I think Disney have made the same mistake that they did with the movies. The Force Awakens was a decent movie with some potential that was squandered by them shotgunning a bunch of other movies into theaters in too short a time. Not to mention the shit shows that were TLJ and whatever episode 9 was called (only watched it once to laugh at how bad it was).
Mandalorian was a hit, and good overall, but now they’re oversaturating the series with TV shows in order to fill a content quota for Disney+. I watched Boba Fett for two episodes and it was just boring; I ended up skipping to the one with Luke, Ashoka, and Grogu. Despite being a bit more interesting that just felt like a filler episode they were originally going to use for Mandalorian S3.
I gave this show a chance too but episode 3 just made me lost interest. Despite the comically bad chase scene with Leia I thought the first two episodes had a decent setup. But Ep3 made Obi-wan look like an idiot. Saying Leia’s name in front of the storm troopers, then fighting off 5 of them only to surrender to 3 more 2 minutes later. It’s just sloppy writing and it’s clear whoever’s making it don't even care. The Vader confrontation was just meh too.
I started reading stuff on my phone while the episode played I just didn’t care anymore. The thing is with material like this, Solo, and Rogue One it’s just not that interesting off the bat because, like someone else mentioned, it’s just filling gaps that are largely inconsequential or/and for characters who’ve already had their character development finished.
The best additional Star Wars media seems to be the ones that focus on new characters who can have their own character arc and challenges; because then the writers actually have to create something instead of relying solely on member-berry references while simultaneously ruining/retconning continuity.