October Wrasslin' |OT| Dia de los Mil Muertes

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This is the first TV tapings that Daniels is booking, I think.

So Daniels answer to Delirious losing talent all the time is to attempt to shorten their careers so they can't jump ship.


IT's a work my dude.

They did it over Tozawa posting a picture wearing a Sasha Banks shirt too

Oh alright, hope it stays like that.

The last thing I wanna see in the Hell in a Cell video package is Seth between both girls looking like "What do I do now???"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Oh alright, hope it stays like that.

The last thing I wanna see in the Hell in a Cell video package is Seth between both girls looking like "What do I do now???"

I mean, we know enough about Seth at this point that he's probably hoping it's more than that.
Kayfabe Dana been making entrances with Charlotte's dozens of times in which she always does the same entrance yet still holds the ropes. I actually love the character of her just being hopelessly bad at her job of a sidekick.

Wait, this isn't an angle is it?

If they end up breaking their friendship over a dude...I don't know.

Divas revolution my ass.
Sasha and Bayley fighting over some guy is a running joke on Twitter, usually with Japanese wrestlers. Sometimes it can get weird.


WWE Royal Rumble 2017 to be held at the AlamoDome in San Antonio, 20 years after the Rumble was held in the same building:

There are going to cheap good seats here cause they ain't felling this place up with normal rr tickets prices


If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.


If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.

'96 Austin is real ass stone cold

The greatest wrestler that ever lived


If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.
Any video that opens with that sweet Owen Hart theme is a winner in my book.


If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.

Good shit, thanks for putting this together.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watched Jeff Cobb vs Keith Lee. Keith Lee is bigger than Cobb and has Mewtwo on his trunks and his finisher is called Spirit Bomb. I expected him to be awful but he wasn't bad at all.



I wouldn't be surprised to see Lee somewhere like Evolve with some seasoning. He interacts with the fans as well.
ROH's WTF year continues, part 2 of the day: Holy Lol Are You Serious edition (spoiled for TV taping)

All of their champs lost at least one match each at the taping


I can't believe Confederate Currency has made it onto a second ECW PPV. Dude has a Least Fave Five look. A frail, pale, balding-ponytail-sporting ginger wearing, like, a fitted trash bag with confederate flags all over it. Mother of Jesus.


If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.
This is amazing.


Any video that opens with that sweet Owen Hart theme is a winner in my book.

It also has the best HHH theme too

It's interesting to think about it from the perspective of real life Austin who was coming off of the Ringmaster gimmick, knew that Vince didn't intend for him to be a big star (he had to convince him to let him talk), and this was his chance to prove himself. He had to make this work or that might have been it for him.
If anyone wants something to watch tonight,

Heel Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996. The lead up to his match vs Bret at Survivor Series 96. Uploaded by me.

You may have seen some of it, but maybe not all of it in the same place.

Austin challenging Bret "If you put the letter S in front of Hitman, you have my exact opinion of Bret Hart"
Austin on commentary saying he'll go to Calgary and beat up his old man if he doesn't get an answer
Austin breaking Brian Pillman's ankle because Pillman called Bret "the best there is"
Austin stopping an ambulance from taking Pillman to the hospital
Austin breaks into Pillman's house and Pillman pulls out a gun on him
Austin telling Vince to stop pretending Monsoon was the boss
Austin beating up the production crew because they cut him off and then getting arrested for it
The classic "Pink tights? What the hell is that all about, Bret?" promos.

Attitude Era before the Attitude Era. All in 26 minutes.

Does anyone almost forget what it was like to listen to a heel promo and not hear what in between the gaps. God damn I think my brain is filling them in itself.
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