GAFs #1 source for car graphic comparisons
Yes? Every leak is pricing the card in continental Europe between 1050 to 1200€ (so even accounting for that 875€ card 175€ to 325€),
The 4070 TI makes the 7900 XT and the 4080 look good in comparison.Don't excuse their crappy coolaid, the 4070 ti isn't that good.
We are not talking about 100 euros, we are talking 200 to 300, you need to be a gigantic Nvidia fanboy to say that the 4070ti is 300€ better than the 6950xt.
It’s not far from true they’ve often been at that price point, even at 870€ it’s still 200 to 300 below the expected price for the 4070ti, it’s not “close”. It’s still terrible value.
Again I wouldn’t buy it at that price, but give that the 4070 ti will be well above 1000 even online in europe and even worse on your local retail Belgium stores, it’s just comical.

"ACC community" random 5 guys who don't know shit about what they talk about lol. They think that the standard oversharpening (standard FSR sharpening set to 80 XD) of FSR1 (worst upscaler ever) looks better than the clean and sharp image of DLSS 2.0 hahaha. And you can easily replace the old DLSS with the new one which improves the iq massively. Please tell me mr coolaid which one of the images looks better to you, they both from the same replay with motion blur off same settings and same sharpness everything.There's only one sniffing stuff here, go to Spec Savers if you think DLSS is better than native 4K in motion.
First, Assetto Corsa Competizione.
Second, you don't see trails because DLSS disables the awful low sample TAA the game uses, that's what causing the trails. You should see that the game gets massively blurry even in DLSS Quality at 4K compared to even the TAA mess at Native, flicketring also become a big issue.
I don't know how you can miss that. unless you are "sniffin that white line" or that cool aid.
Third, it's hilarious that you use ACC, because the ACC community actually recommends FSR Ultra Quality over DLSS even on Nvidia, but I'm not mad enough to claim it's better than DLSS, so I'll just file that under game that bad DLSS implementation. Interesting example though.
Who to choose, Techspot with 16 games or TPU with 25, what a conundrum.