Yessss! "Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop" chants! I love NXT.
Wait, I missed that. Who was that directed at?
Yessss! "Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop" chants! I love NXT.
--The Roman Reigns segment was cut on the Hulu version of Raw this week.
From this Thursday? He looked like he got concussed mid match given how he stumbled about.Yessss! "Stoop Kid's afraid to leave his stoop" chants! I love NXT.
Itami looked terrible this week though. :/
They did something not exactly an angle, but A.J. Styles "no-showed" the press conference and instead was represented by Jeff Jarrett and Scott D'Amore. Jarrett vowed to hit Tanahashi with a guitar show after the match.
I'm tempted to watch that TNA Show that's on tonight. Not sure why.
Do I smellscrew job finish and Tanahashi vs Jarrett match coming up
is over.
Are there actually any sites that give a shit about TNA PPVs in 2014?
Did anyone notice there was an episode of Total Divas and John Cena was driving but not wearing a seatbelt?
Did anyone notice there was an episode of Total Divas and John Cena was driving but not wearing a seatbelt?
I bet that asshole doesn't use turn signals while changing lanes.
At least he's in better shape this time. I'm actually looking forward to seeing what Jarrett can do with what might be his last chance at a big show like Wrestle Kingdom.
Are they going to list all the Japanese promotions low ki has burned bridges with?
There's another episode of Total Divas and John Cena is still not wearing his seatbelt.
I wonder if Cena would no-sell the trip through the windshield.
I have Bound for Glory on one screen and Total Divas on the other and I find myself paying more attention to Total Divas.
¡HarlequinPanic!;134072981 said:looking forward to when you get to part 5, stro
This ppv is boring as hell. It's missing the russo charm.
this match is just a low point a couple matches earlier were pretty decent
Yea that sounds about right. This match just feels like its in need of a gatorade and a snickers bar.