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NYT: Refugees and immigrants being detained at US airports right now.

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The opposition party now needs to dig in deep. Write the shit about him. Get those golden shower tapes out. The opposition party should be relentless from now onwards. He's cracking.



He keeps on going...

I woke up today thinking 'Hopefully things don't get worse', but then I forget the orange idiot still has access to Twitter. It's hard to be positive but one good thing is that we will fight back against anything Trump and Company tries to pull. This weekend is just one of the likely many examples of resistance happening against Trump for the next four years (assuming he still is in power for four years).

Edit: Also love how he is trying to start a war with the Media. Watch that backfire on him explosively. People hate him now, more people will hate him if he continues down the path he is on.
People at work already talking about how Canada lets in refugees and this is what happens. I brought up how long Quebec had been violance free and they just went on about isis is mobilizing now and that's why Trump used the surprise EO so they can't rush in.

We're truly lost as a nation.


Is this a breakdown or something?

He's pivoting to jobs lol. I thought it was the Mexicans that were stealing our jobs tho

The Wall is going to be built like with the bodies of mexicans inside it, if they wont pay for it! We'll use them as bricks!


Is this a breakdown or something?

He's pivoting to jobs lol. I thought it was the Mexicans that were stealing our jobs tho

Someone on my facebook posted a video from a Bill Clinton state of the union about dealing with illegal immigration and said why is it ok if Bill Clinton does it?

Like... come the fuck on. This is so blatantly two different issues. Some people are so deep in their party's ass that they can't think for themselves.

Rebel Leader

People at work already talking about how Canada lets in refugees and this is what happens. I brought up how long Quebec had been violance free and they just went on about isis is mobilizing now and that's why Trump used the surprise EO so they can't rush in.

We're truly lost as a nation.

....That's not how it works....


I'm Canadian and engaged to an American. We are planning on going to the courthouse and getting legally married in the next month, and then the plan was for me to apply for a visa to go there. Should I be concerned?
It's honestly disappointing how bad this EO is and there are still people saying that he isn't that bad or that the media is twisting this. How is the media twisting this, a lot of people's lives are getting screwed over because of this EO and if this pass through without objection it will set a precedent that may lead to even worse EOs and decisions.


I'm Canadian and engaged to an American. We are planning on going to the courthouse and getting legally married in the next month, and then the plan was for me to apply for a visa to go there. Should I be concerned?

does Trump have businesses in Canada? if so, then you are safe
It's honestly disappointing how bad this EO is and there are still people saying that he isn't that bad or that the media is twisting this. How is the media twisting this, a lot of people's lives are getting screwed over because of this EO and if this pass through without objection it will set a precedent that may lead to even worse EOs and decisions.

There in the first stage of grief. Denial.


I'm Canadian and engaged to an American. We are planning on going to the courthouse and getting legally married in the next month, and then the plan was for me to apply for a visa to go there. Should I be concerned?

Probably not...depends on how Canadian you are maybe? Do you get Tim Hortons all the time? For real though, I'm just going to assume since you're Canadian you can both move there pretty easily? Don't change your plans just yet.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I'm Canadian and engaged to an American. We are planning on going to the courthouse and getting legally married in the next month, and then the plan was for me to apply for a visa to go there. Should I be concerned?
You are a Canadian? Dont go to the US if you have any connection to any of the countries on the list. For example if one of your grandparents was born in one of those countries.


He might as well just be straight forward with it and just say "the opposition party (the american people)". He's already playing Calvinball with this shit, why not?


I'm Canadian and engaged to an American. We are planning on going to the courthouse and getting legally married in the next month, and then the plan was for me to apply for a visa to go there. Should I be concerned?

You should not emigrate to the United States at this time. This shit is going to blow up sooner than later.



Consider this a major bureaucratic uprising on the part of career foreign service officers against the President on his executive order on refugees.

Numerous Foreign Service officers and other diplomats have drafted a dissent memo expressing opposition to President Donald Trump's executive order banning refugees and immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen from entering the United States. ABC reported this morning on the draft, which is likely to be submitted today.

Here's a copy of the actual draft. We are hearing that literally hundreds of foreign service officers are planning to be party to the dissent memo; it's still unclear exactly how many. We have redacted all names and personally identifiable information from this document.

The State Department's Dissent Channel is a mechanism for employees to confidentially express policy disagreement, created in 1971 as a response to concerns within the Department over the government's handling of the Vietnam War. Authors of a memo submitted through the Channel, which is open to all regular employees of the State Department and USAID, may not be subject to any penalty or disciplinary action in response. Once a memo is submitted, the Secretary of State's Policy Planning Staff must acknowledge its receipt within two working days and will usually distribute it to the Secretary of State, the Deputy Secretary of State, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, the Chairperson of the Open Forum, and, if the memo's author is employed by USAID, by the head of that agency as well. Taking into account the wishes of the author, the memo may also be distributed more broadly within the State Department and may be done so anonymously.

The ultimate significance of the channel is that memos must receive a substantive response within 30-60 working days.


You should not emigrate to the United States at this time. This shit is going to blow up sooner than later.

I wish it were that easy. Her entire family is American. Heck, her father is in the military. Half of my family is American. It's not as simple as 'just don't go'.

I cross the border once a week to visit her, so I'm even concerned I'll be hassled Wednesday for my weekly visit.

I was born and raised in Canada, and no one in my background is from those countries. My father is 100% white Canadian, and my mother was an immigrant from Venezuela (born in Spain), but they are divorced and my mother is currently married to an American and living there.


You are a Canadian? Dont go to the US if you have any connection to any of the countries on the list. For example if one of your grandparents was born in one of those countries.

It really goes up to the grandparents? Jesus that is so fucked up. It's insane to think that if my grandparents had been from one of those countries and hadn't immigrated to the US 70 years ago, I could be unwanted in this country. My grandparents are European but I am so disconnected from their home country. I would be pissed at this if I was Australian or something and my grandparents were from one of the banned countries.


I wish it were that easy. Her entire family is American. Heck, her father is in the military. Half of my family is American. It's not as simple as 'just don't go'.

I cross the border once a week to visit her, so I'm even concerned I'll be hassled Wednesday for my weekly visit.

I was born and raised in Canada, and no one in my background is from those countries. My father is 100% white Canadian, and my mother was an immigrant from Venezuela (born in Spain), but they are divorced and my mother is currently married to an American and living there.

Well, don't come here crying when Trump is jailing random people or violent riots break out all of the country. I warned you.


I wish it were that easy. Her entire family is American. Heck, her father is in the military. Half of my family is American. It's not as simple as 'just don't go'.

I cross the border once a week to visit her, so I'm even concerned I'll be hassled Wednesday for my weekly visit.

I was born and raised in Canada, and no one in my background is from those countries. My father is 100% white Canadian, and my mother was an immigrant from Venezuela (born in Spain), but they are divorced and my mother is currently married to an American and living there.


This should tell you what to expect.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
For his part, Trump is a spoiled rich guy and pampered celebrity who is used to treating anyone who doesn't bow and kiss his ring as an opponent. It's quite natural for him to call groups that criticize him the opposition. The problem is that he will extend that to anyone including half of the American population if necessary.


I woke up today thinking 'Hopefully things don't get worse', but then I forget the orange idiot still has access to Twitter. It's hard to be positive but one good thing is that we will fight back against anything Trump and Company tries to pull. This weekend is just one of the likely many examples of resistance happening against Trump for the next four years (assuming he still is in power for four years).

Edit: Also love how he is trying to start a war with the Media. Watch that backfire on him explosively. People hate him now, more people will hate him if he continues down the path he is on.

I've become much more positive about his Presidency failing in the past week then I did leading up to him taking power. There's the 1/3 of the country who is going to lap up whatever bullshit he throws and ignore the 'mainstream media' and in the end I don't really care what those people think, because they're not the ones who got him elected. It's the middle of the road people in places like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that got him elected, counties that voted for Obama in 2012 and are going to be open to swinging back as all this takes shape.

I put on the Today show for the first time since the election and was pleased to see that generally, the media is doing their job and pushing back. No hysterics, just straight reporting that points out the lies he's telling and what the administration is doing. It's the 'general news' media that will help shape the minds of the 1/3 of voters that may have voted for Trump but are not going to fall down the "MEDIA LIES FAKENEWS TRUMP IS GREAT" rabbit hole that you see from his diehard supporters on social media/Fox News.

This is a terrifying and dangerous moment in history, but I have faith that moderate voters will see through all of this bullshit and that the media will continue to do their job and in the end we'll vote Republicans out of legislative power in 2018 and get a Democrat in the WH for 2020. (Also daily prayers for the health of Ginsburg and Kennedy. Replacing Scalia w/ Scalia 2.0 sucks but isn't the worst thing that could happen. But replacing Kennedy or Ginsburg w/ a Trump nominee would be catastrophic)


Well, don't come here crying when Trump is jailing random people or violent riots break out all of the country. I warned you.

This is unbelievable. So I should treat America with the same caution that I would treat a more dangerous nation? I graduated from the University of Georgia, lived 5 minutes from the border and crossed weekly my whole life. And suddenly now if I move to the same country as my wife, I shouldn't 'come crying' when I'm randomly jailed? Crazy times.
I wish it were that easy. Her entire family is American. Heck, her father is in the military. Half of my family is American. It's not as simple as 'just don't go'.

I cross the border once a week to visit her, so I'm even concerned I'll be hassled Wednesday for my weekly visit.

I was born and raised in Canada, and no one in my background is from those countries. My father is 100% white Canadian, and my mother was an immigrant from Venezuela (born in Spain), but they are divorced and my mother is currently married to an American and living there.
You'll be leaving a peaceful country and entering a country in the midst of chaos, human rights violations, and teetering on the edge of a fascist takeover.

This is a really, really poor time to immigrate to the US.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This is unbelievable. So I should treat America with the same caution that I would treat a more dangerous nation? I graduated from the University of Georgia, lived 5 minutes from the border and crossed weekly my whole life. And suddenly now if I move to the same country as my wife, I shouldn't 'come crying' when I'm randomly jailed? Crazy times.
Crazy times indeed.
But for the short term at least, do not emigrate to the US because the country is in flux right now.


Chairman Priebus ladies and gentlemen.

Yup. There's a thread here about this and the OP quoted him saying "History books need to be wiped clean" when he was talking about the holocaust. Trump probably going to rename it to trololocaust soon enough. This is such a shit show at the moment. These are the people running the country.

Made a thread for it because it is truly something to behold. Chuck Todd grilled his ass hard and then he doubled down on the bullshit and his response to the holocaust question is just fucking absurd.


There's the link. Thanks.


People need to stop wasting time on Trump Twitter account. The real presidents of the USA are Bannon and Miller and they are using Trump to distract you from them. Trump only roles are distracting you with bullshit and signing whatever Bannon/Miller draft.
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