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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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This also ends the program to help Iraqi and Afghani interpreters who are essential to US forces over there. They get targeted by terrorists and now have no recourse for safety of themselves or family.
I have a confession to make. You know, as a European when Trump finally was elected, my scientific curiosity won over my fundamental disagreements with his policies. Would he go through with even half of what he announced? Would he turn out to just be a brilliant populist and actually show his rational face once in office? How would his party deal with it? Would his voters turn around on him? All very interesting questions that would help me figure out how to deal with the rising right in my country.

Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine the sheer avalanche I witnessed this past week. My curiosity is satisfied. You can stop now. Please. Those poor people.
Anyone remember the name of the researcher who predicted Trump would win the presidency and then get impeached?

I'd really like to read that article right now.


Here is a short summary of the Trump's executive order on immigration:

There's a fundamental flaw in the set of liberal values The West pursues. Or maybe is the way they are enforced, I don't know. But the rise of bigotry, nationalism, racism and all the other little demons that far right politicians explode is not an isolated thing. Is not Trump.

I don't know how this can be resolved.
Starting to get the feeling that the executive branch is going to be massively neutered after this presidency. You know, if we survive it.


Remember this hopeful Trump supporter?

I’m a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump.

The revelations of multimillion-dollar donations to the Clinton Foundation from Qatar and Saudi Arabia killed my support for Clinton. Yes, I want equal pay. No, I reject Trump’s “locker room” banter, the idea of a “wall” between the United States and Mexico and a plan to “ban” Muslims. But I trust the United States and don’t buy the political hyperbole — agenda-driven identity politics of its own — that demonized Trump and his supporters.

I gently tried to express my thoughts on Twitter but the “Pantsuit revolution” was like a steamroller to any nuanced discourse. If you supported Trump, you had to be a redneck.

Days before the election, a journalist from India emailed me, asking: What are your thoughts being a Muslim in “Trump’s America”?

I wrote that as a child of India, arriving in the United States at the age of 4 in the summer of 1969, I have absolutely no fears about being a Muslim in a “Trump America.” The checks and balances in America and our rich history of social justice and civil rights will never allow the fear-mongering that has been attached to candidate Trump’s rhetoric to come to fruition.

Someone, the CIA, foreign spies whoever, need to make bannon disappear. Then we can start figuring out how to get rid of trump but bannon has to go first.


Green Card holders in general or just from certain countries?

People holding so-called green cards, making them legal permanent U.S. residents, are included in President Donald Trump's executive action temporarily barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States, a Department of Homeland security spokeswoman said on Saturday.

"It will bar green card holders," Gillian Christensen, acting Department of Homeland Security spokeswoman, said in an email.
Huh, I dunno about you guys it seems this idea *may* have been poorly thought out.

Because it was. This was a move probably drafted by bannon and signed with the intent of no one knowing. And it's almost certainly illegal and the lawsuits are almost certainly piling up as we speak.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Here is the list of countries:
Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

None of these countries have had nationals who have committed terrorist attacks in the US.

Not that it should be on the list, this whole list shouldn't exist, but Saudi Arabia (majority of 9/11 attackers were saudi) and others are not on the list.

This list is a way to bully refugees from poorer countries.

Oppressors attack the weak.
There's a fundamental flaw in the set of liberal values The West pursues. Or maybe is the way they are enforced, I don't know. But the rise of bigotry, nationalism, racism and all the other little demons that far right politicians explode is not an isolated thing. Is not Trump.

I don't know how this can be resolved.

This country is full of ignorant, cowardly bigots and people like Trump and Brannon can easily take advantage of them using things like bans and walls.

Fox Mulder

Starting to get the feeling that the executive branch is going to be massively neutered after this presidency. You know, if we survive it.

The GOP hates big government until they're in power. I could see them cutting executive powers if it looks like they'll lose 2020 to fuck the next guy. They did it in NC.

This country is full of ignorant, cowardly bigots and people like Trump and Brannon can easily take advantage of them using things like bans and walls.

That's never going to change. The problem is millions of people don't vote, giving more weight to these fucking people.


Y'all are really pinning your hopes on a supreme court ruling that's a year out when Trump gets to hand pick the swing vote?

Oh boy.

Yup. People here need to fucking understand that your political system has FAILED and a FASCIST STATE is being installed by racists. Congress is nothing but a bunch of APPEASERS.

Get it through your thick skulls.


The only hope we have at this point is a revolution. People taking to the streets and rendering this country unable to function.


America wtf?????

NEVER say you have the greatest country in the world again. No good country would let such a guy be the president.

America being "great" is an alternative fact.

"Make America Great Again" may have been Trump's campaign slogan... but you're absolutely correct that it's now recognized worldwide as a misnomer.

America will NEVER be great again thanks to Donald Trump and the results of the election on November 8th, 2016. Its global reputation will never recover.

It is no longer the home of the brave. It is, in fact, the home of the cowardly and afraid.
It is no longer the land of the free. It is the land being run over by an authoritarian regime.

God bless America? Oh no... there is no God in this land aside from the one Donald Trump believes himself to be in his own infantile mind.

America the Beautiful? There is no beauty in the act of detaining refugees on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and preventing Green Card holders from returning to their homelands out of fear of not being allowed back in.

You no longer have any credibility. Any integrity. Your leader is a laughing stock being manipulated by an outright terror.

And this is only Day 9 of Mr. Trump's Wild Ride... I suspect we haven't seen anything yet.
Trump is a train wreck.

"We're not racist" but Trump supporters aren't upset that this is happening to people with valid visas. I guess it isn't you, so the collateral damage is cool huh?

I can't stand those people who get indignant when you accuse his supporters of being racist. Where are the swaths of white working class Trump voters saying "okay, we voted you into office to help improve our lives, but could please not go through with any of your racist policies" ?

Nothing is stopping them from at least calling their representatives and asking for this to stop, but they aren't. At what point are we allowed to call a spade a spade?


You are now a fashist state. Congratulations.

If these laws hold up for more than a month and the american people have not risen up against it, then I'll have a hard time feeling much compassion for the further downfall of the US. In any working democracy, this has to be the line. And it's being crossed with no remorse.


You are now a fashist state. Congratulations.

If these laws hold up for more than a month and the american people have not risen up against it, then I'll have a hard time feeling much compassion for the further downfall of the US. In any working democracy, this has to be the line. And it's being crossed with no remorse.

Thank you.
I'm not pining nothing, I know how this goes

I'm just saying, some people are posting about legal challenges as if that means anything. The current congress will not create a law to outlaw this order. The new supreme court will not block it from happening. It's happening. We allowed it to happen.

Remember this hopeful Trump supporter?

I’m a Muslim, a woman and an immigrant. I voted for Trump.

We've had a few threads on people who voted away their Healthcare, and I'm just going laugh at how fucking myopic this story turned out to be just two months later. She's probably getting roasted alive on twitter, the comment section of the story closed in November.


We had a few threads about people who voted away their Healthcare, but it's funny about how myopic this story turned out to be just two months later. She's probably being roasted on twitter, the comment section for the original story closed in November.
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