while true he has always come across as being reasonable and genuinely contributes to the conversation as a whole. Exactly like BGamer does. While both of them obviously favor MS they are both valuable members of SalesGAF for their ability to contribute to the ongoing conversation. Case in point...
...A solid point/post by Bgamer which went entirely disregarded in this thread. Although I will say that it is missing the analysis of the PS4 figures and placing and I think that would provide a bit more clarity to the argument presented here it is still a good counterpoint to a lot of the grandstanding thats been occurring in this thread. I would post the PS4 analysis of the same chart/month but I dont have the time right now. Anyways just thought I'd say thanks for the solid post BGamer.
Thanks. I do prefer MS' lineup when it comes to my gaming taste (action, racers, etc.) but I really wouldn't say that it plays a role in my predictions in these threads at all.
I wasn't trying to get any numbers out of the Amazon monthly charts since that is pretty much impossible. Right now, I just think that the pre orders of the Halo 5 bundle in August isn't necessarily enough to give it a win over the PS4. Of course, it's possible, but there are three PS4 SKU's being quite close to the Halo 5 bundle, with one being ahead. Anyway, I don't just rely on Amazon to make my predictions since it represents only 5% of the market.
This is exactly what I mean though... What's the point of using Amazon if we're not going to use it to its fullest potential for predicting sales? As I said earlier, the Halo 5 bundle was the top Xbox One on Amazon during August -- a month in which the system sold 202K. People here use Amazon ranks all the time to state how much more they felt one system sold over the other (mainly PS4 vs. Xbox One obviously).
If the Halo 5 bundle was 16 spots higher than the first Xbox One bundle that actually counted for sales in August (a 202K month) then what does that say about Halo 5 bundle pre-orders in August?