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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces



It looks like someone cut together 2 completely different shows.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
The ONLY reason Im signed up for the Network is for the live PPVs. Anything else I really don't watch often. $10 isn't much for that for me.

Me too, but I still don't want to deal with ads when I might want to watch something else. Will not be renewing if this lasts.


I haven't resubbed to the Network yet, but I don't really miss it. That's probably due to the product on TV being really bad. It isn't making me want to watch more wrestling.
I don't understand how Vince went full force with The Weightlifting thing in the early 90s, the XFL in the early 00s, WWE 24/7 mid 00s and WWE Films late 00s and yet when it comes to WWE Network shits the bed after 3 months.


I'm happy paying $10 for NXT. I tend to watch each NXT start to finish without skipping, unlike RAW and Smackdown.

Still, not a fan of ads.


The Alliance to End Hulkamania angle is as bad as I remember it. Uncensored '96 (which I probably won't watch until after vacation) is shaping up to be a true crapfest.

In other WCW news, I'm not feeling the tension between Sting/Luger thing they've got going, BUT! -- and this is a shocking admission -- I find Lex Luger's turn as an oblivious schmuck to be a real treat. That's right, I have enjoyed Lex Luger for the first time ever. These are short, fleeting moments, sure, but I'm giving credit where credit is due.

Lastly, the Steiners are back! Wooooo! They've lost half a step but I don't give an f.
Tokyo Dome is currently planned to air live from Japan with an 8 PM Eastern replay, and GFW being the US PPV distributor for all New Japan PPVs is being discussed between the two and TV-Asahi (whom New Japan are in the final stages of negotiations with). Jeff Jarrett Promoter of The Year 2015


The Network is going to have ads now? I haaate commercials. The only thing I watch on TV is football and occasionally other sports and it's painful. I always mute the TV when TRUCKS AND BEER AND TRUCKS AND BEER comes on. I don't mind paying for blu-rays or a service because then I don't have to deal with advertisements.

Hmmm... we'll see how this goes, I suppose, but I foresee canceling down the road when I've watched though, I dunno, the demise of WCW. Before this commercial talk I figured I'd always stay subbed and watch the new PPVs at the very least.


A quick ad before a 3 hour video doesn't really seem like a big deal. As long as ads don't interrupt shows, which they said they won't, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, it seems silly NOT to have ads before videos.
In other WCW news, I'm not feeling the tension between Sting/Luger thing they've got going, BUT! -- and this is a shocking admission -- I find Lex Luger's turn as an oblivious schmuck to be a real treat. That's right, I have enjoyed Lex Luger for the first time ever. These are short, fleeting moments, sure, but I'm giving credit where credit is due.

Does Sting ever get mad at all in WCW before Crow/is he even that mad then?

"What's going on between you and lex luger, sting?"

"Awwwww come on, Mean Gene!"
A quick ad before a 3 hour video doesn't really seem like a big deal. As long as ads don't interrupt shows, which they said they won't, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, it seems silly NOT to have ads before videos.

Wish they'd go all in and start throwing ads in the commercial breaks of old Raws/Smackdowns. Or, better yet "change the channel" over to Nitro.


A quick ad before a 3 hour video doesn't really seem like a big deal. As long as ads don't interrupt shows, which they said they won't, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, it seems silly NOT to have ads before videos.

Agreed. So long as they don't go full Hulu (five commercials to start a video, then three multi-commercial breaks on a 24 minute episode--and if any of the videos crash, refreshing the page forces you to start the commercial count over) it's fine.
I just realized, with next month possibly featuring the last original content TNA will ever broadcast, that the November OT should be a TNA Memorial Thread.



During pilgrimage/sacred months, you should be kind to those who are devout in their own faith as long as they aren't negative towards Mohammed or Allah. But after pilgrimage/sacred months "kill, take, and beige them, and lie in wait in every place of observation" if they don't convert.

If any one asks for help, including idolaters, you should help them.

You can not pay for redemption with Allah.

Kill those that break the faith, but especially ones who convert and then break their vows.

ONLY believers can do work on mosques.

Those who claim that helping Mohammed/followers is as good as actually being a Muslim are liars. This refers to a story where Mo's uncle sheltered and gave him water, claiming that it would make him right with Allah even though he didn't believe.

Cease relationships with friends/family who are not true believers.

A couple stories of Allah either helping in wars directly, or sending invisible angles during battles. Referring to things like strong winds or flying gravel into the faces of enemies and whatnot.

A part about Christians being wrong about Jesus being the son of Allah (which is mentioned quite a bit so far), just like the Jews were wrong about Ezra being the son of Allah. Which according to the notes, there is no tradition in in Judaism that Ezra was ever thought of or referred to as the son of god and it seems to have been either made up or a misunderstanding from Mohammed.

A real issue with rabbi being used to refer to preachers/doctors, as in Arabic tradition it is held only for Allah. Apparently. Can't say for sure on that. But it is well known that Jews devour the wealth of man openly.

Pagans are real pieces of shit because not only do they not believe in Allah, but they can't even stick to their own traditions.

Some threats to those who don't fight in battle and how they will end up in hell and can be replaced. Also, a true believer wouldn't buy his way out of fighting.

There was a plot in Mecca to kill Mohammed. It was called off when they realized how much commerce/industry/tourism came to the city because of Mohammed.

People who didn't want to or refused to fight in the Battle of Tabuk were completely written off forever, even if they should want to fight with Mohammed at a later date. It won't save them.

The sick and poor are not required to give alms as long as they are true and pure in their belief.

There is a chapter on Jonah, but there was like one paragraph about him in it. Most of it was devoted to Moses. A repeat of the story with the Pharaoh, with very very minor details changed or added.

Past civilizations/nations were destroyed for sinning and it was a warning for future generations. Specifically, Sodom and Gomorrah were used as examples, which was mentioned directly to the Meccans as a threat for them to keep their shit together.

Everything is made from water, and people are silly to think they can control the world, because they can wake up and everything will be gone if Allah so choses. He can destroy his creation.

"The weight of an atom" doesn't escape Allah. He knows and sees EVERYTHING.

The Pharaoh drowned while chasing the Jews. He then begged for forgiveness and repented. Gabriel taunted him, but apparently saved him so he could spread the word. It's not actually clear if the Pharaoh was saved, or if his dead body was made to look to swim away.

Some touches on the creation story. Before Allah created everything, his throne was carried on water. I take this as Allah is Aquaman and/or Namor.

Quite a bit on Noah. The ark landed on Mount Giordi, which is near the Syrian/Turkish border.

Abraham and his wife were blessed to be able to have babies despite having old, gross, saggy baby making parts.

A good bit on Joseph. The most interesting part being he was about to bang this Egyptian broad, but Gabriel (in the visage of his father) totally cock blocked him. Then Joe got sent to prison because the woman was the king/prince's wife or something and she was made he wouldn't give her the D. He also was given a meal that was so dope he cut his hand. I think it meant in surprise.

I wouldn't say there were any particularly happy stories, but at least it wasn't as dark and bloody as the previous 40-50 pages.


2k15 seems adamant about showing everything around the game but not the actual gameplay itself.

The game comes out in I think 2 weeks and they still have "full roster coming soon" on their website, you can't click on any of the headshots to get information/media/finishers (which has been a thing since the N64 days of WWE games). At least half of the head shots are actual pictures and not game models. The only 2 in ring pictures on the 2K site both have "work in progress" at the bottom of them.
Probably because while all the bells and whistles they've added sound impressive, the illusion's shattered once you see the game's just like all the others.


I remember reading that Ibushi was definitely on their radar before they signed KENTA - he'd be a really good fit for WWE, I reckon.

He's decently tall for an NJPW guy, good looking, etc. KENTA has a good look but he is awfully short for WWE's preferences.

Maybe if KENTA ends up a good success they'll want a few more Japanese guys on the roster.
Caught up on the New Japan show. Can't believe they had Tanahashi take the belt off of AJ. I'm sure Okada and Tanahashi will have a great match, but the entire Bullet Club story was built to be conquered by Okada. He was the one AJ screwed out of the belt, so it should have been him to finally end AJ's reign. Just doesn't make any sense for it to be Tanahashi.


Party Pooper
You mean you guys aren't excited that we could see the glorious return of PAPER JAMZ?

What could be better than a grown man in his underwear hanging out with some preteens?

Or the Kmart mom who totally wants to bang Randy Orton
Caught up on the New Japan show. Can't believe they had Tanahashi take the belt off of AJ. I'm sure Okada and Tanahashi will have a great match, but the entire Bullet Club story was built to be conquered by Okada. He was the one AJ screwed out of the belt, so it should have been him to finally end AJ's reign. Just doesn't make any sense for it to be Tanahashi.
It's NJPW brah. There is very little resemblance of stories and of course they would give it to a member of their aging roster....
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