I don't think people are following the story here:
-AJ let his guard down because he doesn't consider Ellsworth a threat, Braun is trying to prove a point by squashing jobbers, whatever that may be.
-I noticed it during the match, but in Talking Smack, AJ was kayfabe concerned with the health of James, hence why he wasn't going hard on him and didn't want to pin him because he felt Dean been there something was gonna go wrong whereas Strowman doesn't give a fuck.
The only problem as a lot of people are pointing out is the fact that Ambrose is the one that always ends up on top.
TooSweet.gifSpoiler alert : Sasha, Charlotte, Dana, Bayley and Becky are all equally terrible so you can stop debating.
Hold me, OwensIsNow.
Touch me, imbask.
Damn. I always thought Sean was a laid back wouldn't hurt a fly kind of guy.O'hare threaten to throw him in a river at an autograph signing
Wait what?I'd rather watch an Eva Marie match than a Bayley match. I've never understood the love for her.
#markI enjoyed Life is Strange
Wait what?
Spoiler alert : Sasha, Charlotte, Dana, Bayley and Becky are all equally terrible so you can stop debating.
I enjoyed Life is Strange.
fathers and sons are known to fight even while they sit side by side at home logged onto their GAF accounts.
Wasn't Kenny engaged to Mickie? Or at the very least dating her. That could probably justify why he spoke out about it.
I believe so.
"He was messing with MJ so I got moved to Smackdown so they could further mess. I jobbed, got fired. When MJ got crazy because he wouldn't date her, she then got fired. Weird biz huh? She got title, on TV show while with him. Serves her well though."
He continues, "She wanted to date him, he said no, she flipped out backstage which led to her demise."
Doane echoed in another response, "When they were together she got the title, TV roles. When he dumped her she became Piggy James, then fired."
Doane also clarifies that Cena and James didn't actually date; but rather, 'they were hooking up.' He also alleges that Cena lied to Huberdeau about his relationship with James: "He denied it all to [her]."
He also feels Cena resents him for disclosing his relationship with James to management. "I made mention of him sleeping with MJ and he probably thought I wouldn't say anything. But I did and he is mad. I guess," he said.
A Twitter user asked Doane what right he has to air his former co-workers' dirty laundry. He responds, "What they do is their biz, but it's also mine when it effects my career and life."
lol crazy dudeO'hare threaten to throw him in a river at an autograph signing
OwensIsNow vs Zach - Hell in a Cell
Man, watching the network has to be weird as hell for the McMahon grandkids. On top of watching Pop choke Mom/Auntie Stephanie with a pipe, they can also see:On this day in 2003......
I'd rather watch an Eva Marie match than a Bayley match. I've never understood the love for her.
If you love train wrecks/unintentional comedy, Eva Marie is a totally viable viewing option.
Man, watching the network has to be weird as hell for the McMahon grandkids. On top of watching Pop choke Mom/Auntie Stephanie with a pipe, they can also see:
- Pop make out with strange women and make men kiss his ass.
-Mom/Auntie Stephanie hey called a trash bag ho hundreds of times, among other things
-Dad/Uncle Shane constantly try to kill himself and have people cheer while he and Pop fight each other
-Dad/Uncle Paul arrange to have a man run over by a car
-Mema Linda get drugged by pop and sell the worst Stunner ever.
I imagine they have the "it's not real" conversation very early on.
I certainly don't do those things.We watch and argue over fake sports.
We aren't smart people.
Make your point without derogatory verbiage.Like seriously, this is still the Divas division.
I thought we were friends, Sir_Crocodile.GRADE : F CURVE : G(odawful)
I certainly don't do those things.
Make your point without derogatory verbiage.
I thought we were friends, Sir_Crocodile.
I thought we were friends, Sir_Crocodile.
This has to be a joke post.We need :
-Real female athletes with proper training. So basically, fire everyone currently in the divas division. E V E R Y O N E. The best women in the company, no matter who you think it is, doesn't make the top 25 in terms of talent. This is not a normal thing
-Personnalities beyond the hair and swimsuit colors
-Mixed gender wrestling, it's 2016 ffs
I'm the Lone Wolf, like Baron Corbin
Just like him I have no abs
This has to be a joke post.
Using the term is unnecessarily disrespectful to the lady wrasslers.they created the verbiage and very little has changed other than the name
They're in there somewhere, old friend.I'm the Lone Wolf, like Baron Corbin
Just like him I have no abs
"So Pop arranged to have Auntie Steph sacrificed to the devil? Why?"Papa Hunter: "Don't use Google to look up anything about Chyna, kids. But be sure to turn on WWE Network and watch the story about how I date raped your mom"
This has to be a joke post.
They're in there somewhere, old friend.
Ellsworth, AJ, and Broken Matt have made me fall in love with wrestling again
Imbask, we certainly do NOT need mixed gender wrestling. There's a very good reason other athletic competitions are separated. We don't wwf to look (more) like a joke then it currently does.
If you want to see how bad, just watch Sexy Star on Lucha underground. Unless you're Mildred Burke, its unlikely it'll seem remotely plausible
I....I....I....I saw right through your transparent attempts to throw me off.Dude, I'm in that thread. >_>
Look at that damn power cable running from his upper pec right down through his bicep.
Miz is smart to stay covered head-to-toe right there.
I side with the real KD here.Yep, if all what Kenny says is true (And I wouldn't doubt it) then Cena was pretty much the catalyst of why he basically hit a brick wall when it came to his push.