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NPD Sales Results For November 2010 [Update 6: PSP, PS2, Move Games]

Gadfly said:
I think the same way that Sony thought that PS3 will sell no matter what the price, their first and third party exclusive developers thought their software will sell well no matter when it is released.

I find it really strange that KZ2, GT5, FF13 (not an exclusive anymore but nevertheless a reason to buy a PS3) and MGS4 took so long to get released and got delayed months after month and year after year. I remember back in 2006/07, in every damn list war thread Sony fans (Wollan, et.al) would claim all these big franchises will be out by the next holiday season or sooner.

What happened was that just about all of them were delayed and were late big time. When they were eventually released, they didn't sell anywhere close to what Sony GAF thought they would and did not affect the HW sales as much as they expected and in most cases their release was met by a sort of anti-climax of a "fatigued" fan base. Well, except GAF that always hypes everything Sony.

GT5, MGS4 and FF could do wonders for Sony if they were released in the first year.

..and now we can add LBP 2 to the delay parade. It would have been a solid holiday title, but instead it's releasing in January. January? What a disaster. Not to mention the Last Guardian taking waaaayy too long to develop. FF 14, another disaster. Agent? What an amazing exclusive to have for Sony. A Rockstar game. Nowhere to be found though.

I don't know where Sony would be without Naughty Dog, releasing amazing games on time. Things will smooth out again next year though in U.S I think, Sony has a great lineup.


More details about uDraw:
Speaking at UBS's 38th Annual Media and Communications Conference this week, THQ executive vice president and CFO Paul Pucino said that sales of the uDraw tablet for the Wii are currently "supply constrained."

Pucino said the company was so encouraged by initial sales of its uDraw tablet that it raised expectations on the unit to 1.3 million sold through March, with half of those accounted for by the end of this year. Previously, the publisher had expected to sell only 1 million units through March.

Pucino said that during THQ's next fiscal year (beginning April 2011), the company plans to release four or five new titles, including one starring SpongeBob SquarePants.



This is the first time I've ever posted in an NPD thread (I think) and I just want to chime in and say that I think it's amazing how well the 360 has done. That team has been through a lot to get it to where it's at now and they deserve a round of applause.

As for GT5, people need to chill. The game probably won't bomb. Just had a shaky launch.


Saty said:

The actual good news for THQ is that their CFO actually looks down to Earth.

SpacLock said:
This is the first time I've ever posted in an NPD thread (I think) and I just want to chime in and say that I think it's amazing how well the 360 has done. That team has been through a lot to get it to where it's at now and they deserve a round of applause.

As for GT5, people need to chill. The game probably won't bomb. Just had a shaky launch.

I like your post.
Gadfly said:
You don't develop on-line expertise overnight.

Obviously not, but between the DS, Wii and now 3DS, Nintendo have been finding their way with online functionality and features.

Will they be able to bring something to the table that can compete with, say, Live or Steam in terms of depth or laser focus on the hardcore aspects of online gaming? Unlikely. Will they have a competent, fully-featured online service with a typical Nintendo quirkiness? I think so.


Does Japanese sales even matter anymore?

For people who aren't in Japan at least...because from what i see, sales there have zero impact on the games, exclusives, publisher alliances, peripherals releases etc that get or not released in Europe and U.S.

I don't even understand why people care. Heck Japanese developers are starting not to care...


WrikaWrek said:
Does Japanese sales even matter anymore?

Those Media Create threads are interesting because of some games appearing first there, but yeah Japan is not the 2nd biggest market anymore.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
TTP said:
Yeah, that's what I meant with "LIVE-Like" functionality. Of course Cross Game Chat is a requisite for party chat. That I think is the "secret PS3 game" Sony is missing more than anything. And I don't know who else to blame rather than the team responsible for the system software (which is SCEJ). It does come as little surprise that the biggest markets for the 360 are US and UK as English speakers are more willing to chat online compared to others which might find it intimidating and hence this stuff matters the most to them. I think. Not sure. Kinda thinking out loud.
Have you ever considered that this may be an architectural issue that is too late or too hard to solve? i.e., even if they could do it, it could only work with new games written to a new library and API?

I remember a few years ago altogetherandrew considered the lack of "restriction" on how on-line should be implemented in a PS3 game an advantage because it will give more freedom to game developers to do what they want. I always thought that argument is nonsense and will come back to hunt PS3 with games that (among other things) would not allow players to communicate while playing different games.


Like to add MS having the oldest console on the market and still coming out on top is a fantastic achievement. I didnt expect it beat the Wii overall this year.


finalozzo said:
so no Bomb Turismo after all.

First numbers are not really what you can call a disappointment. The series is known for its legs. What is disappointing though is the quality of the game itself after having been hyped to Saturn's rings heigths. It's not bad, it's just more of the same. And this is precisely what may hinder its sales in the long run.

With that in mind, many gaffers predict that it will sell badly compared to former entries. But this has not been proven yet.

Remember, gaffers are notorious for their ass-sucking predictions. And Sony fans on the other hand overreacte like nuts, and lay hilarious arguments on the table. This is NPD summed up.


Kenka said:
First numbers are not really what you can call a disappointment. The series is known for its legs. What is disappointing though is the quality of the game itself after having been hyped to Saturn's rings heigths. It's not bad, it's just more of the same. And this is precisely what may hinder its sales in the long run.

With that in mind, many gaffers predict that it will sell badly compared to former entries. But this has not been proven yet.

Remember, gaffers are notorious for their ass-sucking predictions. And Sony fans on the other hand overreacte like nuts, and lay hilarious arguments on the table. This is NPD summed up.

I agree it´s way to early to call it a flop, but that it wasn´t an immediate system seller, at least for this November in USA is a fact. And looking at Japans performance (underwhelming first week and a large drop off to abot 60k its second week) I wouldn´t place any bets.
Laguna said:
I agree it´s way to early to call it a flop, but that it wasn´t an immediate system seller, at least for this November in USA is a fact. And looking at Japans performance (underwhelming first week and a large drop off to abot 60k its second week) I wouldn´t place any bets.
What about the EU?

I think GT5 is going to sell really well, but yes, underperform considering the length of development/anticipation/franchise history.


A.R.K said:
does MS fucking go buy their own games in bulk from retailers or what? its disgusting when crap like this sell and quality games struggle...I have to salute the xbox community though, they fucking buy every piece of crap that comes out on the 360 no matter the quality...thats loyalty!

You mad? Just like the good ol days. Even better when that smug bastard Molynuex is causing meltdowns :lol


Snuggler said:
haha, wow

it's funny that my system preference has gone from Dreamcast -> Cube -> PS3

I'm a fuckin curse :( ...whatever I like most will fail

Look on the bright side - each one is less of a failure than the one before it. You have positive momentum going into next gen.


Zeouterlimits said:
What about the EU?

I think GT5 is going to sell really well, but yes, underperform considering the length of development/anticipation/franchise history.

I´m talking about US sales here, in Europe afaik it did similar numbers to GT4 at least in UK so far. The only reason I mentioned Japanese sales is that it had a similar weaker debut and its second week shows that nothing is set in stone.


Redbeard said:
I'm well aware that Microsoft has succeeded more with Kinect in the US and Move has succeeded more in Europe. But at the end of the day, Sony hasn't spent anywhere near as much as Microsoft when it comes to marketing the device overall.

Kinect's short term success in the US is all about marketing. I don't see how it's any 'braver' than when Sony tried their first shot at controllerless gaming with the EyeToy. What's 'brave' about it is the push it got, not the fact that the tech is somehow nebulously more appealing or new.

Props to Microsoft for giving it a good push. We'll see how long it lasts. But ultimately there is an opportunity cost here, and Microsoft has spent a hefty amount of money promoting Kinect, and by extension, the Xbox brand.

Utter nonsense - that marketing promotes awareness it doesn't switch on a "buy" button. Kinects adoption is its new approach to gaming and its marketing only draws attention to that strength. Kinect still needs to prove itself to the consumer . You have egg on your face, you'll have more in coming months.
Truespeed said:
Wait, what? He's not the community manager at T10 anymore? Were there reductions at T10? Damn, those calculations.

Your calculator is as broken as your logic. He took a different job within Microsoft at 343 industries. There were no reductions at turn 10.
miladesn said:

EA games that we have NPD numbers for them, all I could find.

Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360) / Electronic Arts / 572,100
# Mass Effect 2 (360) / Electronic Arts / 246,500
# Dante's Inferno: Divine Edition (PS3) / Electronic Arts / 242,500
# Dante's Inferno (360) / Electronic Arts / 224,700
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (360) – 825.5K
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) – 451.2K
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (360) - 166K
Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3) - <100K
Skate 3 (360) - 133K
# NCAA Football 2011 (360) – 368K
# NCAA Football 2011 (PS3) – 298.8K

# Madden NFL 11 (360) – 920.8K
# Madden NFL 11 (PS3) – 893.6K
NCAA Football 11 (360) - 87K

NHL 11
FIFA Soccer 11 >225k

Medal of Honor **(360, PS3, PC) ELECTRONIC ARTS - Over 1 Million
Madden NFL 11 (360, PS3, WII, PS2, PSP) ELECTRONIC ARTS >225k

NFS >400k
Madden 11 >430k

Total: > ~8259.6k


Call of Duty Black Ops 8.4m

I feel bad for EA now, they deserve much better sales :| .

Damn, that's just brutal. Really puts things into perspective.

miladesn said:

Wow, unexpected surprise here. Not bad at all :D

What I really want to see are numbers for Kirby's Epic Yarn, Dance Central, Wii Party, Goldeneye, COD BO Wii and NBA Jam 360/PS3. (and of course Kinect hardware, but I know that we're never gonna get that :( )

Also, just as an aside. Did we ever get any numbers for Super Scribblenauts? I can't remember if we got anything or not.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
The Wii sales are deserved. DKCR is the best exclusive to be released this holiday season IMO and there are other exclusives like Kirby, Sonic, Mickey, etc to help bolster the lineup this year.

The PS3 sales are pathetic. I know that Sony's holiday lineup isn't the greatest....hell it's one of the worst in terms of number of worthwhile exclusives released that I can ever remember them having...but 500k? They really botched the 2nd half of this year IMO. I speculated last month that it might be time for a PS3 price drop and looking at these sales I'm now convinced. The 360 has always outsold them when the price gap was $100+ which it has been since the 4GB S model was released. It might be time for Sony to release a $199 model of their own or just drop the regular model to $199. They are probably selling the PS3 for a decent profit at $299 at this point.

Prine said:
Utter nonsense - that marketing promotes awareness it doesn't switch on a "buy" button. Kinects adoption is its new approach to gaming and its marketing only draws attention to that strength. Kinect still needs to prove itself to the consumer . You have egg on your face, you'll have more in coming months.

The marketing push in the US has been insane. Kinect has been everywhere the past 2 months. Honestly the only thing I can remember in recent years that has rivaled it is the Wii launch. I actually think there is more awareness about Kinect than the 360 and PS3 had at this same point in their launches.
It's worth noting that GT5 came out with only 6 days left in November. But haters are gonna hate.

However, holy shit at the numbers for the three consoles. Sony needs to learn that releasing an actual Holiday bundle is worth it. Stop with the black friday only shit.


Nuclear Muffin said:
Damn, that's just brutal. Really puts things into perspective.
Are we going to feel sorry for EA?

They still should have sizable sales from outside top 10 and FIFA is a huge revenue stream in Europe... The'll probably post losses anyway, but they're no small dog, for sure.


Baron Aloha said:
The Wii sales are deserved. DKCR is the best exclusive to be released this holiday season IMO and there are other exclusives like Kirby, Sonic, Mickey, etc to help bolster the lineup this year.

The PS3 sales are pathetic. I know that Sony's holiday lineup isn't the greatest....hell it's one of the worst in terms of number of worthwhile exclusives released that I can ever remember them having...but 500k? They really botched the 2nd half of this year IMO. I speculated last month that it might be time for a PS3 price drop and looking at these sales I'm now convinced. The 360 has always outsold them when the price gap was $100+ which it has been since the 4GB S model was released. It might be time for Sony to release a $199 model of their own or just drop the regular model to $199. They are probably selling the PS3 for a decent profit at $299 at this point.

SCEA should just eat their pride and admit that in the US they're facing huge competition and they can't afford to be the most expensive thing on the market, hence they need to be particularly aggressive in that region.
299€ worked for Europe, but clearly they needed to drop to 250$ this year even if just in the US, with the fact the hardware has been profitable at 299$ since April and an other hardware revision has been released since then they could have afforded to do it in a single region.
Of course next year with the amazing lineup they have and further revisions to cut costs it would be madness not to finally reach a mass market price.....fifth year in the life cycle, a bit late but better than never.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Sony is probably more concerned with making money than outselling the 360. They lost already a ton of money this gen, i cant see them dropping the price just to outsell competition when they would make less money at the end.

btw. So the PSP is really dead, i mean November you would at least expect sales above 200-300K ? If so they better soon have their psp 2 ready.

marc^o^ said:
Did US had wii+wii fit bundles as in Europe?


Opus Angelorum said:
As of February this year, they were losing $18 for every $299 PS3 Slim sold in the US.

Sony stated publicly thay have been selling PS3 hardware at a profit at 299$ since April.
And in September an other hardware revision was released which increased that profit margin by cutting down costs again, a saving which was not passed to consumers (bad decision in the US).

Sony is probably more concerned with making money than outselling the 360. They lost already a ton of money this gen, i cant see them dropping the price just to outsell competition when they would make less money at the end.

I don't think they care about that, it's not about outselling the competition, it's about keeping a growth pattern, increasing the installed base so that software sales (where they make the money) can skyrocket as well. And of course selling more units helps to cut manufacturing costs too. Most of the sales for consoles are made when the price is under 200$ and that is true for every system.

btw. So the PSP is really dead, i mean November you would at least expect sales above 200-300K ? If so they better soon have their psp 2 ready.

There's no way PSP sold more than 200k in November with the PS3 at 530k. I guess the number falls short of 200k and yes PSP 2 is almost ready and PSP need a price cut to 129$.......Sony and its prices :lol :lol


So what's the consensus on what murdered the PS3 last month? Is it price, or the fact that nearly all their games were delayed to 2011? Or is it equal parts both?
cw_sasuke said:
Sony is probably more concerned with making money than outselling the 360. They lost already a ton of money this gen, i cant see them dropping the price just to outsell competition when they would make less money at the end.

btw. So the PSP is really dead, i mean November you would at least expect sales above 200-300K ? If so they better soon have their psp 2 ready.


From a retail standpoint, my store has sold bajillions of the Invizimals and Ghost of Sparta bundles.

lawblob said:
So what's the consensus on what murdered the PS3 last month? Is it price, or the fact that nearly all their games were delayed to 2011? Or is it equal parts both?

Both as well as MS bundling the Kinect WITH a system for $299. Their Move bundle- while a good deal is still too expensive.


lawblob said:
So what's the consensus on what murdered the PS3 last month? Is it price, or the fact that nearly all their games were delayed to 2011? Or is it equal parts both?

Horrible fall lineup + Kinect interest I reckon.


cw_sasuke said:
Sony is probably more concerned with making money than outselling the 360. They lost already a ton of money this gen, i cant see them dropping the price just to outsell competition when they would make less money at the end.

btw. So the PSP is really dead, i mean November you would at least expect sales above 200-300K ? If so they better soon have their psp 2 ready.


Wait for Pachter's notes later today.
Elios83 said:
Sony stated publicly thay have been selling PS3 hardware at a profit at 299$ since April.


They hoped to reduce manufacturing costs 15% by March 2011 so even though it may be profitable, it can't be very much.

My point is, all those asking for a price drop will be disappointed. It's not going to happen within the next 8 months, at least.


Square Triangle said:
It's worth noting that GT5 came out with only 6 days left in November. But haters are gonna hate.

Here is a totally new information that has not been discussed during the 1700 last posts.
lawblob said:
So what's the consensus on what murdered the PS3 last month? Is it price, or the fact that nearly all their games were delayed to 2011? Or is it equal parts both?

The Move golfing commercial might as well have been a Wii commercial.


lawblob said:
So what's the consensus on what murdered the PS3 last month? Is it price, or the fact that nearly all their games were delayed to 2011? Or is it equal parts both?

Imo it's clear that 360 has eaten into potential PS3 sales for the month which means that there were probably many people that were undecided between the two systems and ended up buying the 360 because it was the cheaper place to play Black Ops and an other group for Kinect. PS3 was not competitive price wise, had no big exclusive title excluding GT5 which came too late in the month with the last minute delay debacle, Move had just the 400$ bundle and no new killer application released to renew interest around it, the peripheral is still stucked at Sports Champions. And Sony marketing sucks, they can't create hype around their products.

Opus Angelorum said:

They hoped to reduce manufacturing costs 15% by March 2011 so even though it may be profitable, it can't be very much.

My point is, all those asking for a price drop will be disappointed. It's not going to happen within the next 8 months, at least.

It definetly won't happen until E3 at the earliest. But it's clear that next year they will find a way to be at 199$ in time for next fall.


Opus Angelorum said:
My point is, all those asking for a price drop will be disappointed. It's not going to happen within the next 8 months, at least.
That's why I'm surprised MS don't cut their price right now. It's generally accepted MS could cut to at least $249 and remain profitable, and if they did, they'd put Sony a real tough spot. Would Sony cut the price and start losing money again, or would Sony hold and see the gap they've worked so hard to close probably start widening again?

The good thing for Sony though is that the longer MS don't cut the price, the more time they're giving Sony to keep working on cutting the manufacturing cost of the PS3.


offshore said:
That's why I'm surprised MS don't cut their price right now. It's generally accepted MS could cut to at least $249 and remain profitable, and if they did, they'd put Sony a real tough spot. Would Sony cut the price and start losing money again, or would Sony hold and see the gap they've worked so hard to close probably start widening again?

The good thing for Sony though is that the longer MS don't cut the price, the more time they're giving Sony to keep working on cutting the manufacturing cost of the PS3.
I think they are gonna wait on how the market is moving, then cut prices. Now they are getting profit and selling good.
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