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NYT: Trump admin knew Flynn was under investigation before inauguration


The IC responding to the WH and GOP with a Shock and Awe campaign this week...

its the only thing that works. Put up a blitzkrieg, repubs have no choice but to react in some way that commits them to fixing this shit while they are bewildered and reactionary.


I honestly wonder why Flynn took the job, knowing that he was under investigation, and weighed in on a decision where he could be viewed as having a conflict of interest? He should be smart enough to know that all of this was going to blow up in his face.
He clearly believed Trump when he told him he didn't need to worry about it.
Sorry for being off topic, but as I watch MSNBC nightly and they constantly have people on from the NYT, WaPo, WSJ, etc. and Fox News constantly attacks the mainstream media, I wondered what journalistic establishments do they regularly have on? I know they've had on true right wing nut jobs and conspiracy theorists, but what is common for them?


The entire thing is burning down and I love it....Pence and Ryan are completely fucked after today, down with the SS Trump they go....

Russians, Turks, who's next that we here about they were working for?
what the fuck was so great about mike flynn that they had to have him.

This makes about as much sense as hiring an alcoholic to help run your new liquor store.


I always thought Pence was tied to Russia.

I mean, it was Manafort who chose him as VP. I always assumed that it was under the direction of Putin.
I always thought Pence was tied to Russia.

I mean, it was Manafort who chose him as VP. I always assumed that it was under the direction of Putin.

Pence covered the evangelical vote. Trump was a pussy grabbing, thrice married, new yorker who likely never touched a Bible. So that didn't play with the god warriors.
So this puts Pence on the hook, again, and further demolishes the latest line that Trump saw no need to listen to Yates because she was considered on the other side, politically.

Its just a litany of lies holding Trump and company up.
I always thought Pence was tied to Russia.

I mean, it was Manafort who chose him as VP. I always assumed that it was under the direction of Putin.

They thought Pence would be more likeable to GOP(and Bible thumpers) as well. Trump wanted Flynn as VP at first.
Sign a deal with the devil...



So as an outsider;

How long before this whole disgusting house of cards comes down?
Is it realistic to say it'll be done before the end of this month?
Is it realistic to say it'll be done before the end of this month?

Not at all. This thing is just getting started, and by that, I mean the actual action. Hearings would probably take a year. This isn't as simple as "Pence, Ryan, and Trump testify". There are hundreds of people involved, more evidence to collect, and it all needs to be done by the book.


Honestly at the rate things are going I have no idea how slow or fast this whole thing will take. Dirt is piling up on Trump at a rate that probably dwarfs Nixon
Honestly at the rate things are going I have no idea how slow or fast this whole thing will take. Dirt is piling up on Trump at a rate that probably dwarfs Nixon
Its a sprawling case just from what we know from public reporting.

Who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes?

And the investigation has broad authority and scope. Not only the collusion and questionable contacts and money trails, but also obstruction and anything else found in that process.


Its a sprawling case just from what we know from public reporting.

Who knows how deep the rabbit hole goes?

And the investigation has broad authority and scope. Not only the collusion and questionable contacts and money trails, but also obstruction and anything else found in that process.
Yep. The length of this depends on how deep it goes. I'm worried it goes really deep.
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