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Nvidia announces the GTX 980 Ti | $650 £550 €605


Just ordered my new PC, there goes my salary.



You need 4 DIMMs to make use of 4 channel memory controller though, no?
If I can't it's a waste of money, I haven't seen any substantial leap in GPU performance for ages now, everything seems to be a few fps here and there. Where is the technology that shows 5-10 times the performance of prior cards?

We all know how much you love PC gaming. But if you are gonna troll, do not sound like a dolt while doing it.

You legitimately have no clue about what you are talking about mentioning stuff like this.


Can't wait for Skylake. Going from a 3930k to a 6930k will be glorious!

i5-750 to i7-6700k with SSD, I'm already feeling the paradise.

How is 980 Ti compared to 770? Card is 850e where I live but I'm running 2560x1440 so might be worth it for future..


Lots of people prefer the effect of 120/144Hz over better IQ. I'll take fluid animation over bullshot quality any day.

Can vouch for that. I really hope I will never have to go back to gaming at 60Hz on PC. And a lot of the time the most demanding ultra settings are barely any better looking than one step below.

If I had more money at the moment, I probably would've been tempted to replace my 970 with this card. Fortunately that isn't the case and I will stay strong until Pascal for a (hopefully) big performance boost over this card.


Man thosr highend gpus are just waste of money on a cost effective way(my own opinion). Im probably getting too old to understand why people buy 2000€ computers to run some games on ultra 1440p resolution.. money to burn? Satisfy your e-penis?

Some people prefer bears to have fur.
I wish that microcenter had the cards listed at all just so I could get an item number for my buddy to price check for me

I was going to wait to build a new pc next year but I really want this card, and this kinda wants me to just do my new pc this year after skylake


I added an EVGA (669$) to my cart when it was just open for order 15 mins ago and when I paid it, it was already out of stock..crap


Man thosr highend gpus are just waste of money on a cost effective way(my own opinion). Im probably getting too old to understand why people buy 2000€ computers to run some games on ultra 1440p resolution.. money to burn? Satisfy your e-penis?

It's not about the money


Man thosr highend gpus are just waste of money on a cost effective way(my own opinion). Im probably getting too old to understand why people buy 2000€ computers to run some games on ultra 1440p resolution.. money to burn? Satisfy your e-penis?

I am probably getting too old to understand why I should worry about why and how much other people spend on their hobbies.


Man thosr highend gpus are just waste of money on a cost effective way(my own opinion). Im probably getting too old to understand why people buy 2000€ computers to run some games on ultra 1440p resolution.. money to burn? Satisfy your e-penis?

Not everyone is so poor that they have to justify every single purchase.

Do you think about it when you buy a cup of coffee or a candy bar or something?

Edit: Games are a cheaper hobby than gambling or cars or other stuff.
i5-750 to i7-6700k with SSD, I'm already feeling the paradise.

How is 980 Ti compared to 770? Card is 850e where I live but I'm running 2560x1440 so might be worth it for future..

Nearly 100% performance boost, it'll be glorious. If you are not going to game at 4K 980Ti will last you a good couple years at 1440p.


The 980 TI looks to be good value, 30% more powerful than a 980 and roughly the same power as Titan X. I plan on waiting to see what AMD reveal at E3, then i'll make a decision, though i probably hold off a month or so just to make sure any teething problems are ironed-out. I am a very patient gamer.


I'm really stunned by the performance of this card, even more so when factoring in its very low power consumption.

But at 800€ it ceases to be attractive. Will wait for Pascal.

In the meantime my 970 will do the job.


Married Member
Just started my step-up on both 980's. Guess I slept in too late, now I have to wait for them to come back in stock. Boo.

Can't handle skipping the upgrade when it's only going to cost me $97.00. Thank god for their stepup program or I would be having some serious buyers remorse.
Have a 770 2GB.

My requirements for upgrading start with Oculus and that wants a 970 at minimum. I'm only planning to play at 1080p, so, upgrades outside of VR will be framerate/settings increase at that res. No SLI.

Better to just go to a 970 or 980, new or second hand market? 980Ti seems like killing a fly with a bazooka for what I'd use it for atm. Any thoughts?


Married Member
Have a 770 2GB.

My requirements for upgrading start with Oculus and that wants a 970 at minimum. I'm only planning to play at 1080p, so, upgrades outside of VR will be framerate/settings increase at that res. No SLI.

Better to just go to a 970 or 980, new or second hand market? 980Ti seems like killing a fly with a bazooka for what I'd use it for atm. Any thoughts?

You still need a 980Ti if you want to absolutely max everything in current games @ 1080p and hold 60fps.

You get a 30% performance bump over the 980 for $100 basically.
Have a 770 2GB.

My requirements for upgrading start with Oculus and that wants a 970 at minimum. I'm only planning to play at 1080p, so, upgrades outside of VR will be framerate/settings increase at that res. No SLI.

Better to just go to a 970 or 980, new or second hand market? 980Ti seems like killing a fly with a bazooka for what I'd use it for atm. Any thoughts?

Well, if it's a stop-gap gpu waiting for proper VR requirements (i.e. real tests), a 970, maybe even used (while selling your 770) could be a good idea.


An blind dancing ho
got Amazon credits (300+ something) so I'll wait for Evga SC 980 Ti (Blower style cooler) to be on Amazon so I can use that money.

I hope Evga sell them on Amazon fast or this will be a really long and hard wait. :/


I put in my order for one at Newegg around 6:00AM and it shipped just now. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow, I paid for next day shipping lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Have a 770 2GB.

My requirements for upgrading start with Oculus and that wants a 970 at minimum. I'm only planning to play at 1080p, so, upgrades outside of VR will be framerate/settings increase at that res. No SLI.

Better to just go to a 970 or 980, new or second hand market? 980Ti seems like killing a fly with a bazooka for what I'd use it for atm. Any thoughts?

Depends on what your budget is.

At the moment, the 970 is, dollar-for-dollar, probably the best video card you can get. I'd go with it against the 980 every time. The 980 is not worth the additional cost when compared to the 970, even with the latter's memory "issues".

So to answer your question, go with the 970. Although, if you want to keep your options option, wait 2 - 3 weeks to see what AMD has coming down the pipeline.
I regret not getting one day shipping given it was only a few dollars more, I had set an alarm for 3 PST so I was half awake. Actually put in the wrong information first so the authorization failed, lol


You need 4 DIMMs to make use of 4 channel memory controller though, no?

Oh wow, yeah. I didn't catch that. He definitely wants 4 DIMMs.

I'm planning to build a similar system soon and looked into this a lot.

I couldn't find any direct 2x8 vs 4x4 comparisons, but everything I've read indicates real world performance wouldn't differ by more than a couple fps, if at all. RAM speed, timings, or motherboard choice would have a bigger impact.


Depends on what your budget is.

At the moment, the 970 is, dollar-for-dollar, probably the best video card you can get. I'd go with it against the 980 every time. The 980 is not worth the additional cost when compared to the 970, even with the latter's memory "issues".

So to answer your question, go with the 970. Although, if you want to keep your options option, wait 2 - 3 weeks to see what AMD has coming down the pipeline.
Eh, 290/290X are definitely that card right now. 970 is good too though.


2880x1620 is what you find best for 1080p TV? I hear some people do 1440 too?

2880x1620 is exactly 1.5x 1080p (4k is exactly 2x) so that's why I prefer it. I played through Dark Souls at that resolution and found it to be the sweet spot. 1620p isn't that much more demanding than 1440p and the difference in AA is definitely noticeable to me.

I'm sensitive as shit to stuff like that though. I'm upgrading to the 980 Ti to play most of my games capped at 30fps. ;-)


2880x1620 is exactly 1.5x 1080p (4k is exactly 2x) so that's why I prefer it. I played through Dark Souls at that resolution and found it to be the sweet spot. 1620p isn't that much more demanding than 1440p and the difference in AA is definitely noticeable to me.

I'm sensitive as shit to stuff like that though. I'm upgrading to the 980 Ti to play most of my games capped at 30fps. ;-)

Is the improved IQ perceptible from the average TV-sitting distance when downsampling? This sounds super interesting as I like to sometimes play on my TV vs. my 1440p monitor.
Does downsampling make games look noticably (is that even a word?) better? I'm thinking of buying a 980 ti but i only have a 1080p tv..

edit: Shit, the post before me asked the exact same question.. :(


So I have x2 Titan X's.. love these bad boys lol.
I'm just curious on how shit will play out, playing GTAV maxxed everything at 1440p and gsync was already at 11GB of vram.

just me returning my titan X I and getting 980ti I would save about 700-800


So I have x2 Titan X's.. love these bad boys lol.
I'm just curious on how shit will play out, playing GTAV maxxed everything at 1440p and gsync was already at 11GB of vram.

just me returning my titan X I and getting 980ti I would save about 700-800

Does GTA V really use that much VRAM? I mean, I know there's that bar/meter, but mine reads ~8gb VRAM and it's running fine without any hitches maxed out at 1440p on my SLi 980s. Has anyone exacerbated that information with something like RTSS to see how much of the card's VRAM is really being utilized?


Does GTA V really use that much VRAM? I mean, I know there's that bar/meter, but mine reads ~8gb VRAM and it's running fine without any hitches maxed out at 1440p on my SLi 980s. Has anyone exacerbated that information with something like RTSS to see how much of the card's VRAM is really being utilized?

yeah mine reads about 11GB iirc.
I'm not sure if someone did if the info was posted on here.
Smokey may know, not sure though.
Might wanna wait for customs cards from the AIB's, reports from owners at OCUK suggest reference is running loud, hot and might even be throttling slightly.


Does GTA V really use that much VRAM? I mean, I know there's that bar/meter, but mine reads ~8gb VRAM and it's running fine without any hitches maxed out at 1440p on my SLi 980s. Has anyone exacerbated that information with something like RTSS to see how much of the card's VRAM is really being utilized?

iirc SLI in GTA 5 reports double actual VRAM usage.
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