I understand. I really do, but this is how it got this far. One side was pushing and the other didn't want to roll around in that mud. I watched the same thing happen to my old high school that my kids go to now. Regular people don't want to become teachers or go to every PTA meeing. No one wants to point out obvious subversiveness in otherwise great games like RDR2 and be "that guy". That just allowed the crazys to make unfettered progress for the last 25 years. We don't have the luxury of being able to sit it out imo. It's not only video games. The same hedonistic demiurge is consuming most aspects of western life.
If you go back and read my posts in this thread, I actually think the pronouns are the least of Avowed's troubles. Almost to the point that the publishers aren't quite sure how to assess what went wrong with failed games. But I assure you, Outlaws, DAVG and Suicide Squad would have been gutter trash even without the woke aspects in the story. For most of my gaming life, if I was asked my favorite devs, Obsidian would be mentioned on the short list.
I think a big part of this issue is that most people are naturally tolerant. That was majorly taken advantage of and now there's a major push back - and it's not just occurring in games.
With gaming, though, there were other issues at hand too - being told games were not diverse until now when they always have been (there's a lot of lies like this), the complicity of gaming media to uplift 'woke' games above others (thereby misleading the public), the anti-gamer attitude from many developers and media (anti-white, anti-male, etc.), franchise with long histories being contorted and ultimately made worse to fit the developer's message, being labeled as any number of 'ist' terms for simply objecting, etc.
This has been ongoing for a long time and people simply have no trust left to give. It's why there's so much suspicion and anger around these topics too and why even a whiff of DEI in a game has some up in arms. People get mad about the so-called anti-woke, but all of us accepted this stuff for a long time before it came to what it is now. Basically, it says a lot about how bad things have got that this many people are now collectively saying: "no more".