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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces


Christian should be the cover star of Raw. It should be Raw Featuring Christian godammit. Easily one of my all time faves and the inclusion of that wonderful feud is going to make it tough to not buy it.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Christian always has been and always will be Edge's less talented, ugly friend.


The next NXT live special will be held on December 11. WWE issued a statement to the media that includes the date along with a graphic that shows Triple H, Sami Zayn, Kevin Steen, Fergal Devitt, Hideo Itami, Charlotte, and Adrian Neville.

Lends more credence to the rumor that Steen will debut there.

So much this. A thousand times this.

It's either wait a few weeks and risk the DVDs getting caught by customs by ordering from the US, pay through the nose to order from Highspots UK or wait well over a month for the digital downloads to go on sale. This is why PWG doesn't get my money these days - I'd much rather spend it on promotions like SMASH Wrestling, who make all their shows available digitally in a timely manner;

if WWE picks up on RKOVines, the only way it could be not terrible is if they start having Orton RKO everyone backstage for no reason a la Kanyon


When is Daniel Bryan coming back to get stuck in a mid card feud with Dolph Ziggler or Sheamus make Raw worth watching again?


I have loved everything Rusev since NXT, but lets be real here, they are building him up to be fed to Cena at Mania, best prepare for that now mates.


the quicker you accept this, the less upset you'll be when it actually happens
When is Daniel Bryan coming back to get stuck in a mid card feud with Dolph Ziggler or Sheamus make Raw worth watching again?

Probably January, which January-April is the only time WWE is halfway watchable nowadays. Of course Brian is way down the ladder with Reigns vs Lesnar as the WM main event and Stone Cold and Sting taking matches. Probable will make him face Kane or some shitty match like that. Angle vs Bryan would kill though.


Probably January, which January-April is the only time WWE is halfway watchable nowadays. Of course Brian is way down the ladder with Reigns vs Lesnar as the WM main event and Stone Cold and Sting taking matches. Probable will make him face Kane or some shitty match like that. Angle vs Bryan would kill though.

but Angle ain't coming back...
Wait, why are we putting Umaga on Cena?

Also, motherfuck Hogan. I can't believe I had to read Stro partially defend that fuck.

Because after Cena beat him clean, twice, he never came anywhere near the main event ever again? The guy was a great in ring athlete regardless of his size, and when you factor in his size it's no wonder he powered through the roster on his way to facing Cena.

But how do you come back from losing to Cena by roll up and then by losing a last man standing match?

Where's Bray been since losing to Cena in a Last Man standing match?

I'm not blaming John Cena the actual human being, but we all know what happens when a monster heel faces John Cena the wrestling super star. They lose. Then they go into free fall.

Umaga is the closest thing I can think of to Rusev in recent memory (and many more examples exist of the monster heel booking). I love me some monster heel booking. I just really hate what happens after Jerry Lawler's man crush beats the heel clean for the first time ever.

With Umaga... they couldn't even give him a win via shenanigans. The first time he faces Cena after destroying everyone else... Cena pins him clean.

Why ever this happens when a monster heel meets Cena... whether it's creative or Cena or Vinny Mac Daddy... I don't care. That's what's been happening and it's what will likely happen with Rusev. He'll be a comedy Russian jobber within a year. They even did it to Brock Lesnar on his return, and it took the Undertaker giving Brock the streak to undo the damage.

I hope to be wrong, and I hope it isn't inevitable, but you can bet I'm enjoying Rusev as he is, while it lasts. Because once Cena (or Roman) beats him, his and Lana's promos will be completely undone by the first few bars of an entrance theme.
I was just rewatching raw, and steph/trip's entrance for the amborse/cena match.

I fast forwarded through it this morning, but this time I didn't, and caught the glorious moment when trips and steph sat down and cole summed their corp dominance from 99 to 14, and steph stared at him, and he asked "why is she staring at me like that?"

Then instantly King said "She despises you Michael" and JBL said "I hope she fires you", and I burst out laughing

Cole bashing never gets old
I was just rewatching raw, and steph/trip's entrance for the amborse/cena match.

I fast forwarded through it this morning, but this time I didn't, and caught the glorious moment when trips and steph sat down and cole summed their corp dominance from 99 to 14, and steph stared at him, and he asked "why is she staring at me like that?"

Then instantly King said "She despises you Michael" and JBL said "I hope she fires you", and I burst out laughing

Cole bashing never gets old

Neither does TV's greatest power couple.


Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-"Sports Entertainment" and "Sports Entertainers" as a whole would be banned words. Everyone would be known as wrestlers again.

-It would be okay to call championships "titles" or "belts" again

-Michael Cole would be off commentary and replaced with a new play by play person

-JBL and Lawler wouldn't be fed lines

-Unique PPV sets would return

-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble

-Mid card champions would no longer be used as jobbers for upper card feuds

-Raw would return to 2 hours

-The WWE App would be downized significantly and be a companion to the Network only. All content that is meant for Raw and Smackdown would be aired on the actual show.

-Guest hosts would be done away with

-John Cena would feud for the Intercontinental Title (something I actually think he could elevate)

-The US Title would be retired

-PPVs based on specific gimmick matches (TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank) would be done away with. Elimination Chamber being the exception.

-There would be no PPV inbetween Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The main event for WrestleMania should be established at the Rumble and use that extended time to build up a storyline worthy of WrestleMania's main event. Elimination Chamber would be moved to a time later in the year.

-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania

-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights

-Entire current WWE Creative Team would be fired aside from those who are involved in NXT

-Divas Championship would be renamed the Womens Championship

-Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Khali, would all be future endevoured.


Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-"Sports Entertainment" and "Sports Entertainers" as a whole would be banned words. Everyone would be known as wrestlers again.

-It would be okay to call championships "titles" or "belts" again

-Michael Cole would be off commentary and replaced with a new play by play person

-JBL and Lawler wouldn't be fed lines

-Unique PPV sets would return

-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble

-Mid card champions would no longer be used as jobbers for upper card feuds

-Raw would return to 2 hours

-The WWE App would be downized significantly and be a companion to the Network only. All content that is meant for Raw and Smackdown would be aired on the actual show.

-Guest hosts would be done away with

-John Cena would feud for the Intercontinental Title (something I actually think he could elevate)

-The US Title would be retired

-PPVs based on specific gimmick matches (TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank) would be done away with. Elimination Chamber being the exception.

-There would be no PPV inbetween Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The main event for WrestleMania should be established at the Rumble and use that extended time to build up a storyline worthy of WrestleMania's main event. Elimination Chamber would be moved to a time later in the year.

-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania

-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights

-Entire current WWE Creative Team would be fired aside from those who are involved in NXT

-Divas Championship would be renamed the Womens Championship

-Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Khali, would all be future endevoured.

You think too clearly, you will never work in the wrestling business.
Yea even Chikaragot King of trios up 24 hours after for VOD. Smash wrestling has been killing it with thier last few events

iv become a big fan of vanessa kraven
Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon:

-Hire Vince Russo as head of creative

-Eliminate safe-style wrestling and treat any further deaths, sever injuries and Benoit-esque incidents like the NFL would (in other words, deny any and all responsibility for them)

-Dive into the pool of money that my first two actions have created.


Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-"Sports Entertainment" and "Sports Entertainers" as a whole would be banned words. Everyone would be known as wrestlers again.

-It would be okay to call championships "titles" or "belts" again

-Michael Cole would be off commentary and replaced with a new play by play person

-JBL and Lawler wouldn't be fed lines

-Unique PPV sets would return

-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble

-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania

-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights

-Entire current WWE Creative Team would be fired aside from those who are involved in NXT

-Divas Championship would be renamed the Womens Championship

-Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Khali, would all be future endevoured.

- Good

- Good

- Should have been done a longtime ago.

- I would dump those two really.

- Unique sets was more of a WCW thing anyway. I personally wouldn't mind a return to smaller sets instead.

- This would be tough to accomplish when you have to meet commitments

- Just dump it already. Nobody really gets over with it.

- From what I hear it's too costly to run another live show.

- Good

- Name not that important at this point. It's really about how they are written, and how they are told to work their matches.

- Good
If I'm Vince I rehire Justin Roberts as a performer for a one-off match against Michael Cole at WrestleMania. Cole is undefeated at Mania. You could turn this into one of the biggest matches in the history of the company.

Streak vs. Career


No One Remembers
Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-"Sports Entertainment" and "Sports Entertainers" as a whole would be banned words. Everyone would be known as wrestlers again.

-It would be okay to call championships "titles" or "belts" again

-Michael Cole would be off commentary and replaced with a new play by play person
See below

-JBL and Lawler wouldn't be fed lines
I'd keep Cole on commentary, just don't any of them fed lines.

-Unique PPV sets would return
Love it.

-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble
Agreed. WWE talent needs some time off. I'd give another few weeks off over the summer as well.

-Mid card champions would no longer be used as jobbers for upper card feuds

-Raw would return to 2 hours

-The WWE App would be downized significantly and be a companion to the Network only. All content that is meant for Raw and Smackdown would be aired on the actual show.

-Guest hosts would be done away with
Partially disagree, I think having some hosts is great for exposure. But I wouldn't have people like Todd Chrisley and NeNe Leaks.

-John Cena would feud for the Intercontinental Title (something I actually think he could elevate)

-The US Title would be retired
Disagree. I think having a lower card title is nice to have. It just needs proper attention. (Think people who've just moved up from NXT)

-PPVs based on specific gimmick matches (TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank) would be done away with. Elimination Chamber being the exception.
Agreed. Bring back King of the Ring though. Perhaps combine KOTR and EC? Final four go into the EC.

-There would be no PPV inbetween Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The main event for WrestleMania should be established at the Rumble and use that extended time to build up a storyline worthy of WrestleMania's main event. Elimination Chamber would be moved to a time later in the year.

-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania

-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights
Disagree about Tuesday. Should be live on Wednesday or Thursday. Need to have a couple days off for the talent. House shows only Friday and/or Saturday

-Entire current WWE Creative Team would be fired aside from those who are involved in NXT
Agreed. Need to have proper Bookers and writers. I'd cut back on some of the heavy scripted-ness of promos.

-Divas Championship would be renamed the Womens Championship

-Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Khali, would all be future endevoured.
Big show, no. Others I agree.

My thoughts.

Other thoughts:
- This would probably cost a lot of money: Make wrestlers employees of the WWE rather than independent contractors. Exception being appearance-based payouts for spectacular individuals (i.e. Brock, and I'd have Taker on this type of pay now)

- Get rid of the 6 month commitment for the WWE Network. Make it $9.99/month flat, sell 2x 30 second advertising before and after a show. For the 'live network' stream, make it 3 minutes of advertising. (I know this would be unpopular, but it would bring in more revenue)


My thoughts.

Other thoughts:
- This would probably cost a lot of money: Make wrestlers employees of the WWE rather than independent contractors.

- Get rid of the 6 month commitment for the WWE Network. Make it $9.99/month flat, sell 2x 30 second advertising before and after a show. For the 'live network' stream, make it 3 minutes of advertising. (I know this would be unpopular, but it would bring in more revenue)

Oh fuck, how did I forget that. Yeah, I'd totally bring back King of the Ring.

Shit, I'd probably retire Money in the Bank and bring back KOTR. Money in the Bank has kind of run its course anyway.


I don't think Cole has ever been any good, especially live. He was good for a period on Smackdown when they had good post-production, but I think the product would just seem better without him.


I would cut out the live stream for the Network except for the 2 hour blocks for their original programing and PPVs. No need to be running the live stream 24/7. Just turn it on for when you're airing Main Event and MNW, NXT and Countdown, PPVs, and your block of reality shows.


I honestly think Cole would probably be worse if he wasn't fed lines by Vince, thus why I'd drop him all together. Shit like "Vintage Orton" and "This place has come unglued" are products of Cole himself, Vince is probably the only thing that keeps him from being as repetitive as his WWE 2k14 counterpart. Gorilla Monsoon, Vince McMahon, and Jim Ross were never as consistently canned and repetitive as Cole is.


No One Remembers
I would cut out the live stream for the Network except for the 2 hour blocks for their original programing and PPVs. No need to be running the live stream 24/7. Just turn it on for when you're airing Main Event and MNW, NXT and Countdown, PPVs, and your block of reality shows.

Perhaps just during 'prime time', excluding when televised/cable events are on? 7-10PM.

Cole was decent back in the day. His call when Mankind won the title was pretty great.
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