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Obama Administration Announces Massive Piracy Crackdown

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Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You have no idea how much Obama's use of the drone program makes me happy (cause it's right) and the fun I get from "Useless Liberals" who it make nuts.

I've never met anybody on the ground who was against drone usage. People who think war is "fair' are indeed very amusing.
Well, it is kind of true. Piracy DOES affect the economy. But they need to focus first on WHY piracy is a convenience for the new generation, not how to stop it.
Lkr said:
The biggest effort, though, will be devoted to cracking down on piracy websites in the U.S. and overseas. The administration was short on details of how exactly it would convince piracy-loving nations like China to change their ways, but it did say it would try to do so by "being as public as we possibly can" about infringement.


Should I be expecting an anti-piracy FBI team at my door in Auckland, New Zealand?
According to the Obama administration, the RIAA, and MPAA, the world economy is pretty much doomed if we don't start prosecuting pirates at home and abroad. Without such a crackdown, businesses will go bankrupt the coalition argues. Biden states, "Piracy hurts, it hurts our economy."

Haha, didn't see this part. Obviously the pirates are to blame for the worldwide liquidity crisis. They stole all the derivatives!
avatar299 said:
Because it's free

Sure, that's a motivation for some. But other's use it because of terrible DRM, obscene initial prices, and the disadvantage of physical media in this age.

You're always going to have a cult of pirates, no matter what age we live in. You can't stamp them all out, nor can you provide for a better alternative for these people.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
DeathbyVolcano said:
Well, it is kind of true. Piracy DOES affect the economy. But they need to focus first on WHY piracy is a convenience for the new generation, not how to stop it.

Netflix, iTunes, Pandora, Satellite Radio, TiVo, Gamefly, Used game store...

What convenience is not being served by existing, legal means that piracy fulfills? I mean, let's be honest. The only reason why people pirate is because it's getting free shit they normally would have to pay for. Period.

And that's cool. Just don't lie about your motivations. You want free shit. We all do.

Chris R

The thought crime portion is just ridiculous and would open a fucking huge can of worms. Why would you buy GTA if you aren't going to use it as a murder and crime learning experience to go on a rampage in real life???
WanderingWind said:
What convenience is not being served by existing, legal means that piracy fulfills? I mean, let's be honest. The only reason why people pirate is because it's getting free shit they normally would have to pay for. Period.

Limited exception for rare out of print movies that sell (if you can find them) for 145 bucks for a used copy. That said yes, it's mostly because people want free crap.
Everyone who makes a dime off of broadband should bend over backwards to thank all things pirating related. NBC wouldn't be streaming, Netflix would alway be through the mail, and itunes would just be a CD ripping program. Dial-up would have been the standard if Napster never came along.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Limited exception for rare out of print movies that sell (if you can find them) for 145 bucks for a used copy. That said yes, it's mostly because people want free crap.

I'd submit that if either A) the copywrite belongs to nobody or an insolvent company, it's not really pirating, and B) that if something is worth so much to you, like a vintage whatever to round out your collection, then you should buy it.


Hasphat6462 said:
Haha, didn't see this part. Obviously the pirates are to blame for the worldwide liquidity crisis. They stole all the derivatives!
Actually, they created these weird sorts of imaginary goods that the market wasn't prepared to handle responsibly. It's complicated, so I won't get too far into it, but basically tons of people wound up with things they don't really own. Certain sites take all of these individual things and bundle them up, and then offer them to other people for acquisition. These new people don't really know where all the individual parts of the bundle are coming from, but they don't really care because they think the risk has been distributed somewhere else.
WanderingWind said:
I'd submit that if either A) the copywrite belongs to nobody or an insolvent company, it's not really pirating, and B) that if something is worth so much to you, like a vintage whatever to round out your collection, then you should buy it.

Yeah, but it legally it is for A (not PD titles though), though I agree with you. For B keep in mind there may not be any copy for sale, say like some crazy Italian movie like Raiders of the Magic Ivory, Robowar, etc they only existed via OOP Japanese VHS tapes that are impossible to find.

Still, I mean it as a limited exception.


Pre-emptive strikes! Sounds very Bush.


Pirates will just start using more clever and untraceable sources. I guess a crackdown could get rid of some the less computer-savvy Joe Sixpirates though.


PrivateWHudson said:
Everyone who makes a dime off of broadband should bend over backwards to thank all things pirating related. NBC wouldn't be streaming, Netflix would alway be through the mail, and itunes would just be a CD ripping program. Dial-up would have been the standard if Napster never came along.
totally agree. the dam has burst, no amount of unnecessary litigation will fix it now. its the war on drugs all over again. time and energy need to be spent on learning how to monetize content that is being had for free (which admittedly is starting to happen: full episodes streaming online, pandora-like music services etc.)
Steam.. Itunes... Apple.. Amazon... Netflix...

many of these companies, including the big movie studios and record companies, have to much power. not only that, but they are also sitting on insane amount of information about buyer habits. when they have so much power in this global world, I think it's horrible that they start doing this.

keep this legalisation sh1t off the internet, and save it for things that matters, like hunting down hackers, terrorists, child pornography.

Piracy distribution is a different thing. but people downloading to their own computers? it does not equal sales of anything. it's just people researching something. I think many consumers who are aware, buy stuff they support and like.

but its not like DVDs; blu-rays or CDs have gotten a better push in retail? like prices in general was lowered, or packaging or extras was improved? NO! All these multi billion corps stayed their ground. they didnt care if the customers didnt thought the price was right.

80% of everything I DL I would say was not satisfactionry. I buy almost all the stuff that I like, because I like to have it physically. I just wish they gave a shit a bit more...

I think the companies dont respect the customers, and then in return, the customers don't care. They have no face on who they are buying from. it's just capitalism, and everyone is becoming short sighted. What do people care, they screw people all over again and again.

I have bought games, albums and movies, full price, that I have later downloaded, even though I paid for them, just because I couldnt be bothered to find it/install it or whatever.

GTA4 on PC was a great example of something where it was physically easier to download the game from a torrent site, than getting screwed over by the people selling me the game.

I cant believe it's 2010 and we still have to deal with CD-Keys!!! The f**k!


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Mercury Fred said:
Obviously this is more important than gay people having equal rights.

They work on more than one policy at a time, you know. The American judicial system, flawed though it may be, is a bit more complex than a Wendy's drive through.

Then again, Wendy's does make the second best spicy chicken sandwich in the fast food world, so they have that going for them.

I'm hungry now.
thatbox said:
Actually, they created these weird sorts of imaginary goods that the market wasn't prepared to handle responsibly. It's complicated, so I won't get too far into it, but basically tons of people wound up with things they don't really own. Certain sites take all of these individual things and bundle them up, and then offer them to other people for acquisition. These new people don't really know where all the individual parts of the bundle are coming from, but they don't really care because they think the risk has been distributed somewhere else.


The pirates who get busted were all working at AIG.
WanderingWind said:
Netflix, iTunes, Pandora, Satellite Radio, TiVo, Gamefly, Used game store...

What convenience is not being served by existing, legal means that piracy fulfills? I mean, let's be honest. The only reason why people pirate is because it's getting free shit they normally would have to pay for. Period.

And that's cool. Just don't lie about your motivations. You want free shit. We all do.

True story:

I wanted to re-install Vista on my laptop this weekend. My Dell didn't ship with an OS recovery disk, just a recovery partition on the hard drive. I couldn't get the partition to work, and to get an OEM disk from Dell would have taken weeks.

I looked all over the internet for a downloadable version of the disk and alas, the only place I found it was at a long forgotten website...the pirate bay. There wasn't anyone sharing the OEM Vista disk, but I did see a full cracked version of Windows 7 right below it with hundreds of people sharing.

Bottom line, it would have been much more convenient to do the wrong thing.
WanderingWind said:
They work on more than one policy at a time, you know. The American judicial system, flawed though it may be, is a bit more complex than a Wendy's drive through.

Then again, Wendy's does make the second best spicy chicken sandwich in the fast food world, so they have that going for them.

I'm hungry now.
DADT has no business still existing when an executive order could stop that shit.

I'll have a Frosty and small fries btw.
lol @ people freaking out about this. It's going to take years for politicians to get this going, especially with Obama. By that time, something else will be out that takes full advantage of the law's loopholes and people will pirate another way, ie not bittorrent. These laws are always years behind technology...
WanderingWind said:
They work on more than one policy at a time, you know. The American judicial system, flawed though it may be, is a bit more complex than a Wendy's drive through.

Then again, Wendy's does make the second best spicy chicken sandwich in the fast food world, so they have that going for them.

I'm hungry now.

Welcome to Wendy's what would you like?
I'll have a gay marriage please.
Would like extra pickles with that?
No thank you.
Thank you pull through.

Fuck I want Wendy's now, and Newark has NO Wendy's near my place. I can't wait to be out of here.
Mercury Fred said:
DADT has no business still existing when an executive order could stop that shit.

Say we get rid of DADT which branch are you signing up for?

Hey, I'm all for it, to quote Barry Goldwater, you don't have to be straight, to shoot straight.

So I could do a google search for "murder cyanide" or something and be fine.

But if I search for "torrent daft punk" I am preemptively guilty of piracy?

I'm as against piracy as anyone else, but how does this make sense?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Not surprising.

The United States has been run by corporations for years, and voting has become a sport.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Mercury Fred said:
DADT has no business still existing when an executive order could stop that shit.
I'll have a Frosty and small fries btw.

It's going bye-bye. Do some research into the next Commandant of the Marine Corps. There is a reason why the very, very popular choice was not selected.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Welcome to Wendy's what would you like?
I'll have a gay marriage please.
Would like extra pickles with that?
No thank you.
Thank you pull through.
Fuck I want Wendy's now, and Newark has NO Wendy's near my place. I can't wait to be out of here.

I will never live in a place without a Wendy's or a Chik-fil-a, ever again.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
WanderingWind said:
They work on more than one policy at a time, you know. The American judicial system, flawed though it may be, is a bit more complex than a Wendy's drive through.

I don't know dude... I watch C-SPAN. Some of these assholes can barely string together a coherent thought. They'd probably get fired at a Wendy's.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Say we get rid of DADT which branch are you signing up for?

Hey, I'm all for it, to quote Barry Goldwater, you don't have to be straight, to shoot straight.

The Navy. Duh.


Neo Member
This is bullshit! Where will I be able to steal from?

I'm with you.. So lame, the worst thing is he's using OUR tax money to prevent us doing this..




"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Mercury Fred said:
Obviously this is more important than gay people having equal rights.

Or stopping the war and trillions drained on military bases around the world.
Or funding the creation of 30+ nuclear fission plants
Or funding $500 billion to Nuclear Fusion.
Or funding $3 trillion to domestic biofuel production.
Or banning corporate bribes ("donations"), severely restricting lobbying, and redefining a corporation as a business rather than a person.

Yep, a bunch of hot air about green energy, a war on drugs, a war on not spending trillions on lobbyists, and now a war on protocols.
I take what I said back, I can't wait to use someone else's computer who I hate and do pirate searches. Hell, I could do some sabotaging on some company computers. :D
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