It's probably because I had 2 EVGA cards die on me back in the day, a 260 and a 470. It's probably just an old grudge but I still don't like them to this day. Maybe they're better now than they were in those days, who knows. But I've never had any video card die on me except those two EVGA's so it's not something I ever forgot.
I've owned video cards going back almost 20 years and those were literally the only two I ever had die on me. The 470 made me especially mad because it was one I bought at launch, it arrived DOA and would crash trying to boot to Windows XP, it couldn't even make it to the desktop. The 260 died after 6 months of use. Ah, memories.
Similarly I've had two Gigabyte gpus arrive DOA. Then the replacements died within a year. Shit happens. I still liked the cards for what it's worth, though I haven't bought a GPU from them since. Not that I wouldn't. I don't think their quality is necessarily properly defined by my terrible experience. But EVGA, Asus, and MSI all have great track records with me so I usually go with them now.