calling them out because, ..heck..were the fuck were all those hypers when the first game was released? ..so it was obvious, that no matter how many copies it moved, it was going to bomb anyway (according to keikaku..ehr, I mean GAF)..
markatisu said:
Yeah and the Gamestops proceeded to fuck Wii owners out of the extra preorder pedal :lol

And how is Metallica hardcore? Maybe the 80's version but after Metallica Black they are about as mainstream as U2

The game itself isn't exactly bringing the hits like an average GH. it's really chasing a specific vibe, which may not appeal to Joe Casual.
shintoki said:
To defend Killzone 2 a bit, People trying to note its a "bomba" are way off. It definitely sold a million worldwide in about a month. And it will also probably continue to sell well. Regardless of what light you hold it under. It is already a critically acclaimed, and will be a financial success. It will most likely also sell multi millions when it is all said and done. So if you trying to make it out to be this...sinking ship. Just stop, All your doing is making yourself look like an idiot. Isn't it exactly what you want to be successful in the end? An extremely well done and quality game? Even though the hype for it was by far the worst on Gaf reaching absolutely retarded levels at points. I don't really think that is a reason for clout over the game.

So it sells about the same amount in it's first few days as it did in the next entire month and your conclusion is that this baby has legs?
viciouskillersquirrel said:
OK, so GH and Rock Band don't count because they come with peripherals. I suppose REmakes don't count because they're ports (or because of the RE brandname) and HotD doesn't count because it's riding the RE coat tails. CoD:WaW doesn't count either because, let's face it, it's CoD. Same with Lego Indiana Jones because it's kiddy, therefore not core. M&S doesn't count for the same reason.

I'm running out of examples here because the "core"* titles released on the system by third parties are so few and far between.

* Aimed at 15 - 25 male demographic.
How good is HoTD doing in the US?


y'all should be ashamed
lowlylowlycook said:
So it sells about the same amount in it's first few days as it did in the next entire month and your conclusion is that this baby has legs?
...I think you're missing the point a bit.

jax (old)

EviLore said:
RESIDENT EVIL 5* (360) 938K


Analysis from NPD's Anita Frazier:

only things I care about

What's KZ2's LTD now?

I am impressed and happy for CAPCOM. Go RE5!!!! /rock Also quite surprised at the divergence btw PS3/X360 numbers. Almost double. Wow.


When is The Conduit coming out? Because that one's gonna bomb too.

gregor7777 said:
Awesome game.

No Excuses makes me say "yes, here's my money," but then I remember it's on the Metallica edition.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
OK, so GH and Rock Band don't count because they come with peripherals. I suppose REmakes don't count because they're ports (or because of the RE brandname) and HotD doesn't count because it's riding the RE coat tails. CoD:WaW doesn't count either because, let's face it, it's CoD. Same with Lego Indiana Jones because it's kiddy, therefore not core. M&S doesn't count for the same reason.

I'm running out of examples here because the "core"* titles released on the system by third parties are so few and far between.

* Aimed at 15 - 25 male demographic.

Ok, I concede I was wrong on that one. :)
fernoca said:
Also, some people never learn..
"GAF bomba" doesn't translate into an "actual bomba"....or that games that are not in the Top 10 totally not sold..like sold 0 copies.
Boom Blox? No More Heroes? Tiger Woods? ...didn't (back then) Suda (was it?) posted on his site how happy he was with No More Heroes' sales, yet people up to this day still say it bombed hard??

How many times, LTDs has been released, and you have the same people talking about "darn, I thought the game bombed, guess it didn't".. or "wow, surprised that it did all that yet never was in the Top 20"...

Heck, didn't someone from Sega said that MadWorld was "doing fine"..yet some people here are like" OMG it was a disaster in sales, Wii failed!!!! Wii is for casual and grandmas confirmed!!!"

And let's not talk about Killzone 2 sales.
Which in fact are good sales, yet for some reason many around here overhyped the game, even when many were constantly calling them out because, ..heck..were the fuck were all those hypers when the first game was released? ..so it was obvious, that no matter how many copies it moved, it was going to bomb anyway (according to keikaku..ehr, I mean GAF)..
The Sega comments about Madworld were PR speak for bomba though. I don't remember the exact wording they used, but I believe the word "encouraging" was mentioned. I read that and think: "Below expectations, but we'll see how it goes."

Also, KZ2 probably won't have the legs of a Boom Blox or NMH given the buying habits of the former's audience.

GitarooMan said:
How good is HoTD doing in the US?
I've completely forgotten, though I remember seeing Sega mentioned that they were pleased with the sales. Lightgun shooters are a niche, so you should expect NMH numbers, not Mario Kart, as I imagine Sega did.
AniHawk said:
When is The Conduit coming out? Because that one's gonna bomb too.



AniHawk said:
When is The Conduit coming out? Because that one's gonna bomb too.

No Excuses makes me say "yes, here's my money," but then I remember it's on the Metallica edition.
It's been clear that Conduit was going to bomb since the day it was announced and I have yet to see a single shred of evidence pointing to the contrary.

As for Metallica, it's seriously not even about whether or not you like the songs (I can't stand metal normally), the charts are just really fucking fun.
AniHawk said:
No Excuses makes me say "yes, here's my money," but then I remember it's on the Metallica edition.

You seem to have your facts mixed up. Metallica edition is in fact much more awesome than you.

Sharp said:
As for Metallica, it's seriously not even about whether or not you like the songs (I can't stand metal normally), the charts are just really fucking fun.



Fredescu said:
That's a joke on a joke right? It's hard to keep track.

Apparently it's necessary for me to say that I was joking. I freely admit my sarcasm is too dry for internet forums.

So at the least, it's a _____ on a joke. I can't speak for the other guy.


Master of the Google Search
I don't find Chinatown Wars numbers surprising at all. I was always confused at why people expected so much from it on the DS.


fernoca said:
Heck, didn't someone from Sega said that MadWorld was "doing fine"..yet some people here are like" OMG it was a disaster in sales, Wii failed!!!! Wii is for casual and grandmas confirmed!!!"

And let's not talk about Killzone 2 sales.
Which in fact are good sales, yet for some reason many around here overhyped the game, even when many were constantly calling them out because, ..heck..were the fuck were all those hypers when the first game was released? ..so it was obvious, that no matter how many copies it moved, it was going to bomb anyway (according to keikaku..ehr, I mean GAF)..

For starters, obviously a marketing guy from Sega will say they are pleased with the sales. Thats irrelevant. The game is a sales disaster, regardless of what the PR team says.

Second, Killzone 2's sales are not good considering it was one of the most expensive and most hyped games of this generation.

I hate to constantly troll the console I play every day, but if these goalposts get moved any further, you won't be able to see them because the curvature of the Earth will be blocking your view.


grandjedi6 said:
I don't find Chinatown Wars numbers surprising at all. I was always confused at why people expected so much from it on the DS.
Because it's GTA. I mean, fuck, it even managed to sell well on the PSP.


Nork unification denier
iceatcs said:
Well young will buy one but they can't buy GTA. Most over 18 know how to get it free.

< 55k
Ok, that's it. US just fail! Please jump to the wall!

Poor kitty cat. Hope it didn't get hurt. :(


so re5 has like over 2 million in sales world wide?

it sold 400,000 the first week in japan.

what did it sell in Europe?
lawblob said:
People claiming GTA:CW will have legs might be committing a fallacy. Wii / DS games have legs because they are family or party games that don't rely on normal gaming marketing cycles. They sell to a very casual audience unconcerned or unaware of when a game launches. GTA, I would think, doesn't sell to these people, and instead sells to traditional, marketing & hype driven gamers. Seems safe to assume it is basically a disappointment, if not a complete flop.

Because No More Heroes, Resident Evil 4, Call of Duty World at War, De Blob, and House of the Dead are "family" and "party" games.


lawblob said:
Second, Killzone 2's sales are not good considering it was one of the most expensive and most hyped games of all time.
Of all time?! Darn!!!!

I was wrong..
KIllzone 2 BOMBA!!!!!!
It's all over time to sell the PS3!


y'all should be ashamed
Wow, so much bannage in this thread, mostly from those taunting what the next PS3 game will be it's "savior." Thank gawd.

You know what's interesting, is that I think a good majority of multiplatform PS3 sales come as a direct result of 360 awareness. It's a fair statement to say a PS3 owner might know or is friends with someone who has/knows someone who owns a 360. It's like the Xbox Live effect of talking about games being passed on to PS3 owners.

It would explain the fair, yet not too amazing sales of exclusive PS3 games out the gate.
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