Well the problem is that Grey Goo is not a demanding game, so idk why it would be crashing in that. It doesn't crash in CK2, although it did crash during GalCiv III. GalCiv is barely beyond Civ V graphics, so that's the kind of thing we're talking about.
I did underclock by 50hz on both mem and graphics but haven't extensively tested it. The Witcher 3 seems
very choppy sometimes, like the framerate is sticking in the 40-65 range and I'm using G-sync but it feels awful sometimes, still stuttering or something? This may be related to borderless-windowed which the game keeps reverting to for some reason, assuming G-sync does not yet support borderless windowed. But in any case, frustrating. It got real bad when I underclocked it but that may have been a coincidence.
There's also weird shit going on like after one crash, the monitor didn't come back on. But I think that was because I might have poorly seated either the power connectors or the card in the PCI slot. I'll do more testing tonight, but RMA is SUPER INCONVENIENT since I have to post it to the united states. I mean, I still have my 970 to use in the meantime, but I bought this card specifically to be playing Batman on day one at maximum graphics.