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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!



Honestly though I don't hate the RoboCop reboot after letting it sink in. I was a little disappointed by it because the second half of the movie is kind of a turd while the first half was interesting. It's flawed and I would put it below RoboCop and RoboCop 2 by a decent margin, but it had its moments. It's nowhere near as bad as the shit show that was RoboCop 3




Amazing Spider-Man 1 was better than all 3 Raimi movies.

Don't get me wrong, 1 and 2 we're good, but 3 was so terrible it retroactively made 1 and 2 bad


It's out? Jesus I am so out of the loop when it comes to metal nowadays. Sunbather is one of my favs.

came out today, give it a go it's realllllllllllllly good


Brock is going to lose to Big Show .... isn't he...

LOL there is no way that they will have Brock lose going into a big match against Taker right after.
Unless they are legit going to hand Show the pity retirement strap at Mania which would be ratings meltdown leading up to and after.


Lies detected

Spidey 2 secretly has a bunch of the shit that also made Spidey 3 bad.
  • Mary Jane is a super bitch? Check
  • Harry Osborn's actions are fueled by pure stupidity? Check
  • Scene where Parker acts like a complete dork in public? Check
  • Main villain is pointlessly tied to Peter Parker for EMOTIONAL REASONS? Check
Plus Spidey 2 has its own stupid shit like random superpower impotency and Raimi filling the movie with out of place cheese simply because HEY GUYS REMEMBER THAT THIS GUY MADE ARMY OF DARKNESS?! Spidey 2 is the "getting all of your shit in" of super hero movies.


Spidey 2 secretly has a bunch of the shit that also made Spidey 3 bad.
  • Mary Jane is a super bitch? Check
  • Harry Osborn's actions are fueled by pure stupidity? Check
  • Scene where Parker acts like a complete dork in public? Check
  • Main villain is pointlessly tied to Peter Parker for EMOTIONAL REASONS? Check

You realize all of this is accurate to the comic too, right


Spidey 2 secretly has a bunch of the shit that also made Spidey 3 bad.
  • Mary Jane is a super bitch? Check
  • Harry Osborn's actions are fueled by pure stupidity? Check
  • Scene where Parker acts like a complete dork in public? Check
  • Main villain is pointlessly tied to Peter Parker for EMOTIONAL REASONS? Check
Plus Spidey 2 has its own stupid shit like random superpower impotency and Raimi filling the movie with out of place cheese simply because HEY GUYS REMEMBER THAT THIS GUY MADE ARMY OF DARKNESS?! Spidey 2 is the "getting all of your shit in" of super hero movies.

but in spidey 2 he steals that guy's pizza

then again spidey 1 has bonesaw

man spidey 1 is preeeeetty good


in 2015 it would sound something like : "he just doesn't connect with the crowd"

in 2015 Vince would have that person do 3 make a wish and 2 cancer gatherings highlighted by Steph.

Everyone is a face because you never know when Linda might run again.

When was the last non part timer that had an angle or match where he just wanted to put the beating on someone?


in 2015 Vince would have that person do 3 make a wish and 2 cancer gatherings highlighted by Steph.

Everyone is a face because you never know when Linda might run again.

When was the last non part timer that had an angle or match where he just wanted to put the beating on someone?

Owens kinda wants to murder people for no good reason, but yeah you're right


Fuck you fans I ain't here for you. I'm here to kick that pick tight wearing shitman's ass.

You know I think the Bret feud is easily as good as if not better than the McMahon stuff. The latter just gets dumb with all the stupid gimmick shit like the concrete, the beer truck all that shit. Bret and Real Ass Stone Cold was just two guys who hated each other and wanted to end each other.


You know I think the Bret feud is easily as good as if not better than the McMahon stuff. The latter just gets dumb with all the stupid gimmick shit like the concrete, the beer truck all that shit. Bret and Real Ass Stone Cold was just two guys who hated each other and wanted to end each other.

One might go so far as to say it was the last great WWF feud.


You know I think the Bret feud is easily as good as if not better than the McMahon stuff. The latter just gets dumb with all the stupid gimmick shit like the concrete, the beer truck all that shit. Bret and Real Ass Stone Cold was just two guys who hated each other and wanted to end each other.

Meanwhile to Bret stone cold was a piece of white trash who was part of the moral degrade of society.

They were do good together.

Just imagine what a Mania 14 result would have been if it was Bret finally succumbing to the texas rattlesnake.

Austin finally wins.


Meanwhile to Bret stone cold was a piece of white trash who was part of the moral degrade of society.

They were do good together.

Just imagine what a Mania 14 result would have been if it was Bret finally succumbing to the texas rattlesnake.

Austin finally wins.

Would that mean Tyson joins the Hart Foundation leading up to WM14?


Meanwhile to Bret stone cold was a piece of white trash who was part of the moral degrade of society.

They were do good together.

Just imagine what a Mania 14 result would have been if it was Bret finally succumbing to the texas rattlesnake.

Austin finally wins.

I liked Bret's idea of dropping the title to Shamrock and the Austin beating him to really get over his legit tough SOB credentials.

Instead we got a pretty broken down Shawn :(


I feel like Heel would have been the guy screaming "This is a work" and "That's not a shoot move" during Bret-Austin


So I couldn't get to sleep yesterday too well and only managed 2 hours before work. I'm thinking I will restore balance by shooting for 10-11 hours before work tonight.


I love it when WWE does Iron Man matches and the hype video is just a bunch of footage of both wrestlers doing cardio workouts.



I love it when WWE does Iron Man matches and the hype video is just a bunch of footage of both wrestlers doing cardio workouts.


They showed Shawn doing handstand pushups and shit and showed Bret slowly jogging like an old lady. Never forget, never forgive.

Bret/Austin feud is the pinnacle of Pro Wrestling Entertainment.

Yeah, I said it.

For me it's JT Smith's italian stint in ECW.
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