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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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So ultimately the Law rules. It isn't that the law is there to protect others from harm and abuse, it's that the law is there for order, and the harm and abuse goes to those who disobey the law.

Anyone who believes that is misguided and has lost the point. Who wants to live in that world?

What next, want to defend Bull Connor? The people back then didn't heed his directives and thusly became "criminals" too.
So ultimately the Law rules. It isn't that the law is there to protect others from harm and abuse, it's that the law is there for order, and the harm and abuse goes to those who disobey the law.

Anyone who believes that is misguided and has lost the point. Who wants to live in that world?

Actually, cops have been in violation of the law over and over through many/ most of the OWS actions, too many are just common thugs who belong behind bars.


Hello everyone. I was arrested Thursday while sitting down in the intersection of Pine and Nassau. Here's some video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM7unTfTfuo&feature=youtube_gdata_player

I'm at 1:20, in the green jacket and black hat. I was very proud to sit down for what I believe in, and I encourage anyone else to do the same.
Wow, respect. It's also funny that the people in the AJ videos are very reasonable but all the other media only find the crazy ones ...


you and most of the people in this thread displaying what appears to be angsty youth rage will never have an argument, and no one will take you seriously. You're simply reinforcing the "generation entitlement" group stereotype everyone already has of you.

Speak for yourself because that's the only way you'd be telling the truth.

Actually, cops have been in violation of the law over and over through many/ most of the OWS actions, too many are just common thugs who belong behind bars.

Pointing that out just gives them an excuse to ignore the original point.

They're the authority, so they "represent the law" "defend" it. They would never break it because they're "just" and justified. How many abuses is too many? Even one.

Wow, respect. It's also funny that the people in the AJ videos are very reasonable but all the other media only find the crazy ones ...

You want to show a picture of a protester just sitting there Occupying? Your news show would be the lowest rated one in existence.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Speak for yourself because that's the only way you'd be telling the truth.

Lol, you seem to have forgotten most of my post, here, let me fix that for you. Here's the posts in their entirety. ;)

There is no context. College students were sitting on pavement protesting and a thug sprayed them with pepper spray.

The only context that would justify that is if earlier in the video the students tried to attack the police, in which case they'd all get beat downs/tazed/shot and hauled to jail, not pepper sprayed.

"No context," lol.

Also, you can't pass judgement on anything those police did until you 1. Understand the word context (which apparently you do not). 2. Understand the entirety of the context that lead to the spraying. 3. Know and understand the handbook/guidelines those police work under (for that specific department). and 4. Understand the law and what "rights" actually are.

Until you know all of those things, you and most of the people in this thread displaying what appears to be angsty youth rage will never have an argument, and no one will take you seriously. You're simply reinforcing the "generation entitlement" group stereotype everyone already has of you.


And what of the violent anti-protester sentiment of the Police? It's very apparent. I wish it would be exposed.

At least it would actually be fair and balanced.
Insanity. MADNESS. You'd have no advertisers. What self respecting Gold reseller or Seed-bank fly by night operation would buy ad time on your station? Who wants to sponsor someone who makes life more difficult for them?(don't you dare say the typical lower-middle class conservative.)


have you even finished high school yet
No, guess that says enough about US education if a high school kid can have a better judgement on police behaviour
just kidding here. our system is failing too

Where are you from anyway? I always thought you were from Finland.

Insanity. MADNESS. You'd have no advertisers. What self respecting Gold reseller or Seed-bank fly by night operation would buy ad time on your station? Who wants to sponsor someone who makes life more difficult for them?
I'll just do like AJ and have some Quatari Sjeiks sponser me :p


No, guess that says enough about US education if a high school kid can have a better judgement on police behaviour
just kidding here. our system is failing too

Where are you from anyway? I always thought you were from Finland.
i am from sweden, texas


Your tax dollars at work:


Well. I guess the cop IS the only one working in that situation. And he is the only one being paid to do so by our taxes. So yes?

[quote="akira28, post: 32808717"]o so you're a no one with half a brain then? Pleased to meet you. I hope someday you find acceptance where you belong.[/QUOTE]

Really though, how old are you now?

[quote="Jenga, post: 32808693"]i am from sweden, texas[/QUOTE]

Liar. It's Texas, Sweden.
Taking care of criminals, what is your point?

While you are obviously trolling befitting of the Hans name, your authoritarian personality is on roids today. I imagine the rest of the people defending these actions are also rigid conformists and accepting of a social hierarchy as they feel they are at the top (ie Charlie Sheen "Winning"). /pop psych hat off

For the rest of us:
While you are obviously trolling befitting of the Hans name, your authoritarian personality is on roids today. I imagine the rest of the people defending these actions are also rigid conformists and accepting of a social hierarchy as they feel they are at the top (ie Charlie Sheen "Winning"). /pop psych hat off

For the rest of us:
Hans was supposed to be Hands it was just mistyped. Have you never seen MST3K?

As much as I disagree with you on OWS and talk shit, I still agree with you on other subjects and have mad respect for finishing law school. I really do :)]

Thank you!


When you have actual evidence of unacceptable police responses I'll look at it, so far I haven't seen anything at all to suggest that.

That pepper-spraying UC Davis cop should be fired and arrested immediately. My god.


First its from Russia today so who knows what the real context is. Second, that's actually fairly normal to do, the idea is to ensure when you go into move them they won't try and knife you, grab on to you, etc. I've seen things before when people locked onto trees and they had to be cut out cops use cotton swaps to place it on their eyes.

Why am I not surprised?
Manos has achieved the highest plain, congratulations, you have reached fascist level. it's not even a joke anymore, you're scum of the earth regardless of how hardcore you are trolling and masturbating to our outrage.


What's up with all of the people in the background taking pictures? I need to go back and read about what happened. I'm sure there's a link somewhere.

Good question. I probably would have cleared out of there, don't want pepper spray in my face.
So I've been following this thread from a distance and I gotta say, didn't know gaf was popular among fascists. I am disgusted and disappointed that I share the same board with a handful of very scary individuals (if soulless corporate drones are to be called individuals). They seemed nice, too, until they showed their true colors. Lesson learned.


So I've been following this thread from a distance and I gotta say, didn't know gaf was popular among fascists. I am disgusted and disappointed that I share the same board with a handful of very scary individuals (if soulless corporate drones are to be called individuals). They seemed nice, too, until they showed their true colors. Lesson learned.

You do realize that there are probably closet racists, homophobes, religious extremists, etc. here too, right? Still, I love how you equate Manos' views in this thread to fascism and thus this board is full of fascists. I like Anti-Flag and NOFX too bro.


Gold Member
Manos, what's your position on our current politics and economy? I see your position on the protests, but I'm genuinely curious about your position when the protests are removed from the equation.
Manos, what's your position on our current politics and economy? I see your position on the protests, but I'm genuinely curious about your position when the protests are removed from the equation.

it goes a few pages back, but he would rather have healthcare for himself than lose a bit of quality and have healthcare be available to everyone who doesn't have it.

i think that sums it up
Manos has achieved the highest plain, congratulations, you have reached fascist level. it's not even a joke anymore, you're scum of the earth regardless of how hardcore you are trolling and masturbating to our outrage.

Outrage over what?

So I've been following this thread from a distance and I gotta say, didn't know gaf was popular among fascists. I am disgusted and disappointed that I share the same board with a handful of very scary individuals (if soulless corporate drones are to be called individuals). They seemed nice, too, until they showed their true colors. Lesson learned.

Now I'm a fascist LOL



But the NYPD preserved the OWS library (sort of), so everything's honky dory!

Man, whatever happened to magicstop? This thread has really gone to shit these past few days.[/QUOTE]

Manos captured him and took him to his secret underground fascist rehabilitation center.

[quote="Manos: The Hans of Fate, post: 32809298"]Am embarrassment to the city and people of Philadelphia.[/QUOTE]

DUDEEE, I can win a Macobook Air 2.


Am embarrassment to the city and people of Philadelphia.
This man. :D

magicstop said:
Just as a kind of gentle reminder, one being made obviously not as a moderator but as a user who hopes to keep this thread from falling apart, please avoid feeding the trolls in this thread. Let them act out without reacting, and we can keep the conversation moving positively. I'd also avoid getting too wrapped up or focusing on very specific arguments about minutia, as they tend to derail the overall progress of a thread such as this. Thanks for your help!


So I've been following this thread from a distance and I gotta say, didn't know gaf was popular among fascists. I am disgusted and disappointed that I share the same board with a handful of very scary individuals (if soulless corporate drones are to be called individuals). They seemed nice, too, until they showed their true colors. Lesson learned.
I am more disappointed that no one can post in a thread about this subject unless they agree with OWS. Whats wrong with open decision? Nothing more boring and waste of time then a circlejerk thread.
I am more disappointed that no one can post in a thread about this subject unless they agree with OWS. Whats wrong with open decision? Nothing more boring and waste of time then a circlejerk thread.

that has NEVER been the case. there has been real, honest, true discussion in here. it's not about a dichotomy of not supporting or supporting, it's just that Manos quite literally is trolling beyond every known level of trolling previously recorded.

it's just old now

everytime someone comes in here with honest intentions in mind, regardless of opinion, things are discussed, knowledge is imparted both ways. but Manos is NOT doing that in any way, it's just really, truly old by now. The schtick is played out so he's had to take it to herculean degrees by quite literally defending police brutality in every one of its incarnations and making such shitty statements like "i wonder if he's friend with that guy who wanted to play up the white house" that it's old, it's simply just annoying now.

Look through the thread, really, you will see those who are simply skeptical, those who may disagree, whoever, whatever, but then there are idiots like Manos who are so comically antagonistic, dishonest and intellectually vapid that it's gotten WAY out of hand.


I am more disappointed that no one can post in a thread about this subject unless they agree with OWS. Whats wrong with open decision? Nothing more boring and waste of time then a circlejerk thread.

you are part of the 99% or part of the problem and will be dealt with accordingly after the revolution. you are with us or against us.
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