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Canceled my auto-sub. Sadly I'm locked in until march, but...yeah.
I'm the one on an entirely different forum.WrestleCrap to be specific.
I'm just saying why should I care about those two women? And I'm speaking this as a non American, but I barely know of them and the show they host, so the idea of having a two people who's appeal rests soley in America means nothing to me, nor to any other international viewers. Especially considering how modern day media is is shying more and more away from being US centric (Hollywood in particular seems all too aware of this, which is why China became the highest grossing market for Transformers 4). But it's probably just me being upset that we still have the occasional guest host who's completely alien to the situation at hand.
Canceled my auto-sub. Sadly I'm locked in until march, but...yeah.
What good is advertising to people who already subscribe to the network going to do? They already buy your shit, Vince.
*edit, derp, assumed this would be WWE-centric ads, not skittles and shit. Fucking carnies.
Oh, I know. I just wanted to speak my mind about the whole guest host situation. I think I heard somewhere that it's USA's decision for the guest hosts, probably to do with WWE not being as big of a driving force as it was during the Attitude Era, but I think that if you're gonna do guest hosts, at least get some that has an international appeal to them.I was totally kidding, I didn't expect anyone here to actually be that poster. Also I didn't expect this outburst. I mean, you're not wrong about the hosts, but why the hell does the show need guest hosts anyway?
D-list is as low as we go (read, Kim Kardashian).wait you guys arent excited for some Z-list celebrtiy and Todd Christly?
It begins.
Vince realized Roman Reigns isn't the guy. He has the look but he has no Mic Skills what so ever. Ambrose is THE GUY.
I don't think Vince is wrong to be honest.
Canceled my auto-sub. Sadly I'm locked in until march, but...yeah.
So, does anyone think WWE Network survives to see WrestleMania 32?
it kind of has to. there is no going back to PPV after this. who is paying 60 bucks a pop. they should try to get on cable again. Reprots out of Canada has the network doing pretty good so far.
it kind of has to. there is no going back to PPV after this. who is paying 60 bucks a pop. they should try to get on cable again. Reprots out of Canada has the network doing pretty good so far.
So, does anyone think WWE Network survives to see WrestleMania 32?
Seeing you guys mark out for glorified Youtube fan films on CW...smh
Wrasslin has broken y'all.
I think it's more likely than most people realise. They've been very specific in the wording over the last 2 months - you get every PPV up to Royal Rumble and they've mentioned nothing beyond that. Wouldn't surpsise me if Vince hasn't already given up on the network and we go back to normal as of Elimination Chamber. PPV's airing on the network with a 30 day delay
So, does anyone think WWE Network survives to see WrestleMania 32?
I think it's more likely than most people realise. They've been very specific in the wording over the last 2 months - you get every PPV up to Royal Rumble and they've mentioned nothing beyond that. Wouldn't surpsise me if Vince hasn't already given up on the network and we go back to normal as of Elimination Chamber. PPV's airing on the network with a 30 day delay
WWE will be lucky to make it to Hell in a Cell this year.
I think Wrestlemania 32 isn't going to happen because a dozen people on the internet are mad and have canceled their WWE Network subscription that ends in five months! The carnies are done for!!!
No one is saying the WWE is going out of business or.. whatever. But for them to start doing this, it can't be a good sign. Every one of those 667k subscribers that signed up for Wrestlemania could have canceled. And considering the creative as of late, that's... not good.
This is your chance to get out of your commitment. They changed the service.
What does this business-minded justification do for actual humans? Netflix is cheaper with a bigger selection of stuff and doesn't need ads. I don't see WWE buying Mad Men for a million dollars.They're a for-profit business that's going to look to get every penny they can for the service. They obviously overestimated the amount of support they'd get out of the gate, but the schilling has died down significantly on TV outside of a blurb from the announcers and they just expanded to 100+ countries. The Canada deal seems to be going well and they'll probably end up doing the same in the UK.
Hulu Plus has seen constant growth and people "pay for ads" on that service. After some initial whining, no one is going to care.
the wwe is slowly going under. I think it's going to be sold off to someone else once it hits a certain low. I read once vince doesn't have any legal documents detailing a successor to his company or anything. I think he's going to sell it in the next five years. It's always been business to him. He is a business man. He doesn't care about "fans" or "wrestling." He's always been a promoter and he made some mistakes through the years that have slowly caused the WWE to dwindle in popularity.