Funny I didn't realize you were against individual privacy and so in favor of mob justice.
I... did realize that you're intellectually dishonest and against accountability for the powerful, actually.
Funny I didn't realize you were against individual privacy and so in favor of mob justice.
Spamming his inbox is stupid. Getting him fired or penalized is not.
The problem is 'getting him fired' is up to his employer, and not this mob justice shit.
It's much, much more likely to happen if people can actually complain about a specific person, know that the footage and photographs that they have are of a specific person, et cetera. People can (and now, will) absolutely put a LOT of pressure on his employer to fire him.
And now the employee can expect a lot of pressure on his real life. One reason why people post these personal details is that inside, they hope that some 4chan kid will select this particular 'injustice' (decided upon by youtube viewers...great) and go after him so they can feel some satisfaction. Ridiculous.
And now the employee can expect a lot of pressure on his real life. One reason why people post these personal details is that inside, they hope that some 4chan kid will select this particular 'injustice' (decided upon by youtube viewers...great) and go after him so they can feel some satisfaction. Ridiculous.
Exactly how is calling and emailing him and his superior, both of whom can be found here:, and telling them that you don't support what they did and think it was wrong. How is that in any way mob justice?
Irony is he's the Lt for the division in charge of police complaints, training, and hiring. How about that business?
And now the employee can expect a lot of pressure on his real life. One reason why people post these personal details is that inside, they hope that some 4chan kid will select this particular 'injustice' (decided upon by youtube viewers...great) and go after him so they can feel some satisfaction. Ridiculous.
How is that in any way mob justice?
Mob mentality. There's people trying to have a rational conversation in there's youtube comments. That kind of thing doesn't happen.
"There was no justification for the use of force or abuse on American citizens!!!"
Let's see what the mob thinks, via youtube comments:
"People should pepper-spray the cops."
"UC Davis cops are pigs."
"Paint-filled balloons make those riot masks quite limiting."
"look at the NAZI's putting their chemicals to use. There was no justification for the use of force or abuse on American citizens!!!"
"i absolutely hate the police, they are on a power trip with their 30,000 a year salary"
"The cops are ignorant assholes!!! I'd like to see them without the uniform and any weapons....and let's see if the act tough like they do in this video."
"there are more people than cops...i wish anarachy had happened. I wish they like all attacked them."
Mob mentality. There's people trying to have a rational conversation in there's youtube comments. That kind of thing doesn't happen.
oh my gosh what an irrational and crazy thing to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a little irrational. You're looking at video from one point of view and people are interpreting the law how they want to. The only actual judgment that should matter is what a court of law comes to. You probably think I have too much faith in the justice system, because me saying that opens me up to "well what about ____ who didn't get convicted" and on and on, but you have to have a certain amount of faith in the justice system for it to work, or you just have anarchy and frontier justice.
It's a little irrational. You're looking at video from one point of view and people are interpreting the law how they want to. The only actual judgment that should matter is what a court of law comes to. You probably think I have too much faith in the justice system, because me saying that opens me up to "well what about ____ who didn't get convicted" and on and on, but you have to have a certain amount of faith in the justice system for it to work, or you just have anarchy and frontier justice.
It's a little irrational. You're looking at video from one point of view and people are interpreting the law how they want to. The only actual judgment that should matter is what a court of law comes to. You probably think I have too much faith in the justice system, because me saying that opens me up to "well what about ____ who didn't get convicted" and on and on, but you have to have a certain amount of faith in the justice system for it to work, or you just have anarchy and frontier justice.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Not going to bother responding to everything else but honestly it makes me feel sick that someone like you can exist.
No one's wanting to to tear down the justice system; plenty of people do, however, have a healthy pessimism in the system actually delivering justice to those sworn to uphold it, particularly in departments as notoriously insular as law enforcement. Public pressure tends to help the process along so pretending like the guy's work contact information being posted is some dangerous breach of privacy is silly.
Well, yes and no. I do have *some* faith in the justice system as well (but not that much - it's got a well-documented bias in favor of letting cops get away with practically anything as long as they can claim that they felt threatened - it hasn't by any means solved the eternal 'quis custodiet ipsos custodes' problem), but there are several sorts of penalties this guy can suffer: criminal, civil, professional, and personal. I'm not advocating for *personal* shit to happen to him. But he can suffer professional penalties even if this never actually goes to a court of law.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Not going to bother responding to everything else but honestly it makes me feel sick that someone like you can exist.
I had my sites mixed up - another one I frequent -was- posting his personal information out there for justice, and I got my wires crossed. If the info posted here was simply to his employer, I have no issue with that.
Posting personal information and ruining their lives is the only way to get them to stop, otherwise they get away with it and it's business as usual. At least that's the only way without violence. Remember that judge guy who beat on his daughter? What would happen if the 'justice' system was to make a decision on that instead of the video tape + internet?
Oh god these multi-quotes are so nice.
I had my sites mixed up - another one I frequent -was- posting his personal information out there for justice, and I got my wires crossed. If the info posted here was simply to his employer, I have no issue with that.
I completely agree with this.
Posting personal information and ruining their lives is the only way to get them to stop, otherwise they get away with it and it's business as usual. At least that's the only way without violence. Remember that judge guy who beat on his daughter? What would happen if the 'justice' system was to make a decision on that instead of the video tape + internet?
As far as I recall (I could be wrong) the video didn't include a home address or telephone number. The judge was well known and the video itself was enough to put a spotlight on him. The people and the press have a name for this officer now, his anonymity is gone. Posting personal information (which anyone crazy enough to do something stupid could likely track down anyway) just ups the ante for the potential for violent reprisal, I would think.
Information on the officer who pepper sprayed the peaceful students at UC-Davis:
is available on one of the two top rated comments on this video.
He gets no anonymity. He deserves no anonymity. And he needs to be made accountable for his actions.
Releasing his name and work email is fine. His home address no and telephone number no.
Did The City Purposefully Destroy Occupy Wall Street's Property?
During the nighttime raid of Zuccotti Park, the NYPD, with the help of the Department of Sanitation, confiscated the items that the Occupy Wall Street protesters had used to make the area home. Demonstrators were told that they could pick up their property, which was just moved so the NYPD could do some mopping, at a Sanitation building on West 57th street. However, there was no mention of what condition the items would be in, and Motherboard reports that computers taken in the raid were broken and dented, appearing to have been "smashed with bats."
A reporter followed Isaac Wilder, a member of OWS' Signal Corps, which was charged with providing Wi-Fi in Zuccotti, as he entered the Sanitation building to collect his property taken in the raid: a backpack, a nine-foot tall tower containing wireless routers, and $5,000 in cash. No press are allowed in the building, and Wilder describes the mound of personal affects as "a large heap of damp, mangled, cat-piss smelling stuff." He finds all the broken computers, laid out in a row.
A Sanitation rep tells Motherboard that he's "not surprised" that the laptops are damaged, and neither are we considering that witnesses to the raid described the "crunching" sound of the contents of Zuccotti Park being dumped into truck beds. Wilder didn't end up finding any of his property; it appears to be lost along with the items from the library, medical tent, and other portions of the park that accrued two months worth of resources.
But don't worry: if the protesters feel that their property was "mishandled or misplaced" you can always fill out a form. Plus, the park's floor is clean enough to eat off it (if you're a pigeon). It's all part of the NYPD's new cleaning service. You won't even notice they're working. We've contacted the NYPD and the Sanitation Department for comment.
LOL man you're a total loon.I disagree. This scum deserves whatever the public wants to throw at him. He sprayed a bunch of peaceful students like he was spritzing weed killer on some unwanted plants. Fuck this guy.
Police used batons to try to push the students apart. Those they could separate, they arrested, kneeling on their bodies and pushing their heads into the ground. Those they could not separate, they pepper-​sprayed directly in the face, holding these students as they did so. When students covered their eyes with their clothing, police forced open their mouths and pepper-​sprayed down their throats. Several of these students were hospitalized. Others are seriously injured. One of them, forty-​five minutes after being pepper-​sprayed down his throat, was still coughing up blood.
Unbelievable. He should be jailed immediately. He's obviously a dangerous criminal and not fit to be an officer, let alone walk the streets.
Not doing something Mercury Fred suggests.Show us how to be reasonable.
Oh the rush to judgement without knowledge of police procedure, orders, or context of the entire situation.
Shit's almost comical.
And here's an account from one of the school's professors who was there at the scene at UC Davis:
Uhm no it is not? Citizens pay for them, they are there to protect them and their rights. They can judge them whenever they want, it's up to the Police to explain their actions.Oh the rush to judgement without knowledge of police procedure, orders, or context of the entire situation.
Shit's almost comical.
You're such a disgusting human being. Ugh, how can you walk around with such a mentality? People like you is why the world is such a fucked up place, no joke. Sucking the love out of the world and replace it with a broken and corrupt system of feudalism. Jezus Christ.Well don't break the law then. They have to be responsible for their actions.
Also they only did this to criminals who they couldn't remove.
Oh the rush to judgement without knowledge of police procedure, orders, or context of the entire situation.
Shit's almost comical.
Also they only did this to criminals who they couldn't remove.
There is no context. College students were sitting on pavement protesting and a thug sprayed them with pepper spray.
The only context that would justify that is if earlier in the video the students tried to attack the police, in which case they'd all get beat downs/tazed/shot and hauled to jail, not pepper sprayed.
Derp. Hey guys maybe he was ordered to pepper spray them, or it's standard police procedure! That makes it ok!
Shit's almost comical.
Your tax dollars at work: