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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Anyone still around Copley in Boston? If so, are a decent number of people still around? Just got out of work, picking up a sign real quick and was going to take the T over.
From bottom up.



Basically they are continuing doing what EO told them to.

Damn.. even social media accounts?!



The support is so universal in some fields, I wonder if the US could actually get a general strike going.

That would be the strongest reaction possible, especially with Trump's huge insecurity. That would drive him insane. Plus house and Senate would be pretty much obliged to take action.


This is already worldwide news. Of course a SCOTUS pick will get attention here, but it's not like people are just going to stop fighting this just because he announced a pick.

That's true. I just hope that all attention doesn't leave this, because this is infinitely more important.
After #DeleteUber, CEO pledges $3 million for drivers affected by immigration ban
After his failure to denounce President Trump’s immigration ban was met with a scorching #DeleteUber campaign, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick today vowed to set up a $3 million legal defense fund for affected drivers, in addition to other promises. He also lightly criticized the ban, calling it “unjust.”

“At Uber we’ve always believed in standing up for what’s right,” Kalanick wrote on Facebook. “Today we need your help supporting drivers who may be impacted by the President's unjust immigration ban.”

He repeated his pledge to compensate those drivers stuck overseas by the immigration ban, and promised to dispatch Uber’s “lawyers and immigration experts” to provide “24/7 legal support.” In addition, Kalanick said that Uber would “urge the government to reinstate the right of U.S. residents to travel — whatever their country of origin — immediately.”


Not going to happen. The majority in Congress belongs to racist yesmen lining up to lick Trump's foot, there is no chance he doesn't stay for at least an entire term.

A person's vote at the time of the election is not their permanent stamp of approval, as seen by the displays of people on twitter who are only now realizing the stupidity of their mistake. The more public pressure mounts, and the more clearly not just coming from one side of the fence, the more likely congress will be forced to act - if only to save their own skins.

That would be extremely difficult. As much as the current situation sucks, this is pretty much what he promised to do while he was campaigning, and there were enough voting americans who approved of this that he was able to win the election. Not to mention, the GOP won a bunch of downballot races as well.

America is getting what America asked for.

Honestly, the only thing that would work is if solid, verifiable evidence of collusion with Russia to rig the election was to be unearthed. Even then, the stars would have to align for anything to come of it.

If Trump keeps making explosively stupid moves like this, and pressure continues to mount with no sign of change or response from congress to relieve the pressure, I expect eventually for the protests to morph into riots as people see their voices are being rejected by those in the government. The bigger this all becomes, the harder it will be for those in the government to ignore. Republicans are trying to hide and stay silent by and large right now, and I expect they are hoping trump backs down so they can try to move past this. These crowds need to get bigger, and angrier. Things will start to crack under the pressure.
The social media account/phone searches seem pretty normal. There's some Border Patrol show in Netflix at the moment and CBP officers normally search through people's phones including their texts, photos, social media, etc.


The Birthday Skeleton

From a communication point of view this EO hugely backfired. Except for the white supremacists/racists I think anybody else can put him or herself in the shoes of the Muslim (an not only) families that got separated or the people who are banned from returning to what they consider home. The images with children and elderly people being detained and interrogated at the airports will strike a chord with a lot of people, even if they don't admit it publicly.


A person's vote at the time of the election is not their permanent stamp of approval, as seen by the displays of people on twitter who are only now realizing the stupidity of their mistake. The more public pressure mounts, and the more clearly not just coming from one side of the fence, the more likely congress will be forced to act - if only to save their own skins.

If Trump keeps making explosively stupid moves like this, and pressure continues to mount with no sign of change or response from congress to relieve the pressure, I expect eventually for the protests to morph into riots as people see their voices are being rejected by those in the government. The bigger this all becomes, the harder it will be for those in the government to ignore. Republicans are trying to hide and stay silent by and large right now, and I expect they are hoping trump backs down so they can try to move past this. These crowds need to get bigger, and angrier. Things will start to crack under the pressure.

I don't see that as the outcome. I think angry mobs would get curbstomped by the police or even the military if necessary. Trump wouldn't back down to opposition because he wouldn't want to look like a pussy.

Trump needs to fuck up in a criminal way for us to have any hope of an early exit. Best case scenario is that GOP and dems unite to block him from fucking things up even more. After that, booted in the election.
I predict there is going to be a "terrorist attack" in the coming weeks or months.

Trump will then use this "attack" to prove that he was right all along and his supporters will use it as evidence to support their extreme beliefs.

Something similar occurred during the rise of the Nazi regime and the aftermath resulted in the press being gagged and protests being banned.

I truly hope the public is smart enough to realize this.
The social media account/phone searches seem pretty normal. There's some Border Patrol show in Netflix at the moment and CBP officers normally search through people's phones including their texts, photos, social media, etc.

Fairly certain that they shouldn't be doing that without a warrant. Even foreign nationals should have their privacy rights protected.
"Wait, Steve, not THOSE countries though. I have hotels there!"
While it is hilariously convenient, I do think we should be careful with overplaying this narrative. The USA has had a disgustingly close relationship with say, the Saudis for decades now, and Trump continuing that is hardly surprising. The list of countries used wasn't something arbitrarily concocted by Trump and Bannon. In fact, I suspect they used the list they did for this very reason.




all over facebook i keep seeing the "Obama did it in 2011" stuff...when did this become elementary school?

"what you did was wrong"
"well Obama did it first"

what fucking world are we living in?


A person's vote at the time of the election is not their permanent stamp of approval, as seen by the displays of people on twitter who are only now realizing the stupidity of their mistake. The more public pressure mounts, and the more clearly not just coming from one side of the fence, the more likely congress will be forced to act - if only to save their own skins.

If Trump keeps making explosively stupid moves like this, and pressure continues to mount with no sign of change or response from congress to relieve the pressure, I expect eventually for the protests to morph into riots as people see their voices are being rejected by those in the government. The bigger this all becomes, the harder it will be for those in the government to ignore. Republicans are trying to hide and stay silent by and large right now, and I expect they are hoping trump backs down so they can try to move past this. These crowds need to get bigger, and angrier. Things will start to crack under the pressure.

Protest turning violent would actually be the best thing for Trump. Because then he can repress them anf brand them violent treacherous dissident.

The most effective way would be to strike where it hurts them: elected wallets, and Trump's ego. National strikes would be the most effective IMO.
all over facebook i keep seeing the "Obama did it in 2011" stuff...when did this become elementary school?

"what you did was wrong"
"well Obama did it first"

what fucking world are we living in?

these are the same people who were saying last week that protesters were littering during the women's march worldwide

don't give them any attention


From bottom up.



Basically they are continuing doing what EO told them to.

Fascism, this is fascism at it's largest..ignoring the law,ignoring court orders,break privacy and threaten them if they don't comply they will be send back to that country and only listen to the higher ups and that is trump and mostly bannon, not following the constitution. This is tearing america apart because of this.



No, the nation as a whole is not smart enough to come to that realization.

You joke about this but I'm goddamn terrified of going into work this week. My office is right next to the World Trade Center and if Trump is going to have any disaster that looks like terrorism happen, I think my offices are going to be a fair target.
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