Caught up on the New Japan show. Can't believe they had Tanahashi take the belt off of AJ. I'm sure Okada and Tanahashi will have a great match, but the entire Bullet Club story was built to be conquered by Okada. He was the one AJ screwed out of the belt, so it should have been him to finally end AJ's reign. Just doesn't make any sense for it to be Tanahashi.
I have no idea why WWE went with KENTA over Shibata. Shibata is basically KENTA's cooler older brother who's not so short.
I have no idea why WWE went with KENTA over Shibata. Shibata is basically KENTA's cooler older brother who's not so short.
Caught up on the New Japan show. Can't believe they had Tanahashi take the belt off of AJ. I'm sure Okada and Tanahashi will have a great match, but the entire Bullet Club story was built to be conquered by Okada. He was the one AJ screwed out of the belt, so it should have been him to finally end AJ's reign. Just doesn't make any sense for it to be Tanahashi.
I went there the other day and it said it was Plus only. I was not amused.
Doesn't matter as WWE will/would find a way to turn em into Yoshi Tatsu 2.0 eventually.
I have no idea why WWE went with KENTA over Shibata. Shibata is basically KENTA's cooler older brother who's not so short.
We are watching the train wreck before our eyes =(
We are watching the train wreck before our eyes =(
We are watching the train wreck before our eyes =(
Vince is not the least bit worried about the Network.
He's got his ace in the hole ready for Wrestlemania baby.
I don't watch NJPW at all but the powers that be should have just let AJ keep the belt until that big show they got. He loses it to Okada in a great match and everyone goes home happy...
A quick ad before a 3 hour video doesn't really seem like a big deal. As long as ads don't interrupt shows, which they said they won't, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, it seems silly NOT to have ads before videos.
¡HarlequinPanic!;134168402 said:Does Sting ever get mad at all in WCW before Crow/is he even that mad then?
"What's going on between you and lex luger, sting?"
"Awwwww come on, Mean Gene!"
It wouldn't be so bad (I still think it's bad) if I didn't have to see the two disclaimers before practically every video I watch.
He just went crazy on Luger on one of the Nitros before Uncensored. He had him, like, cornered in the ring and was like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WHAT WAS THAT?! YOU BETTER NOT DO THIS CRAP! IT'S NOT RIGHT!" It was kinda weird.
Doesn't matter as WWE will/would find a way to turn em into Yoshi Tatsu 2.0 eventually.
I haven't seen any disclaimers on any VOD stuff. Just the ratings. Occasionally I'll stick on the live stream for a few seconds and there are disclaimers for Total Divas/Legends House and Attitude Era/ECW stuff, but those disclaimers are not part of the VOD versions.
I see the disclaimer all the time. Maybe because of all the Benoit in WCW. Regardless, I think you should be able to turn off disclaimers/ratings in your account settings. It's the worst.
And yeah, that was the moment with Sting/Luger... heh...
I heard Gabe made a pretty damn good counter offer and doesn't involve always wrestling I Resida.
Wait, Tanahashi is the champion now? Even more proof that Nakamura should have won the G1 Climax.
I haven't seen a single disclaimer for any show with Benoit. Not once. Not even ones on live stream. The only Benoit related quirk I've seen on any WWE/WCW/ECW show with him is leaving his matches unnamed on the shows that have time marks.
Or how about... Not Tanahashi, Okada, or Nakamura. Crazy talk, I know.
They tried with Naito and failed. Though it really burns me that Anderson didn't get that G1 that Okada won. He was super over as a face.
I don't see 'IWGP Heavyweight champion' anywhere on Naito's wikipedia.
That's because jobbers who do a monocle taunt don't deserve the strap
...And also I think he was going to get the title before fan reaction sunk him
Especially if AJ might be bailing (though I doubt this).
Oh, are we not giving people belts because of fan reaction? That's funny because Tanahashi just won the belt. Who gets booed more than any other face. And if we want to use the old 'shit load of merch' line, guess who's almost always in the top 5 merch sellers on NJPW's shop website?It's Tetsuya Naito
Are there any rumblings of this?
What device(s) are you using? I mostly use my PS4.
Usually peecee, but I've used it on 360, Asus tablet, and Samsung phone without getting any disclaimers.
Apparently because of this Susan G. Komen bs today is #NoBraDay.
Steph. Please. Honor this day for the cause.
Nope, that's bullshit perpetuated by horny men. Something like that does absolutely nothing for breast cancer in any way, and it just a way for males to wrest control of breast cancer and make it something titillating for them.
Stamp that shit out Aiii!
Is it? Well that is disappointing, I almost would have watched Raw this week.
Apparently because of this Susan G. Komen bs today is #NoBraDay.
Steph. Please. Honor this day for the cause.