This was beautifully written. Sharing this across my networks.
Hopefully you fix my grammar.
Heat of passion. My blood is boiling and I am livid.
And I saw that as a Republican who loathes what the GOP has become, as a man who resents everything Trump encourages in masculinity, as a Christian who cannot believe we'd violate our Muslim brothers and sisters' guarantee right to freedom of religion, and as a human being who felt this disgusting, racist, xenophobic, grossly inhumane treatment of others was left back in the dark ages where it belonged.
This is not okay. It is not normal. And I will not accept it or let the anger and cry for justice in my heart fade as I'm sure Trump and his cronies hope it does.
Quite the opposite; Trump is going to be quite upset to learn that the real patriots of the nation and the world are only getting started fighting back against his regime of bigotry, ignorance, and intolerance.
I only hope more people in positions of power grow a spine. Call your congressmen. Call your representatives. Remind them of their oaths of office. Have them recite their pledge to preserve and guarantee the rights and liberties of the constitution for all peoples - even Muslim ones. Shame them into action if you must.
But do not - I repeat - do not sit back idly and watch this circus play out. You are not in the stands. You are not bystanders. Citizens of the USA, you are on the center stage of the world right now, whether you want to be or not.
And what you do - or choose not to do - will determine the fate of your nation and millions of lives.
No pressure. Don't disappoint us.