Hello OEM
It's classy that you stand by your opinion, even if I don't quite agree.
Both consoles did bad this month. Check.
Both consoles will go into the most important month now and have to (and will) sell a lot. Check.
I just think that the situation for Sony now is far, far better.
MS had their biggest release of the year with all the time in the world to build up preorders. And in the end it was the fabulous fucking nothing. Sony had the price drop and that did not do too much either. On the other hand price drops have no preorders... Disappointing for Sony, depressing for MS.
Next month will be Sony's big moment to harvest preorders for two huge bundled games. MS has fallout, that's terrific, but as our beloved indicator Amazon shows, it doesn't seem to set the world on fire. Fallout will sell amazingly well software-wise, but it will not push hardware and sell software nearly equally, despite marketing deal.
Black friday will be for both, but even here I give Sony the advantage, as both consoles will have the same price, but PS4 the bigger perceived value/discout. Battlefront is sold on both consoles, but I have the impression that in this case the marketing deal works far, far better.
THIS is why I take this month as a lost one for Xbox, even if it was formally a victory and honestly a draw. Because they could not win as huge as they should have to come through the playoffs unharmed.
So I predict a huge win next month. 200k difference at least. If you disagree I am open for a bet.