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RTX 4070 Ti review Thread


Nah dude, you were talking in general, unless you consider yourself as "people"

Maybe people genuinely have cartoon heart eyes for 4k gaming with real time ray tracing, but who really wants to play bloody Cyberpunk every day for the next two years to make it worthwhile.

And i showed to you how "people" have a lot of games coming out this year to look for when it comes to flex their high end gpu.

I really don't wanna fight over something this stupid, i was just surprised to read that when we are on the verge of potentially on of the fullest years ever in gaming, if there is a year that warrant a gpu change, this is it.

I think that who has an high end 3000\6000 series is gonna be probably ok, but not people like me with a mid 2000 series or lower if you aim for 4k60.
My hypothetical was about looking at a group of people, of who I think I made it clear I am not part of, who were very excited about marketing dreams such as 4k rtx gameplay and then shifting to compare that dream to the reality of what was out now. You shifted it back to dreams about games which are not available, and I don't care about much, and can't even seem to understand how you are not satisfying me with the concrete and immediate benefits of this hardware.


Gold Member
No, its not. Thats just elitist thinking. Most gaf memebers have either a console or a mid-range pc. More than 70% of steam still play at 1080p and have gpus from the 1x series lol. Literally only a very small number will spend thousands on dollars to playu at 4k on PC more so with RTX. Ridiculous.

Takes 1 minute to change shadow quality and other useless shit from ultra to high and gain at least 20+ fps without any perceivable difference especially when youre playing the game and not starring at the shadows for some dumb reason. COngratulations, you got a 4080, but turn down the elitist shit.
No dude, it takes 2 seconds to switch settings, not to actually check if something change.

There is a reason why people were so happy when nividia did their special written guides for their sponsored games where they showed how every single setting looked, that shit was super useful to not lose time doing comparisons by ourselfs.

Do that for every setting to see if it is worth to keep ultra or to turn down a notch or 2 and it become a longer waste of time when i just want to fucking play the game, maybe it is not a problem for you, but after an entire life of compromises, it is a problem for me and many people who build high end pc.
And yes, this is an enthusiasth forum, if there is a place on earth where to discuss about top tier performances , this is that place, and there is nothing strange if in here you find people who want to play games at their best.

All the people you see in the pc dedicated topic have good pc or want to upgrade like me, you act like wanting to play at 4k is absurd in a place like this, it is like going in a lamborghini forum and troll people because they love supercars or going at 300km\h.

Read the room dude, you are the only one here who says that 4k gaming is moronic, even people with consoles and shitty pc love 4k gaming but they just can't afford it, if they were not interested we would not have discussions about 4k gpus being too pricey.
Rtx is already more complex, i'm the first one who usually gives 2 fucks but many people love that stuff.

P.s. i really don't have to turn down nothing dude, you were the one who responded to my list of games telling me how that list is not valid because reasons...there is nothing elitist in wanting to play games at their best in a damn topic dedicated to pricey gpus inside a gaming forum.
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Gold Member
My hypothetical was about looking at a group of people, of who I think I made it clear I am not part of, who were very excited about marketing dreams such as 4k rtx gameplay and then shifting to compare that dream to the reality of what was out now. You shifted it back to dreams about games which are not available, and I don't care about much, and can't even seem to understand how you are not satisfying me with the concrete and immediate benefits of this hardware.
I shifted nothing, you were the one talking about people in general and next 2 years, of course i'm gonna speak about future games that are not available yet.

And when you speak about people in general, you personal taste is not accounted for.

Let's just agree to disagree about the narrative that pricey gpu owners are gonna have only cyberpunk to play in the next 2 years, the next 2 years and especially this one is gonna be a bloodbath for wallets.
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Do that for every setting to see if it is worth to keep ultra
In my entire life of gaming, never, was it ever worth to keep certain settings such as shadows on ultra. The only ones, I personally prefer as high as possible is stuff related to distance rendering, but quality wise such as rays, fog, whatever the fuck, are almost never worth wasting frames. Also, you're a PC gaming enthusiast, it's part of the charm and fun to explore settings and customize your game.

P.s. i really don't have to turn down shit dude, you were the one who responded to my list of games telling me how that list is not valid because reasons...there is nothing elitist in wanting to play games at their best in a damn topic dedicated to pricey gpus.

No, you were falsely claiming, that somehow those games will require most PC users to have high-end gpus as if somehow those games will never run on average PC's which is absurd. Im not telling anyone not to buy high-end gpus, Im just having a common sense to tell ppl not to waste tons of money on games that are hardly going to require high end gaming PC;s, unless ofc, you dont give a shit about custmizing your PC games and just crank up everything to max like a dumbass. 4 years ago when I bought my 2080, it was high-end and even then I did not put settings on max. Its so stupid.
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Gold Member
In my entire life of gaming, never, was it ever worth to keep certain settings such as shadows on ultra. The only ones, I personally prefer as high as possible is stuff related to distance rendering, but quality wise such as rays, fog, whatever the fuck, are almost never worth wasting frames. Also, you're a PC gaming enthusiast, it's part of the charm and fun to explore settings and customize your game.

No, you were falsely claiming, that somehow those games will require most PC users to have high-end gpus as if somehow those games will never run on average PC's which is absurd. Im not telling anyone not to buy high-end gpus, Im just having a common sense to tell ppl not to waste tons of money on games that are hardly going to require high end gaming PC;s, unless ofc, you dont give a shit about custmizing your PC games and just crank up everything to max like a dumbass. 4 years ago when I bought my 2080, it was high-end and even then I did not put settings on max. Its so stupid.
No dude, i made that list because an user was saying that we only had cyberpunk for the next 2 years to flex our pricey gpus, and that is false no matter how much you try to invalid my list with your personal reasons and predictions, 2023 is full choke of good looking games, and you know better than me that some games are gonna be more heavy than they need to be because optimization on pc is usually shit, so yeah hogwarts should run fine, but we don't really know how heavy is gonna be, don't we? Never heard about bruteforcing broken games? that is NOT gonna stop being a thing with some future games.

I never said that you can't play these games, fuck i even said that people with a 3000/6000 series are probably ok, but maybe not if they want to play at 4k60 with high details and rtx on.

And you can have fun thinkering settings and trying to find a balance, but not everyone loves to do that, i did that for my whole life because i never had an high end pc, sorry if now i want to just fucking start a game and maybe turn down a single setting or 2 and get over it.

Last 5 heavy games i played was always going into menus to fix settings because an area can be more demanding than others and there are multiple variablesij play, that is literally one of pc gaming memes, losing more time thinkering settings than playing games, meme always have a bit of true in them, you can't deny that unless you are a genius that always pick perfect balanced setting at first try.
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I shifted nothing, you were the one talking about people in general and next 2 years, of course i'm gonna speak about future games that are not available yet.

And when you speak about people in general, you personal taste is not accounted for.

Let's just agree to disagree about the narrative that pricey gpu owners are gonna have only cyberpunk to play in the next 2 years, the next 2 years and especially this one is gonna be a bloodbath for wallets.
Let's agree that you don't understand the point I was making so shifted the goalposts you could "defeat" an argument I never made and look like, I don't know what you are trying to look like. I was insouciant about it until you decided to attack me for shifting goalposts.


One of the green rats
I really do not like tinkering with game settings nowadays.

1440 with vsync.. set to 60fps and call it a day.

I just start at the ultra preset and go down if not hitting 60fps.

Maybe if a game has rt I’ll tinker with that since it’s actually new.
optimization on pc is usually shit
Day 1 yeah, but for the last few years, buying day 1 has been kind of a dumb move, and this is coming from someone who still does it even if a bit less. In a few months most games run better. Still, that doesnt mean we should go ahead and accept garbage ports/releases and just go ahead and buy the best gpu for them besides the fact that the last few big titles released recently are already on sale after 2 months.

sorry if now i want to just fucking start a game and maybe turn down a single setting or 2 and get over it.

You always will have to do that. Maybe not now, but in 2-3 years when we get Path tracing and whatever else tracing, we're going back to square one with all this. Look I get it, you're happy that you finally have a high-end GPU, who wouldnt be? Hell, even if I laughed at the 4070 ti release, and will tell ppl to be careful with their money and avoid nvidia BS, I am still considering buying it just cause my gpu is 4 years old, I stream, i have 1440p monitors and I kinda want to reach higher 160 frames but I will still turn down settings and twinker for minutes until I have the desire frame rate.


Gold Member
Day 1 yeah, but for the last few years, buying day 1 has been kind of a dumb move, and this is coming from someone who still does it even if a bit less. In a few months most games run better. Still, that doesnt mean we should go ahead and accept garbage ports/releases and just go ahead and buy the best gpu for them besides the fact that the last few big titles released recently are already on sale after 2 months.

You always will have to do that. Maybe not now, but in 2-3 years when we get Path tracing and whatever else tracing, we're going back to square one with all this. Look I get it, you're happy that you finally have a high-end GPU, who wouldnt be? Hell, even if I laughed at the 4070 ti release, and will tell ppl to be careful with their money and avoid nvidia BS, I am still considering buying it just cause my gpu is 4 years old, I stream, i have 1440p monitors and I kinda want to reach higher 160 frames but I will still turn down settings and twinker for minutes until I have the desire frame rate.
Absolutely true.

But, i love to buy games i like at day one, and i'm a realist so i know that not thinkering with settings is gonna be a thing mostly for the first year, maybe 2 years and then i'm gonna return to the thinkering (but still probably less thinkering than having a way worse gpu, we can at least agree on this).
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Gold Member
Let's agree that you don't understand the point I was making so shifted the goalposts you could "defeat" an argument I never made and look like, I don't know what you are trying to look like. I was insouciant about it until you decided to attack me for shifting goalposts.
I was hardly attacking you when i make you notice that:

-saying how much those games are gonna sell
-how much you personally like these games

Have nothing to do during a broad discussion about what people with pricey gpus are gonna be able to play and flex their gpus in the next 2 years.

But sure, we can agree on what you want dude, like i said, it is stupid to fight over this shit :lollipop_grinning_sweat:


I really do not like tinkering with game settings nowadays.

1440 with vsync.. set to 60fps and call it a day.

I just start at the ultra preset and go down if not hitting 60fps.

Maybe if a game has rt I’ll tinker with that since it’s actually new.
U can do w/e u want, if u got huge performance budget u will be fine that way, for me personally i had to tweak some games pretty hard even on my 3080ti, to not look far- cp2077, channels like digital foundry or similar, basically ones where they give u optimised settings/ and comparisions between visual quality/fps loss between particular settings are godsent, ofc if some1 is bit more techsavy we enjoy to do all the calibration on our own, we treating it like another minigame and its very fun, but thats personal preference :)


I was hardly attacking you when i make you notice that:

-saying how much those games are gonna sell
-how much you personally like these games

Have nothing to do during a broad discussion about what people with pricey gpus are gonna be able to play and flex their gpus in the next 2 years.

But sure, we can agree on what you want dude, like i said, it is stupid to fight over this shit :lollipop_grinning_sweat:
It is stupid to fight over this, which annoys me even more that you are coming in swinging, accusing me of shifting goalposts and delivering ultimatums that I should see things your way or stop engaging with you, presumably giving you the last word which you seem to need so badly. I don't think you realize how little embarrassment I feel about sticking with stupid discussions if I am annoyed.


One of the green rats
I will also say this though. Even running games at 1440 I’ve gone over 12gigs of vram in more than a few games with textures and shadows set to high and RT on.


Gold Member
It is stupid to fight over this, which annoys me even more that you are coming in swinging, accusing me of shifting goalposts and delivering ultimatums that I should see things your way or stop engaging with you, presumably giving you the last word which you seem to need so badly. I don't think you realize how little embarrassment I feel about sticking with stupid discussions if I am annoyed.
I wasn't swinging, cmon dude:lollipop_grinning_sweat: i don't "swing"even when people call me names and insult me, let alone for such a stupid discussion.

For me it was just supremely strange reading what you said when we are in such a year full of games, i don't care about having the last word at all.

Peace and love.
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SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
I will also say this though. Even running games at 1440 I’ve gone over 12gigs of vram in more than a few games with textures and shadows set to high and RT on.
Curious to know what these games are because I can't think of a single one.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
I don't agree with this.

First of all, the big games with unreal engine 5 are coming this year. Even cards like the 4070ti will struggle at 4k 60 fps. Making the card more into the 2k upper card.

All these benchmarks are just some games based on last gen tech, the minute the next gen games shows up, the real struggle will happen.

The 3060ti is barely keeping at it on 2k for the current games. Next gen games show up ? That card is a full hd level.

You will see soon enough. When a 2070s is the minimum requirement for a silent hill 2 remake using unreal engine 5, things will be funny soon

It's laughable when we see an almost 8k Samsung Odyssey neo monitor at 240 htz when the highest end card can't push past 8k 120 and even then, no games run properly at that with dlss on performance outside of probably doom and Tetris.
Hunting max settings native makes no sense right now.
Unless you are actually willing to basically reward nvidia for fucking us over.
Keep your 3000 series card.

Near literally every benchmark we see these days is max settings native.
If you are a PC gamer you should know there are settings below max at resolutions below native that are near indistinguishable from what people are hunting.

If all you want is max settings at native 4K then sure get that 4090


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Skip the generation if you have anything above a 3060Ti'6X.
Every thing is way overpriced and the only good value is the frikken 4090.


^399 basically all the performance of an RTX3070.
Good times.
But it's not? The 3070 is around 25% faster than the 3060 Ti.


One of the green rats
Curious to know what these games are because I can't think of a single one.
Spider-Man and Witcher 3 are the newest ones that’s gone over 12 gigs for me. But also I have a 20 gig card so I imagine some of that is just the card using as much as it can but still I would say 16 will be the absolute minimum for high settings and rt in the next few years.


SBI’s Resident Gaslighter
Spider-Man and Witcher 3 are the newest ones that’s gone over 12 gigs for me. But also I have a 20 gig card so I imagine some of that is just the card using as much as it can but still I would say 16 will be the absolute minimum for high settings and rt in the next few years.
Yeah that's definitely an allocation thing. Spider-Man at max settings and 4K on my 11GB 2080 Ti doesn't run into a VRAM bottleneck.

Also, I wouldn't say it's the absolute minimum per say but I do agree that to be 100% comfortable, 16GB is what I would recommend to last the entire generation. 12GB is already borderline in some cases (Spider-Man can go over 10GB at 4K in some rare cases).
Performance is awesome at 1440p but 799$ MSRP is a lie. Currently there's no reference 4070ti model on the market at this price, and it seems like everybody else sells this GPU at ovet 850$. This is not very good price considering AMD 7900 XT competition, and it's absolutely horrible price if we take into account that 3070ti was available at 599$ MSRP at launch. 700$ is a max that I would be willing to pay for this x070 class GPU, so at this current price I might pick RTX3080 10/12GB instead and it will be a still good upgrade coming from GTX1080.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
$840 Ventus doesn't seem bad. I would have bought one if they could fit my case, I'd have to get a new case to fit one of these GPUs, that'd add another $100 to the upgrade, at that point not worth it for me anymore.

Why are there no two fan models?


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Performance is awesome at 1440p but 799$ MSRP is a lie. Currently there's no reference 4070ti model on the market at this price, and it seems like everybody else sells this GPU at ovet 850$. This is not very good price considering AMD 7900 XT competition, and it's absolutely horrible price if we take into account that 3070ti was available at 599$ MSRP at launch. 700$ is a max that I would be willing to pay for this x070 class GPU, so at this current price I might pick RTX3080 10/12GB instead and it will be a still good upgrade coming from GTX1080.
There are $799 models on Newegg, Zotac one still in stock.


This is not very good price considering AMD 7900 XT competition

it is tho... it's better than the 7900 XT in several ways while being cheaper (for the lower priced models)

and that's the issue.
AMD is too shit and too expensive for what they deliver, and their shittiness allows Nvidia to launch at horrnedously high prices compared to prior generations.

both Nvidia's greed and AMD's ineptitude are the reason for the current GPU prices.


I am surprised, there is actually 4070 Ti in stock at MSRP in my country (well, MSRP plus VAT, which is insane 20%).

If I didn't have that 3080Ti and insisted on new GPU, I would probably get this one.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
That excuse is bullshit - moore's law is alive.

If no replacement is found for the current manufacturing technology, the law won't die until around 2030.
Costs have just went up, console costs increased on the old node. These GPUs use an even more expensive manufacturing node.
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Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
$840 Ventus doesn't seem bad. I would have bought one if they could fit my case, I'd have to get a new case to fit one of these GPUs, that'd add another $100 to the upgrade, at that point not worth it for me anymore.

Why are there no two fan models?

I got that one for my H1 v2 case.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Readily available in the UK because everyone knows they can get an equal or better card cheaper on eBay. Just WILD pricing.
Prices and choices on overclockersuk seem relatively decent

The 7900XT has only two make of cards at £900, most are around a £1000. Interested to see what AMD do here, these GPUs are way out of my price range ~£600 but if I were to buy one it would be a 4070ti every time no matter how many video reviewers dunk on it.
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Readily available in the UK because everyone knows they can get an equal or better card cheaper on eBay. Just WILD pricing.
The cheapest I can see, is a crappy Inno3D one from OcUK for £859 including delivery lol. What a steal /s.

I'd assume the basic £800 RRP models were sold out within minutes from bots and some buyers.
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$840 Ventus doesn't seem bad. I would have bought one if they could fit my case, I'd have to get a new case to fit one of these GPUs, that'd add another $100 to the upgrade, at that point not worth it for me anymore.

Why are there no two fan models?

AIB designs of current cards are all so fucking bad... they all have WAY too overengineered coolers.

I really wonder why they are doing that. not only does that make their cards super bulky but it also increases manufacturing costs.

with the amount of power the card draws there's no way it needs such a gigantic cooler.


Gold Member
Nvidia is fucking crazy, a 4080 vanilla in the official site cost 50-100 euros more than a good third party in some shops, who the fuck is gonna buy the vanilla one at that price??
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it is tho... it's better than the 7900 XT in several ways while being cheaper (for the lower priced models)

and that's the issue.
AMD is too shit and too expensive for what they deliver, and their shittiness allows Nvidia to launch at horrnedously high prices compared to prior generations.

both Nvidia's greed and AMD's ineptitude are the reason for the current GPU prices.
Not being funny, how it is better in several ways? (Mind you, I think the 7900 XT is way overpriced, too)

4070 Ti vs. 7900 XT
  • Parity at Raytracing for the most part
  • loses at 4K
  • loses at raster
4070 Ti is technically better at starting price? I guess DLSS3 if that's your thing. Power consumption is the real winner for the 4070 Ti.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Not being funny, how it is better in several ways? (Mind you, I think the 7900 XT is way overpriced, too)

4070 Ti vs. 7900 XT
  • Parity at Raytracing for the most part
  • loses at 4K
  • loses at raster
4070 Ti is technically better at starting price? I guess DLSS3 if that's your thing. Power consumption is the real winner for the 4070 Ti.
4070 Ti is better in RT.
4070 Ti is technically better at starting price? I guess DLSS3 if that's your thing. Power consumption is the real winner for the 4070 Ti.
Price, DLSS2 is better quality than FSR2, DLSS3 frame generation, and Power Consumption. Seems you already found several ways the 4070 Ti is better already.

I would only consider 7900 XT if it was $800 or less.
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4070 Ti is better in RT.

Price, DLSS2 is better quality than FSR2, DLSS3 frame generation, and Power Consumption. Seems you already found several ways the 4070 Ti is better already.

I would only consider 7900 XT if it was $800 or less.
Well, I said it was parity for THE MOST part at Raytracing, which it is. And the price (as stated in my original post) seems to be a technicality as most of the priced cards are at or above the 7900 XT current price. Power consumption is a clear winner for the 4070 Ti, but the other stuff seems like you're trying to hard to convince yourself, haha. Neither card should cost more than $800 all in with AIB models.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Well, I said it was parity for THE MOST part at Raytracing, which it is. And the price (as stated in my original post) seems to be a technicality as most of the priced cards are at or above the 7900 XT current price. Power consumption is a clear winner for the 4070 Ti, but the other stuff seems like you're trying to hard to convince yourself, haha. Neither card should cost more than $800 all in with AIB models.
At 1440p it loses in RT by as much as it wins in raster, and the fact that FSR2 isn't quite as good as DLSS2/DLSS3 can affect those games even more negatively on the AMD card.
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Hunting max settings native makes no sense right now.
Unless you are actually willing to basically reward nvidia for fucking us over.
Keep your 3000 series card.

Near literally every benchmark we see these days is max settings native.
If you are a PC gamer you should know there are settings below max at resolutions below native that are near indistinguishable from what people are hunting.

If all you want is max settings at native 4K then sure get that 4090
One can always get a 4090 for 1080p and play lowest graphics. :messenger_sunglasses::messenger_sunglasses:


I think my new measure for the state of the gpu market is how many ps5's duck taped together can you get for $300. Right now looks like you can get a 6650xt for around 300. So that's about 1 ps5 (no duct tape neccessary in this case). idk bout you but as someone who's never even considered a >$500 gpu, I'm fine.
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At 1440p it loses in RT by as much as it wins in raster, and the fact that FSR2 isn't quite as good as DLSS2/DLSS3 can affect those games even more negatively on the AMD card.
According to Hardware Unboxed's 8 game RT avg at 1440p. RT off, 7900 XT wins 5%(ovr) 15% (With the 8 games they compared for RT, which is weird) RT off, loses by 7% with RT for the games they tested. FSR2 is not DLSS3, but let's not act like its FSR1 or DLSS1 and complete garbage, because that's disingenuous and its not. Point still remains neither are great at their current price and neither should be bought until the prices come down for both.
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AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
According to Hardware Unboxed's 8 game RT avg at 1440p. RT off, 7900 XT wins 5%(ovr) 15% (With the 8 games they compared for RT, which is weird) RT off
That right there, it was weird what they did, Hardware Unboxed seems to have caused confusion with the way they did their benchmarks.

Their 16 game results (where 7900 XT is 3.9% ahead) they used a mix of RT on and off (but it was mostly raster).

If the 7900 XT was really 15% faster at raster, as you say, how did it drop to only 3.9% ahead in the mixed game (16 game mostly raster) benchmarks.

Hardware Unboxed muddied the waters with their review...

Point still remains neither are great at their current price and neither should be bought until the prices come down for both.
Depends on your needs, the 4070 Ti is the perfect card for my setup and I would have bought one at $799 if it fit my case. I wouldn't even consider a 7900 XT because of the lack of features unless it was under $800, it would need to be cheaper than the 4070 Ti for me to even consider it.
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That right there, it was weird what they did, Hardware Unboxed seems to have caused confusion with the way they did their benchmarks.

Their 16 game results (where 7900 XT is 3.9% ahead) they used a mix of RT on and off (but it was mostly raster).

If the 7900 XT was really 15% faster at raster, as you say, how did it drop to only 3.9% ahead in the mixed game (16 game mostly raster) benchmarks.

Hardware Unboxed muddied the waters with their review...

Depends on your needs, the 4070 Ti is the perfect card for my setup and I would have bought one at $799 if it fit my case. I wouldn't even consider a 7900 XT because of the lack of features unless it was under $800, it would need to be cheaper than the 4070 Ti for me to even consider it.
Fair enough.

Your names Leonidas (The name of my PC ironically) so you just need to spend the big bucks and get that 4090!!!! EDIT: And another case, lmao
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