Disagree Guy
I burst out laughing when I saw him just laying there dead. Got some weird looks.
He can't even sell being knocked out well.
He's a joke
I burst out laughing when I saw him just laying there dead. Got some weird looks.
People outside of the U.S. say "We the People?"
So no hashtag with James was made.He tweeted (or twat) 7 hours ago
So Tajiri has some sort of ambassadorial role with WWE - took part in CWC etc...
His match against super crazy at ECW is considered one of the greatest of all times (on alot of top 50 lists anyway)
I really want him to be a surprise entrant in RR '17
I'd pop for that
Tajiri was the only reason this Cruiserweight thing had any ounce of salt for me and I still haven't seen him. :'(
Hoping they can do something fun with him. The Rumble without a few surprise/throwback entrants is awful.
You need to listen to his two part podcast with Bruce Prichard, very good stuff.Cornette will be shooting on Pepsi next.
That's awesome. Can't wait to see what he does.So Tajiri has some sort of ambassadorial role with WWE - took part in CWC etc...
His match against super crazy at ECW is considered one of the greatest of all times (on alot of top 50 lists anyway)
I really want him to be a surprise entrant in RR '17
I'd pop for that
That's awesome. Can't wait to see what he does.
I really wish they'd sell that Ellsworth shirt. I want to buy it and wear it.
EDIT: Whoa. It exists!
What I'm uncomfortable with the AJ DQ lost last night is that they announced AJ vs Dean and if Dean wins, he'll be the #1 contender for the World Title. So in conclusion, Dean will be #1 contender and AJ would have lost 3 consecutive times in a row.
Lol, well of course I remember that.It's already happened mate,
Heand thenBeat his first opponentGot knocked out by Gran Metalik
Both his matches were performed with veteran level precision. I was very happy.
If these Styles/Michaels at the Rumble rumours are true, i will mark out like marks have never marked.
-- Braun crushed Ellsworth, but AJ is "struggling" against him despite being the world champ
-- AJ has been called out for how good and technical he is, but he keeps letting his guard down against Ellsworth
The ellsworth feud is seriously making AJ look "weak" and not by typical OMG CENA standards, in actual friggin story telling
Catching up on Smackdown right now.
Naomi is suddenly becoming a super solid ring worker and a legitimately good face. Her match with Alexa really surprised me.
Also never thought I would in any way enjoy the team of Orton and Kane. But here I am.
Smackdown takes the time to do good old fashion wrestling storylines where the line between faces and heels is clear. You need to do the simple things to get people invested in the first place.
I had no faith in her repackaging but it's really starting to get some momentum.What's blown my mind about Naoimi is she's been incredibly over since redoing her image. The cheers may not be as much during the match, but you can hear the kids going nuts the moment her music and dance kick in.
Oh boy.TNA lawsuit stuff is,being unsealed tomorrow
TNA lawsuit stuff is,being unsealed tomorrow
I don't know if this fan can hold more shit, but it's going to hit it anyway.
Is it weird I'm more excited to see what this holds than I am Goldberg Vs Brock again?
If these Styles/Michaels at the Rumble rumours are true, i will mark out like marks have never marked.
It's not true.If these Styles/Michaels at the Rumble rumours are true, i will mark out like marks have never marked.
I think Austin coming back for one more match is more likely than HBK at this point
-- Braun crushed Ellsworth, but AJ is "struggling" against him despite being the world champ
-- AJ has been called out for how good and technical he is, but he keeps letting his guard down against Ellsworth
The ellsworth feud is seriously making AJ look "weak" and not by typical OMG CENA standards, in actual friggin story telling
AJ struggled against Ellsworth because AJ never took him seriously. It's really simple and good story telling.
It's not like Ellsworth is getting treated like a serious wrestler here. He's a pawn in the Ambrose vs AJ feud and Ambrose is using him to piss AJ off and throw him off his game.
Again, smart psychology and good story telling.
I fucking hate 'beat the champ in a non-title match and you earn a title match' stipulations.
Ambrose and Style is another case of feuds that just need to fucking die and stop being repeated. Ambrose better lose clean at Survivor Series and we get Miz vs Styles for TLC.
Ellsworth threw a legit better superkick than half the roster
AJ struggled against Ellsworth because AJ never took him seriously. It's really simple and good story telling.
Unfortunately, I don't play online lol.I know this isn't the WWE 2k17 thread but if anyone here has that game on PS4 and fancies some matches - add me up
Me and my mates play most nights from 10 and we all know online is better than Single Player.
Luvs_2_Squidge is my PSN - just put the word WWE in the invite