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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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Also in the article:

"Jim Mattis, the new secretary of defense, did not see a final version of the order until Friday morning, only hours before Mr. Trump arrived to sign it at the Pentagon.

Mr. Mattis, according to administration officials familiar with the deliberations, was not consulted by the White House during the preparation of the order and was not given an opportunity to provide input while the order was being drafted."

Soooo...neither the Secretary of Defense nor the Secretary of Homeland Security were consulted on an executive order that ostensibly was created to prevent terrorism?
Also in the article:

"Jim Mattis, the new secretary of defense, did not see a final version of the order until Friday morning, only hours before Mr. Trump arrived to sign it at the Pentagon.

Mr. Mattis, according to administration officials familiar with the deliberations, was not consulted by the White House during the preparation of the order and was not given an opportunity to provide input while the order was being drafted."

Soooo...neither the Secretary of Defense nor the Secretary of Homeland Security were consulted on an executive order that ostensibly was created to prevent terrorism?
Trump did say he was smarter than the generals..


Also in the article:

"Jim Mattis, the new secretary of defense, did not see a final version of the order until Friday morning, only hours before Mr. Trump arrived to sign it at the Pentagon.

Mr. Mattis, according to administration officials familiar with the deliberations, was not consulted by the White House during the preparation of the order and was not given an opportunity to provide input while the order was being drafted."

Soooo...neither the Secretary of Defense nor the Secretary of Homeland Security were consulted on an executive order that ostensibly was created to prevent terrorism?

Ego and incompetence = the essence of Trump and his administration. He really does believe he can fix it all by himself and he blinds himself to even the possibility that he could be wrong. Dumpster fire.


Death Prophet
My Christian friends and family are truly disgusting me with their hypocrisy and outright racism and xenophobia. Not all of them... but a lot of them.


Soooo...neither the Secretary of Defense nor the Secretary of Homeland Security were consulted on an executive order that ostensibly was created to prevent terrorism?

I believe pretty much the only relevant people in Trump's administration are Bannon and that other guy, forgot his name. Everyone else seems to be there just to fill the seats because it was mandatory.


Junior Member
I believe pretty much the only relevant people in Trump's administration are Bannon and that other guy, forgot his name. Everyone else seems to be there just to fill the seats because it was mandatory.

Seems like bannon and priebus are running this shit show.
It's time to sit back and think about how Trump and his administration tried to put their promises into action for the first time and it's bad on every conceivable level

It's malicious
It's stupid
It's pointless
It's counterproductive
It's incompetent

Like, for all of the talk about how Trump and Bannon are master manipulators who distract the masses, their schemes are still the same mind-bogglingly mean spirited and pathetically amateurish absolute fuck ups as during the campaign.
Woman And Her 2 Children Held At Dulles Airport for 20 Hours With No Food
A Somali woman and her two children were detained at Dulles Airport in Chantilly Virginia for 20 hours without food.

In an interview with ABC News, Najib Abi, a cousin of the family, explained that the family had flown from Kenya and arrived at Dulles at 8 a.m. yesterday. The children, although born in Kenya, possess U.S. passports. Their mother, however, is from Somalia — one of the countries named on Trump’s arbitrary immigration block list.


It's time to sit back and think about how Trump and his administration tried to put their promises into action for the first time and it's bad on every conceivable level

It's malicious
It's stupid
It's pointless
It's counterproductive
It's incompetent

Like, for all of the talk about how Trump and Bannon are master manipulators who distract the masses, their schemes are still the same mind-bogglingly mean spirited and pathetically amateurish absolute fuck ups as during the campaign.

They cater to the base though. A base trump calls real America. He lumps everyone else in a hater pool that only hates him due to him being misrepresented by a biased media. If not for that media, we would be a part of that sea of love that loves everything he has to say

He doesn't view his fuck ups as fuck ups because anyone viewing it as a fuck up is biased. After all, "it's going very nicely." Republicans against it can still be stupid, and "weak on immigration" like McCain. People comparing it to fuckups like those in a campaign are mistaken, because he didn't fuck up at all during the campaign..... hence his win. In fact all he's done so far is win, and he continues to win. And everyone would know it if there were more "real" news stations

So yeah, that's the mind we are dealing with now. There really is no chance at any real post Mortem on anything he's done from himself because he views everything he's done as great. He accepts no criticism. I don't think he's ever admitted to ever being wrong in fact and never will
I'm a travel agent here in Melbourne Australia and had to inform a family that they wouldn't be able to take their two children aged under ten to Hawaii on a holiday they'd saved for as the father was born in Australia but his father was born in Syria.

Great job America
It's time to sit back and think about how Trump and his administration tried to put their promises into action for the first time and it's bad on every conceivable level

It's malicious
It's stupid
It's pointless
It's counterproductive
It's incompetent

Like, for all of the talk about how Trump and Bannon are master manipulators who distract the masses, their schemes are still the same mind-bogglingly mean spirited and pathetically amateurish absolute fuck ups as during the campaign.

I've always pegged them as geniuses for riding the wave of fear and irrationality in people but complete disasters and outright incompetent everywhere else. This EO doesn't change that perception of mine.

It's why I won't be surprised of indictments after his administration is over. All the conflicts of interests are glaring now, they're not even hiding them. The only thing stopping investigations now is that he controls all the investigating bodies and the GOP controls Congress.


I'm a travel agent here in Melbourne Australia and had to inform a family that they wouldn't be able to take their two children aged under ten to Hawaii on a holiday they'd saved for as the father was born in Australia but his father was born in Syria.

Great job America

Huh, so if you have relatives from one of the 7 countries that still bars you from entering? That's just totally fucked up.

Lego Boss

My Christian friends and family are truly disgusting me with their hypocrisy and outright racism and xenophobia. Not all of them... but a lot of them.

Sorry, they're not Christian if they adhere to those values. Religion doesn't teach, or ask that people follow such lines of thought. It is churches who have corrupted gospel teaching to do this. I've seen my mum turn from a reasonable, tolerant, appreciative person to some kind of fascist apologist in the name of God as if it's some kind of birthright.

I just can't even talk to her about it anymore, but it hangs over our conversations like a black cloud (I am from the UK BTW, but somehow she thinks Trump is the greatest thing since BREXIT).

Don't think for a moment that these people are religious, any more than a person standing in a garage next to a car makes someone a mechanic.
Given how this first week has gone, I can see how Calexit could be more likely. If California does something like this they better be smart and try to invite as many states as they can such as the west coast and as try as far out as Colorado. It would be a disaster if they try to pull out by themselves.
Given how this first week has gone, I can see how Calexit could be more likely. If California does something like this they better be smart and try to invite as many states as they can such as the west coast and as try as far out as Colorado. It would be a disaster if they try to pull out by themselves.

Won't that trigger a second Civil War?


Speeches do jack shit, if they want to do something worthwhile, go stand with the many protesters instead of jerking each other off at yet another inane award ceremony.

Or do both, like most of them do. And celebrities, unlike the average person, can reach many people with their words.

I hate this attitude, by the way. It's self destructive and completely unnecessary.
Huh, so if you have relatives from one of the 7 countries that still bars you from entering? That's just totally fucked up.

If you can be a dual citizen. Many of these countries have citizenship follow the fathers line pretty well, so basically anyone with a father who was born in these countries is screwed. This is specifically mentioned. He already wasn't allowed to get an ESTA due to this and got a tourist visa direct (again despite NEVER having been to the Middle East) at the consulate but this was all a waste of time and money now.

I cancelled about 11 tickets to America today. 4 were from people who don't want to go anymore due tot the ban. 8 were normal Australians who. Is simply cannot travel to the USA. I know this is nothing compared to the families being ripped apart etcrc but another angle is anyone who works in tourism in America should be worried


What a complete and utter disgrace. What an affront to dignity and humanity.
The Trump administration should take a long hard look at the poem inscribed unto a bronze plaque, nestled inside the statue of liberty.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

These are the values worth fighting for. These are, or at least were, the principles that made america great.
Won't that trigger a second Civil War?
Calexit is a Russian plot to divide us up further. One of the people leading the movement of it specifically said that it would help get Trump elected in 2020 as well. California taking a big chunk of the nation with it would be more beneficial to California and resisting Trump's America. While I feel Trump would allow California to leave, I'm not sure how he would feel if a big portion of the western US left.
It's time to sit back and think about how Trump and his administration tried to put their promises into action for the first time and it's bad on every conceivable level

It's malicious
It's stupid
It's pointless
It's counterproductive
It's incompetent

Like, for all of the talk about how Trump and Bannon are master manipulators who distract the masses, their schemes are still the same mind-bogglingly mean spirited and pathetically amateurish absolute fuck ups as during the campaign.

Seriously. They literally *doubled down* on the green card/permanent residency bullshit since anyone with a brain would know that is a very bad idea.

It would still been awful if it was a just a suspension of new visa applications but we wouldn't have gotten the response like we're seeing now. Trump & co hate brown people so much that our government system may be in danger of failing.
What a complete and utter disgrace. What an affront to dignity and humanity.
The Trump administration should take a long hard look at the poem inscribed unto a bronze plaque, nestled inside the statue of liberty.

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

These are the values worth fighting for. These are, or at least were, the principles that made america great.
Let's be clear here. That sonnet might have been inscribed within the Statue of Liberty, but we have fallen short of it so very many times since Emma Lazarus wrote it. It was written only a year after the Chinese Exclusion Act. Which helped foment the anti-immigrant rhetoric that led to things like the Rock Springs massacre a year later. And then the Geary Act came soon after that. Some years later, the Immigration Act of 1924 was written. In 1939, the USA turned away the MS St. Louis, carrying 900 Jewish refugees. And Executive Order 9066 came a few years after that. The Magnuson Act happened a year after the internment travesty. Decades later in the latter quarter of the century, we might have accepted refugees from Southeast Asia and Cuba, but neither of those were publicly popular either. We intercepted thousands of those Cubans and held them at internment facilities at Guantanamo. Most of them were lucky enough to get into the USA, but at the same time, we intercepted thousands of Haitian refugees of which something like less half got in.

We've certainly done better since we helped draft the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention (and its 1967 amendment), but let's not have a rose-colored view of history either. We've done poorly by refugees and immigrants for a long time, and even when the government has done right, it hasn't often been popular.
My inner conspiracy theorist believes this administration is trying to provoke Muslims into a religious war. I mean it's not too crazy since Bannon literally said he wanted to do this but I still can't quite embrace it as reality.


My inner conspiracy theorist believes this administration is trying to provoke Muslims into a religious war. I mean it's not too crazy since Bannon literally said he wanted to do this but I still can't quite embrace it as reality.

He's practically President himself. Believe it.


My inner conspiracy theorist believes this administration is trying to provoke Muslims into a religious war. I mean it's not too crazy since Bannon literally said he wanted to do this but I still can't quite embrace it as reality.

It's not a conspiracy theory, that's exactly what they're trying to do. Bannon is giddy at the thought of another terrorist attack.
I've always had the fear that if Trump were removed from office, Pence would just swoop in and actually get some of the GOP agenda done more efficiently (and harder to overturn or repeal) because he's a more competent politician.

That fear has always been overruled by the fear of Trump's incompetence and special brand of policy running this country in the ground.

Get rid of him. Pence and Ryan can run the country for four years if they really want to. I'm at the bargaining stage. This isn't sustainable. It's only been a week and a half and the country is on fucking fire.

Get Bannon, Spicer, Conway, Tillerson, and most of all Trump himself out of our politics and out of my life forever.


I've always had the fear that if Trump were removed from office, Pence would just swoop in and actually get some of the GOP agenda done more efficiently (and harder to overturn or repeal) because he's a more competent politician.

That fear has always been overruled by the fear of Trump's incompetence and special brand of policy running this country in the ground.

Get rid of him. Pence and Ryan can run the country for four years if they really want to. I'm at the bargaining stage. This isn't sustainable. It's only been a week and a half and the country is on fucking fire.

Get Bannon, Spicer, Conway, Tillerson, and most of all Trump himself out of our politics and out of my life forever.

I almost hope this was their plan all along because it would be a fucking relief.

PS Have the Dems hire Conway, she could get anyone elected to anything.


Junior Member
Let's be clear here. That sonnet might have been inscribed within the Statue of Liberty, but we have fallen short of it so very many times since Emma Lazarus wrote it. It was written only a year after the Chinese Exclusion Act. Which helped foment the anti-immigrant rhetoric that led to things like the Rock Springs massacre a year later. And then the Geary Act came soon after that. Some years later, the Immigration Act of 1924 was written. In 1939, the USA turned away the MS St. Louis, carrying 900 Jewish refugees. And Executive Order 9066 came a few years after that. The Magnuson Act happened a year after the internment travesty. Decades later in the latter quarter of the century, we might have accepted refugees from Southeast Asia and Cuba, but neither of those were publicly popular either. We intercepted thousands of those Cubans and held them at internment facilities at Guantanamo. Most of them were lucky enough to get into the USA, but at the same time, we intercepted thousands of Haitian refugees of which something like less half got in.

We've certainly done better since we helped draft the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention (and its 1967 amendment), but let's not have a rose-colored view of history either. We've done poorly by refugees and immigrants for a long time, and even when the government has done right, it hasn't often been popular.

Despite the ways history shows that Americans have faltered the poem doesn't change the fact that they're values worth fighting for, though.
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