The perception of Democrats across Southern America is much different.
I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily, but many people (i.e. many Republicans) see the Democratic party as incredibly liberal, and growing more extreme every day.
So the Republican Party is seen as the imperfect "lesser of two evils" by many. I know, it seems contradictory, but that's the thought-process.
That's a problem of faulty perspective. Many of Obama's most prominent initiatives were either supported by prominent Republicans in the past or outright started as Republican ideas (One example: Heritage Foundation being a key cornerstone for the birth of the Romneycare; which was direct inspiration for Obamacare). One of Obama's key strategies to expose Republican hypocrisy these past two terms has been to prominently endorse a position Republicans had supported not even five years past, and then to question aloud what changes when he put it forward that suddenly made everyone come out against the policy.
The one successful things modern Republicans have been able to do is confuse the American public sufficiently enough that they don't realize they've moved the goal posts as far right as possible. They did this out of necessity, because when the parties transformed after the Civil Rights era the Republican party catered their message toward new groups - Evangelicals, Dog Whistle Southerners, etc - the people that they were tailoring their message toward were receptive to the further right ideals. I mean books have been
written on the subject by the Republican strategists of the time, they knew what they were doing and were totally embracing the so-called
Silent Majority partially by advocating a sort of
neutered Southern Strategy.
And it worked.
Consider that Ronald Reagan
raised taxes multiple times during his Presidency. Now, ask any modern Republican if they would ever do that, and it's as anathema as any subject can be. In fact, the constant railing against Obama for wanting to raise taxes against
anyone - in his argument, the rich - is a common refrain from modern Republicans. It's proof of his endlessly spending ways.
Consider that Obama actually offered cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which is as conservative an ideal as could conceivably be pushed (liberals nearly exploded like volcanoes at the proposal) and yet not only did Republicans not take that "compromise" (and this is proof of how politically inept Republicans have become, turning down such a crazy offer. And Obama is a total idiot for offering it and demonstrably center right for doing so), but then they later tried to tar him for using a claimed $700 billion dollars cut from Medicare for other savings.
Whether it was true or not is besides the point, because it revealed a crucial issue in the Republican party. They don't actually have ideological positions that they believe in, they just believe in stopping Obama by any means necessary.
Obama escalated the drone war, escalated the privacy invading programs of the NSA and contrary to promises on the campaign trail did not end the FISA warrantless wiretapping. All very conservative ideals. If it were not for his complete break on torture, the guy would have been a total failure from that perspective in my eyes - and even more further right than he's already demonstrated himself to be on so many issues.
He's progressive on LGBT rights and he's certainly progressive on a number of other subjects, but on balance he has operated as a center-right politician. And that's the great problem in this country... so many people not only don't realize that, but they've allowed themselves to believe that the alternative Republican party is somehow the less extreme of the two. You can imagine what it means when a country is led by the nose like that.