HOWEVER, this does not take into account noise. In which case the MSI Gaming 6G is the clear winner according to the majority of professional reviews.
Yup, my Gaming 6G is dead silent, even when downsampling from 4K or running menus with 1000+ FPS.
HOWEVER, this does not take into account noise. In which case the MSI Gaming 6G is the clear winner according to the majority of professional reviews.
Yup, my Gaming 6G is dead silent, even when downsampling from 4K or running menus with 1000+ FPS.
Finally acquiring the last parts for my new rig but still haven't pinned down which 980 Ti to go with. I'm bouncing between the EVGA 980 Ti Classified and the MSI 980 Ti Gaming 6G. The latter is currently OOS on Amazon though which makes the choice somewhat slightly easier at a glance.
From all that I've read over the past month one can't go wrong with either choice but I've seen many comments on the amazing silence of the MSI card.
If you have a very porous case and want to overclock, I would probably stay away from the Classified. I would also not recommend it if your case has restricted airflow. The higher noise is not really inferior design vs the MSI, the Classy fans go to over 3000rpm... 30-40% more than the MSI. That being said, the MSI is quieter at a given equal RPM. Don't discount the Gigabyte G1 Gaming either.
The advantages of the Classy are only evident when you start to get into overclocking. Dual bios, physical voltage monitoring port, 3K rpm fans for benching, more power phases and waterblock support. If none of those things interest you MSI and Gigabyte are better places for your money. I would also consider the Zotac AMP! EXTREME as it has the highest factory clock out of the box, if overclocking isn't your thing.
The case I'm going with will have lots of airflow directly into the main chamber (it will look almost exactly like this).
What case is that?
Finally acquiring the last parts for my new rig but still haven't pinned down which 980 Ti to go with. I'm bouncing between the EVGA 980 Ti Classified and the MSI 980 Ti Gaming 6G. The latter is currently OOS on Amazon though which makes the choice somewhat slightly easier at a glance.
From all that I've read over the past month one can't go wrong with either choice but I've seen many comments on the amazing silence of the MSI card.
I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm not looking to do any insane OCing, but the Classy is hard to pass up.
I'm really having a tough time deciding which to order at the moment. The noise level of the MSI 6G is incredibly hard to pass up, I just don't want to be looking at my purchase 6mo - 1yr from now and regret it.
Anyone know if the ASUS 3-fan OC version is getting more stock?
All I can find are the stock versions and the hybrid watercooled ones.
Neat looking card, super happy with my Strix though, easily does 1500mhz as well.
As does every Maxwell card that hasn't lost the silicon lottery. No point in paying more than $700 for a 980 ti unless it is the KPE and you plan on using ln2 cooling.
Guys, I can't seem to reach 20K+ in graphics point with my 980 Ti on Firestrike anymore? have any idea whats wrong? Now I only get about 12500
And also in Valley bench I used to get 90 in avg fps, but no I only get about 60 avg fps. My oc settings are the same as before and I haven't change anything.
Monitor the card while it's running the benchmarks; look at speeds and temps; might be a clue there.
Could you have vsync forced in the driver?
where can I find that out?
Right click on desktop -> Nvidia control panel -> manage 3d settings
In the global settings tab, scroll down to the end, you will see the line for vertical sync.
Hi all,
I joined the 980ti club yesterday too
I exchanged my MSI 970 Gaming 4G for a MSI 980ti Gaming 6G.
I'm pretty happy with my results so far (20.200 graphics score in Firestrike).
But I have one problem with MSI Afterburner, which I did not have with the 970:
I cannot use the memory clock slider... If I change the value, e.g. to +100 and then click on "apply", it resets back to "0".
GPU clock and power target slider work... Any ideas..?
Thanks! It was sett to on, I turned it off and now everything is back to normal again
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling MSI Afterburner? I find it to be wonky at times, re-installation always fixes it for me though.
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling MSI Afterburner? I find it to be wonky at times, re-installation always fixes it for me though.
So I just got an Asus Strix 980 Ti non-OC version and did the benchmark. Decent results, but when I get to the physics test the frame rate tanks hard and the score is poor. My CPU is an i5 2320 (3.0GHz), will this become a bottleneck later on?
It told me I would get the "Brawn" achievement if I had bought 3Dmark (I used the demo) so I'm guessing that is the case here.
Here it is:
Is there any noticeable difference between this EVGA 980ti and this Giabyte G1 gaming 980ti?
I see more people in here getting G1s and the price is roughly the same but the dimensions are a bit larger and I'm concerned with fitting too much into my chosen case (a Fractal R5).
Thanks again for the hint, it worked!
Deinstalled both Afterburner and Riva Tuner Statistics Server, rebooted, re-installed both.
Now the slider works.
I'm able to run the card at 1494 core (+140) and 3900 mem (+400) stable, no artifacts, 74°C max.
Getting 20.975 Graphics score:
Seems fine to me![]()
Processor should be fine for a while. I play GTA V, MGS 5, Witcher 3 on 3440x1440 with a 2600k. If you want max performance, create an aggressive fan profile and try OC'ing the card.
Both are filthy microtransaction cess pits.Question is which free game do I pick, AC Syndicate or RB6 Siege?
Just ordered myself the Asus Strix 980 TiSince I moved up to 1440p a few months ago my old GTX 680 has just been struggling in some newer games, figured I'll get ready for Fallout 4 and Battlefront soon!
Question is which free game do I pick, AC Syndicate or RB6 Siege?
Hey does anybody else have the EVGA 980Ti Classified? And if so, does it overclock for shit?
How does it compare to AMD when using Direct X12?
In case anyone is shopping, Newegg has the EVGA Hybrid right now for $689
Can you sli 980ti and TITAN X?
980 Ti owners
I can manage to buy a MSI 980 Ti Gaming for 538 right now
I'm upgrading from a 280X, I was trying to hold out until Pascal, but this deal seems way too good to pass it up.
I'm gaming at 1440p, and I never use AA, do you guys think I can manage for 1-2 years until Volta at least? (And hoping the DX12 impact will not be big)