Damn Silly
My guess is Steep since I remember seeing a thread about it.
My guess is Steep since I remember seeing a thread about it.
WCW Nitro 2017 for PS4 must be real great.
Aight Kaladin, let us know how Steep is, some of us are on the fence.
It's a walking corpse at this point.http://globalforcewrestling.com/jeff-jarrett-talks-gfw-global-champ-nick-aldis-podcast/
Global Force Wrestling is still a thing?
It looks even worse in motion.
Fuck that game. It was impossibly hard.Did you post footage of the Dreamcast game?
It looks so fucking crappy, that series deserves so much better.I tried to watch the new Berserk CGI anime. I'm sad now.
Like $120. The way you get those is to call the Ticketmaster line at like 9:50, bullshit them about local events in the area until the on sale happens at 10:00 and then immediately demand the best seats.Ok Raw is coming to Charlotte Nov 28th. Going to see if I can get some tickets today. Wonder how much those front row tickets by the ring cost?
Yo is anyone watching that Tiger Mask W anime. That thing is LIT. They protect the business in the first 5 min there is blood and a heel paralyzes an old timer. The first main event match has a run in. All your favorite Japanese wrestlers are in it too for you weeaboos out there.
I'll need to check that out. Thanks for heads up
It's been years already and I still don't quite understand what GFW is
It's been years already and I still don't quite understand what GFW is
A carny Pyramid schemeIt's been years already and I still don't quite understand what GFW is
You could always take pleasure in the fact that his theme is the most basic and most jobber theme ever.It just dawned on me, I get to sing the John cena sucks song live in person
I wish dean had a song that lent itself to easy derogatory lyrics
If someone held a gun to my head and asked me to tell them the difference between Seth and Dean's theme.... I don't know if I could.
You could always take pleasure in the fact that his theme is the most basic and most jobber theme ever.
I'm sure if GFW actually turned into anything it would have been Jeff Jarrett's latest "I'm a world champion" cosplay
fuck mras
Was gonna then saw Crunchyroll haven't licensed it over here and forgot about it.Yo is anyone watching that Tiger Mask W anime. That thing is LIT. They protect the business in the first 5 min there is blood and a heel paralyzes an old timer. The first main event match has a run in. All your favorite Japanese wrestlers are in it too for you weeaboos out there.
A wild Bruiser Brody appears!
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
We did it!
P.S. What the heck is Direct2Drive?
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
P.S. What the heck is Direct2Drive?
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
I give it a week before another rassler fucks up big enough that we're back at the bottom of the totem poll.
Congratulation wrestling fans
We have officially moved above gamers in the socially acceptable rankings.
I'm excited for No Mercy. The last PPV I went to had an Ernerst Miller vs Horace Hogan match. Plus the venue is brand new and supposedly amazing.