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Nvidia announces the GTX 980 Ti | $650 £550 €605


It's probably because I had 2 EVGA cards die on me back in the day, a 260 and a 470. It's probably just an old grudge but I still don't like them to this day. Maybe they're better now than they were in those days, who knows. But I've never had any video card die on me except those two EVGA's so it's not something I ever forgot.

I've owned video cards going back almost 20 years and those were literally the only two I ever had die on me. The 470 made me especially mad because it was one I bought at launch, it arrived DOA and would crash trying to boot to Windows XP, it couldn't even make it to the desktop. The 260 died after 6 months of use. Ah, memories.

Similarly I've had two Gigabyte gpus arrive DOA. Then the replacements died within a year. Shit happens. I still liked the cards for what it's worth, though I haven't bought a GPU from them since. Not that I wouldn't. I don't think their quality is necessarily properly defined by my terrible experience. But EVGA, Asus, and MSI all have great track records with me so I usually go with them now.


So I picked up one of these cards today and I'm getting some pretty poor results in some benchmarks I'm running.

So the first thing I did was take out my 780ti and install the 980ti. Then I ran 3dmark and it showed a score of 5.3k on Firestrike which is just awful for this card from what I understand. So ran the driver cleaner/uninstaller tool in safe mode and then reinstalled drivers and my score went up to 9.6k which is still pretty bad. I'm not sure where else to go from here. Did I just get a broken card? Is there any other tests I can run to see what may be wrong?

edit: Just ran a 3rd test with "KBoost" enabled in EVGA PrecisionX and hit 10.6k on Firestrike, still pretty poor from what other results are showing. I noticed the video card isn't going above 76% power though, not sure if that's normal?

edit2: 4th test with power management settings turned to "prefer maximum performance" and got 11.9k - http://www.3dmark.com/3dm/7338908 . While typing this my video driver stopped working and windows had to restart it. Not sure if that's related.


The Windforce 3X is undoubtedly the best of the 3 aftermarket coolers shown, but at 100% fan speed which you'll never reach unless you set it manually it's also by far the loudest. But that's because the Windforce 3X's 100% fan speed is considerably higher RPM than the other 2 coolers. In other words if you limit the Windforce 3X to the same default automatic maximum fan speed that the Twin Frozr IV and DirectCU II have, it's actually quieter than the other two. No matter what, all 3 of these aftermarket coolers are far and away superior to the EVGA ACX 2.0+ cooler, you can buy any of these 3 cards and outperform the ACX 2.0+ with no problems.

This is correct. I have never seen the fans on my heavily overclocked Gigabyte 970s go anywhere near 100%. The cards are near silent on load. Without BIOS mods the previous Windforce 3X coolers on 9xx series were too loud on idle but that has been fixed on the 980 Ti since it has the silent mode.

The reason why people are so interested in the G1 is that it's one of the first non-reference boards on the market (afaik all the EVGAs are just reference boards with upgraded coolers) and Gigabyte's 9xx has been the top overclocker (excluding maybe some of the much more expensive special models from other manufacturers) in the past. Got one on order myself.


The estimated time on arrival of the Gaming 1G went from 7 days to 1 - 2 days from the website I want to order it from. Now if only the other shop would return my money so I can order that one, that would be great...


eBay has a 20% off promo going right now:


After the promo, plus CC cash back and eBay bucks I basically got a EVGA 980 TI ACX for $580

Was going to wait for AMD but said screw it at that price.

Wow, that's a really nice price! I have to dump 800 euros on an aftermarket 980 Ti...

And then I'm also crazy enough to buy the Acer XB270HU monitor (27", 1440p, 144hz, IPS and G-Sync) for another 800 euros. Praise Raptor Jesus for 'vacation money' - the bonus you get to spend on a holiday.


eBay has a 20% off promo going right now:


After the promo, plus CC cash back and eBay bucks I basically got a EVGA 980 TI ACX for $580

Was going to wait for AMD but said screw it at that price.

Well damn. I was thinking of using the EVGA step-up program to go from my recently purchased 980 to a Ti but, since I'd have to pay an additional $30 for the extra warranty and then shipping costs, this may work out easier. Then all I have to do is eBay the 980.

So tempted. Really wish the card had come out pre-Witcher but I've got some spare cash to burn and have been considering a jump to a 1440 monitor at long last.
Mine shipped today. Used MSI afterburner to put a 200mhz boost on the core clock and something comparable on the memory (like, the bars roughly lined up). Getting like ~2350 on Unigine bench @ 1080 with max tessellation and quality, 8xAA.

Does that sound roughly in the right ballpark? I found someone with the same settings and a slightly lower clock that scored a bit higher, but they had like an i7 hexacore versus my i5 4670 @ stock speeds.
Ordered reference 980 ti for 2800 PLN (less than 700 euro) - Your move AMD - show me any reason withing next 5 days to not pick it up from the store.
Sent an E-mail telling them about the incorrect listing on the Gigabyte card (states that it's a factory OC model, actually is dolan). They just straight up offered 20% refund.

Who was the other person that raised the same issue? I think they got 15%. What's really weird is that they haven't modified the listing to correct the mistake yet :/


It's probably because I had 2 EVGA cards die on me back in the day, a 260 and a 470. It's probably just an old grudge but I still don't like them to this day. Maybe they're better now than they were in those days, who knows. But I've never had any video card die on me except those two EVGA's so it's not something I ever forgot.

I've owned video cards going back almost 20 years and those were literally the only two I ever had die on me. The 470 made me especially mad because it was one I bought at launch, it arrived DOA and would crash trying to boot to Windows XP, it couldn't even make it to the desktop. The 260 died after 6 months of use. Ah, memories.

Aw man, I get it. I'd feel the same way.

This is actually my first EVGA card, and it's been pretty good. Truth be told, if the Asus was available, I would've opted for that one, it's just what I'm used to. With Batman coming out soon though, I just didn't want to wait.
Gigabyte G1 Gaming get!

Looping Heaven at 1471/3861 (+130/+360) at the moment. Fan speed is 50%/2110 rpm, GPU temperature is a balmy 67C. Pushing the core further to +150 at stock voltage of 1.19V resulted in flashing triangles, suggesting core overvoltage is needed beyond this.

Pushing memory to +400 resulted in the Pink Screen of Death. I guess my memory isn't amazing, but I'm not even surprised when that happens to me anymore as my MSI GTX 680 Lightning screwed me on memory pretty bad a couple of cards back now.

I'm debating if it's worth overvolting the GPU and pushing for 1500+, as I'm enjoying seeing this low GPU temperature and not hearing the fan at all quite a lot at the moment. I guess it depends on how much performance I'm getting at 4K in games.

I'm going to leave Heaven running awhile, this music is incredibly Zen-like and soothing.


Gigabyte G1 Gaming get!

Looping Heaven at 1471/3861 (+130/+360) at the moment. Fan speed is 50%/2110 rpm, GPU temperature is a balmy 67C. Pushing the core further to +150 at stock voltage of 1.19V resulted in flashing triangles, suggesting core overvoltage is needed beyond this.

Pushing memory to +400 resulted in the Pink Screen of Death. I guess my memory isn't amazing, but I'm not even surprised when that happens to me anymore as my MSI GTX 680 Lightning screwed me on memory pretty bad a couple of cards back now.

I'm debating if it's worth overvolting the GPU and pushing for 1500+, as I'm enjoying seeing this low GPU temperature and not hearing the fan at all quite a lot at the moment. I guess it depends on how much performance I'm getting at 4K in games.

I'm going to leave Heaven running awhile, this music is incredibly Zen-like and soothing.

That's awesome. I need to keep my fans at around 60-65% to stay within 75ish temperatures.




Overclocked out of the box, faster than GTX Titan X
Better price/performance than GTX 980 / 980 Ti
Fans turn off in idle and light gaming - no noise!
Great efficiency
Slightly quieter than GTX 980 Ti reference design
Backplate included
Excellent overclocking potential
Most flexible output configuration available
HDMI 2.0
Quad-SLI support
New software features (MFAA and DSR)


Should be quieter in gaming
Noticeable increase in power consumption
Large price increase over reference
Memory not overclocked
Thats the thing, ill be using my tv so only 1080p but I do want to play latest games at 60fps and able to use nvidia effects (smoke in batman for example)

Not sure a 970 would manage?

I have a build on PCPartpicker at moment coming in at £1200 with 980 ti.

Hope this isn't derailing might be better in pc builder threas.

Yeah its not going to be overkill using things like nvidia effects

I was surprised to notice such a big difference playing borderlands 2 with maxed physx on Titan X vs a 980 even just at 1080p. Without Physx maxed, a 970 would be fine but with it enabled & maxed, yeah even a 980 was noticeably sluggish to me vs Titan X

We also know that Witcher 3 cant be played at 1080/60 with all ultra settings including hairworks even on a 980.
Oh guys, I found how to kill a videocard with too much OC faster than ever before. The Gigabyte G1 Gaming looped Heaven for an hour, sat in town with Diablo III at 130+ fps in 4K for 30 minutes, looped 3DMark Firestrike, ran the FFXIV Heavensward benchmark.

Everything was amazing and then I ran A Boy and His Kite UE4 demo with the resolution set to Fullscreen 4K and my videocard went straight to the Green Screen of Death in like 2 minutes. Whatever this thing does, it hits videocards like a ton of bricks. I've found my new videocard stress test, lol.


Haven't been into of gaming in a while but that seems like a really good price!
Need to make a pc one of these days, any idea on the lowest I can spend on a pc without bottlenecking this graphics card?


How come they don't compare with an OC Titan X?

The OC 980Ti would come out ahead of a OC Titan X. Titan X is only reference cooled and fails to come anywhere close the consistent 1450+ clocks the non-reference 980Ti's are doing. I'd expect head to head, both max overclocked, that the 980Ti would lead by around 5% in game scenarios.

This is why I resisted the urge to buy a Titan X. I don't buy reference coolers. They kill boost clocks. The 980Ti's only competition is a water cooled Titan X which would probably pull back ahead by some small margin over a water cooled 980Ti being the fully enabled GM200 and all. :)


Has anyone gone through the EVGA step up process? I've had a back and forth email chain with EVGA but they seem to be dodging my questions...

1) Does the price of the cards they list on their website include tax?

2) How much are shipping costs?

3) The price of the cards on their site is in dollars, do I calculate the step up cost based on the current exchange rate?

I ask because I currently do not have an evga card to register and see the step up form myself. I am hoping somebody who has gone through this can help.
Got my Step-Up yesterday but didn't open it until today because of E3. Pretty impressed with the OC headroom right off the bat.

However, I'm a little peeved that EVGA tied a promotion to my video card that I had to cut off with a knife. The fuck, man.

Edit: At above:
1. No.
2. It's via UPS and you have options. I think Ground shipping was around $15 but I opted for something faster. I'm assuming you're international since you mention exchange rate, so shipping is probably going to be a bit more expensive for you.
3. Don't know, sorry.


Edit: At above:
1. No.
2. It's via UPS and you have options. I think Ground shipping was around $15 but I opted for something faster. I'm assuming you're international since you mention exchange rate, so shipping is probably going to be a bit more expensive for you.
3. Don't know, sorry.


I've been trying to work out if its cheaper to buy a 970 and step up vs buying a 980ti outright, it should work out cheaper if the price is based off the current exchange rate.

I've asked evga about this and they just say "the step up process form will help you calculate costs" but I cant view that form without having an EVGA card first!


Junior Member
The OC 980Ti would come out ahead of a OC Titan X. Titan X is only reference cooled and fails to come anywhere close the consistent 1450+ clocks the non-reference 980Ti's are doing. I'd expect head to head, both max overclocked, that the 980Ti would lead by around 5% in game scenarios.

This is why I resisted the urge to buy a Titan X. I don't buy reference coolers. They kill boost clocks. The 980Ti's only competition is a water cooled Titan X which would probably pull back ahead by some small margin over a water cooled 980Ti being the fully enabled GM200 and all. :)

Why is this? If temps and power are good why do the boost clocks get throttled more on a ref cooler?

Edit: to that point, my reference cooler evga 980 ti will hit consistent 1415 boost clocks, and a stable 8000 on the memory. So I would imagine a titan x doing that would easily beat a 980 ti doing 1450 boost clocks and less than 8000 on the memory.
I recently got my hands on Gigabyte 980 Ti reference card and I'm pretty happy with it. I think its perfect for 1440p gaming and blower style fan goes with my ITX case.
Got my EVGA 980Ti ACX 2.0 yesterday. Non SC. What a lovely, lovely card. I'm running @ 1470/4000. Played a couple hours of Witcher 3 last night with zero problems. Temps maxed out at 76 degrees with fan speeds reaching 75%. Going to see if I can push it further tonight. Can't wait to get my second through the EVGA Step Up program! Stepped up from my 980.


Why is this? If temps and power are good why do the boost clocks get throttled more on a ref cooler?

Edit: to that point, my reference cooler evga 980 ti will hit consistent 1415 boost clocks, and a stable 8000 on the memory. So I would imagine a titan x doing that would easily beat a 980 ti doing 1450 boost clocks and less than 8000 on the memory.

In the case of Titan X vs 980Ti, the Titan has a fully enabled GM200 chip which means there's a little bit more there that needs power delivered, and more of the die space thusly generating heat. Since the 980Ti is cut down slightly it can use more of that same allotted power to push for higher stable overclocks. And with marginally less heat produced on the core of the chip the mostly adequete reference cooler goes that extra mile on the 980Ti.

Closing the gap on a Titan X is a matter of hitting those higher boost clocks consistently at a rate that sufficiently trumps the Titans ability. Based on those above factors reference vs reference, that gap is closed from say a native 8-10% gap to something more like 2-4%.

But adequate as the reference cooler is, it still runs into that 84 degree threshold that adversely affects some of the real boosting potential. You'll see the cards with the best aftermarket coolers for instance hitting not only a higher boost clock than reference, but hitting that clock and mostly flat-lining there, without that wider frequent up and down range you would get with a lesser cooler.

Nvidia does themselves a great disservice by not allowing their partners to put aftermarket coolers on the Titan. But it's just as well because we get to feel better about our purchase where a reference 980Ti is within spitting distance of a Titan X out of the box, and non-reference models blow by it, all for less than $700. :)


It's frustrating that AMD showed the Fury and Fury X without any numbers that show how it compares to the 980 ti. I'm hoping for a really strong showing from AMD, even if it's just to drop the price on the 980 ti.


It's frustrating that AMD showed the Fury and Fury X without any numbers that show how it compares to the 980 ti. I'm hoping for a really strong showing from AMD, even if it's just to drop the price on the 980 ti.

It'll take a while for the prices to react to this though, right?
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