Is Raw going to be worth watching tonight? 3 hours is a good chunk of time to spend on Alien Isolation.
Is Raw going to be worth watching tonight?
I can guarantee you that Isolation is a better way to spend your time. Man that game has the fuckin FLAVOR. can't be as bad as having to watch Kathy Lee Gifford and whomever else was on last week.Is Raw going to be worth watching tonight? 3 hours is a good chunk of time to spend on Alien Isolation.
It may very well be my game of the year so far simply because of how well it nails the atmosphere it set out to have.
It's good, but Horizon 2 has given me something better. And Bayonetta 2 is coming...who knows? There's a lot of fun to be had with kideo games right now.
Sure as shit isn't Destiny, though.
Yeah, I really like it and it might be my GOTY right now - but then I remember that Mario Kart 8 came out this year. Shadow of Mordor I still need to play. Master Chief Collection is less than a month away. Bayonetta 2 is getting fantastic reviews.
Is Horizon 2 more of a racing sim or an arcade racer? I'm not too familiar with it.
Ready to see these racist fucks burnnnnn.
Seems like next year's SummerSlam will be in the IZOD Center
Was hoping for Barclay
I heard Yujiro/Ishii was amazing and one of those watershed moments for Yujiro, who was really needing one.
Horizon 2 is a blend of the two, bringing the best parts. You can obsess over gear ratios, tire pressure, upgrades if you like - or have the computer do it all for you. The open world and online integration is ridiculously good and there's just so much goddamn content, it's insane.
MK8 is collecting dust for me. Fun, but...that DLC should have come out this summer. Shadow of Mordor is bland and forgettable. MC Collection is going to be a crazy value.
Started season 2 of Arrow this weekend. I'm thoroughly convinced that Arrow is a better adaptation of Batman than any of the Nolan films.
Seems like next year's SummerSlam will be in the IZOD Center
Was hoping for Barclay
Seems like next year's SummerSlam will be in the IZOD Center
Was hoping for Barclay
My music taste means I'm racist now?
It was better than their last match, for sure, but I didn't like it as much as some - it was Meltzer's match of the night, for instance. I'm still not sold on Yujiro, he can be such a chore to watch at times and has a reckless streak in him.
Seems like next year's SummerSlam will be in the IZOD Center
Was hoping for Barclay
Bane would've been a lot better if he was juicin' on the MIRAKURU.
Seems like next year's SummerSlam will be in the IZOD Center
Was hoping for Barclay
I don't know what that is :/How do you feel about rap cars?]
Sometimes I just don't understand American views towards video games and entertainment in general. Ultra violence in video games is fine so long as it carries the appropriate ratings, but the moment something gets sexualized we need to think about the children.
Figured as much given that it was being marketed as NY/NJ. If the actual event wasn't in NJ there would be no reason to include NJ at all.
California independent talent Willie Mack, who was about to start with WWE NXT, has been released by WWE before he ever started with WWE developmental, has confirmed.
Mack, a regular with Pro Wrestling Guerrilla and Championship Wrestling Hollywood, is a really talented performer with tremendous charisma. He received an extremely emotional farewell at the PWG Battle of Los Angeles event.
What the hell?
What the hell? can't be as bad as having to watch Kathy Lee Gifford and whomever else was on last week.
Destiny is absolutely one of the most boring and lifeless games that I've ever owned and played.
I honestly kinda regret getting the white PS4 even though I really want it because it means that I put money into Bungie's pocket. Fuck.
Cena spitting that hot fiyah
I'm the one on an entirely different forum.I recently read that thing she wrote about Rude and had zero context. Looked it up on some other forum, and saw this post of posts, which one of you is it?
Tonight's a romantic date night where I exchange STD testing paperwork with someone else. Who said romance was dead?
It begins.
It begins.
It begins.
It begins.