I understand your position but as you are a civilian with no knowledge of what or how many planned attacks happen on U.S soil. You really are not qualified to make an informed decision of whether it's worth it or not. And I'm just being honest here.
It's still a matter of consent, and regardless of what you've posted, I still don't. Not to mention that's untestable and unprovable logic. The value of that statement simply can't be tested, and as such, it's a very dangerous logic that can and is abused and used to justify the existence and operation of a police state/big brother.
The ultimate form of government, terms of efficiency, is a pure monarchy, and the ultimate form of protection/safety/compliance, in terms of efficiency, is big brother/police state/totalitarianism. It is necessary to introduce
inefficiencies in order to insure the safety, empowerment, privacy, and well-being of the people involved in these systems. Democracy is simply a system of introducing inefficiencies to ensure a better, more egalitarian and fair system of governing. Mind you, I think democracy is broken, and I argue for a horizontally structured system free of all hierarchy. But that's another conversation. As far as the police state goes, I simply don't believe we need big brother. Does he makes us safer? Some of us, yes. Those who comply, who give up their freedoms, and who fit the current definition of who is acceptable. But for many, the world becomes less safe, particularly as they are subjected to racial and economical oppression and disenfranchisement, unfair sentencing, and other forms of persecution.
And if you think, "I don't have anything to hide. Just don't do anything illegal, and you'll be fine," I'd ask you to consider the fickle and rapidly changing state of affairs that is government, legislation and laws, etc. What you are doing today may wind up illegal in 10 years, and you may find yourself facing them same persecution. Besides which, congrats on being privileged enough that you don't have to face decisions and circumstances that put you in opposition to the state, but not all of us have that luxury.
This is wretched news, all the more alarming for all of the responses of "Duh, who didn't already know that." Apathy like that is dangerous. I understand why it exists, particularly as the forces working against autonomy and empowerment are so overwhelming and powerful, but it's fucking dangerous. And for those defensive posters ready to shout "What are YOU doing posting about it on a message board? Why aren't you out there doing something worthwhile?" the answer is, I am.