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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces


King hasn't been good since 1997. JBL was ok in 2006-2007 because he just ripped on guys, face or heel, and was always belittling Cole. Cole was always a company guy and enunciated things in an annoying way. I liked Booker T's tenure on it for the short while he was doing it.


I bet they still come out way ahead on Rey Mysterio with the merchandise even though he hasn't been on TV consistently in years. Otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to keep trying to extend his contract.

Big Show still has his uses too...just not in the main event and not decimating youngrt talent for weeks on end like they had him do with Harper/Rowan. Seems like they are doing okay on that front with the Rusev feud.
It's not Tommy Johns surgery. It's the surgery he was going to have back in August, which would have had him back probably next month or so. Now he'll be lucky to make Mania if he has the surgery soon. If I was him, I'd probably demand it at this point. Mania's the biggest payday of the year.


No One Remembers
Cena is Metsfan4ever guys, that's what he does when he's waiting for his packages

"Hey guys, I just heard that this was happening!"
package arrives, plays around with it.
A few hours later

"Oh hey I'm really sorry but that thing I said was happening got changed."


"Hey guys, I just heard that this was happening!"
package arrives, plays around with it.
A few hours later

"Oh hey I'm really sorry but that thing I said was happening got changed."

Metsfan is actually pretty accurate most of the time, compared to Dolphin
Happy Birthday spindashing


I figured a title like this is a little more welcoming, but let me level with you all. I can't stand Peter Parker as Spider-Man. I hate everything about him. I mentioned this in a community thread and got a lot of looks, so I want to know how everyone else feels.

Take out the Peter Parker-specific stuff and that could be the first sentence of like 80% of his threads. The other 20% is weirdo coworkers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh it's Spindashing's birthday?

I got a present for you:

I'm sorry I made a thread about hating Spider-Man, but I promise you I will leave Sonic alone. Beef shames Sonic enough on his own.


Koran Korner with Stro 10/14/2014

There are two kinds of every fruit

When Allah wishes evil on someone/a city, there is no averting it.

Lightning and storms actually bring hope from Allah, as lightning and thunder signifies rain, which is pretty dope.

Allah is The One. The Dominant.

The cosmic retcon is mentioned a few more times.

"Easterns" bit their hands when annoyed. I don't know if this was referring to Asians, Eastern Arabs, Europeans or what.

Rebel tyrants will go to Hell and be forced to drink pus. They won't be able to swallow it all and they'll feel like they're dying. Forever.

Satan more or less says, "my bad" to those he convinced to sin, but also said to blame yourself.

Allah is really proud of his parable and metaphor skills.

Man is unjust and ungrateful.

Abraham was instructed to terrify pagans into converting. Later passages say you shouldn't speak too harshly to pagans/idolaters so as to not get them all riled up.

El Hajr = The Rock

The Muslims/Allah never destroyed a city without warning them ahead of time. They also never punished a city before sending an apostle first, to give them a chance to repent and convert. But they destroyed MANY cities and peoples.

The signs of the Zodiac, constellations, and the possibility of reincarnation are mentioned.

There are 7 doors to Heaven, and 7 doors to Hell. There is a different party at every door in Hell. There are also various degrees to Heaven. The more Allah likes you, the better your Heaven experience will be.

Abraham was scared shitless the first time he saw angels. Gabriel is also referred to as "The Holy Spirit", which is not at all the same thing as the Christian idea of it.

Lot's wife was pre-destined to linger behind and look at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. There were earthquakes and a raining of baked clay falling on the cities.

Jews and Christians are referred to as "Separatists" who altered the teachings of the Book.

There is a long passage about all the things Allah has given to man. From the stars and moon and sun and mountains and grass and animals and...everything. It is actually quite beautiful and has no mention of fear, Hell, or killing in it. It's probably the most comforting and poetic passage I've read so far. It's just like, "Look at all these dope things I've given to you to make life awesome". This includes milk from cattle and the fruits to create wine. Pretty heavy endorsement of wine, even though other passages say you shouldn't drink alcohol or intoxicants. All animals believe in Allah.

Allah knows ALL of your secrets. All of them.

The Tower of Babel is referred to in passing.

Arabs used to called angles "Daughters of Allah", but at the same time, they'd bury their infant daughters alive. This disgusted Mo, who told them to knock that shit off immediately and then it was decreed that killing your child is one of the worst sins you can ever commit.

Honey is dope as fuck. Bees are dope. They make multiple kinds of honey, some of different colors, and some used as medicine for men.

Allah will force some to such a decrepit age that they will will not be able to remember anything they learned. That is his will. Causing Alzheimer's sounds mean as fuck.

Don't go overboard with revenge. This comes from a story of the Meccans killing Mo's uncle and then mutilating his corpse. It is requested to not get crazy with revenge, even though that is definitely not the case at other points in the book.

Arab tribes used to break treaties if they felt they had a larger population (as in, more warriors who could kill if need be). Mo and Allah find this distasteful and require them to honor their treaties.

A lot of threats towards Mecca. The people of Mecca didn't care for Mohammed or his teachings for quite a while it seems.

Be nice to your parents.

You should support your family/troops/tribe/city. It is okay if you can't due to being poor or having to leave the area for a job.

Do not pursue that if which thou has no knowledge.

"There is no city but we will destroy it before the day of judgement, or torment it with keen torment. That is in the Book prescribed."

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I just honestly want to know what the tipping point with Sonic is for people that go "Oh hey, this game I've been playing where I run around as a hedgehog and I collect rings...I WANNA MARRY HIM"

Sonic is and always has been overrated and manufactured. He's the John Cena of gaming mascots.
I'd be careful of throwing stones with a NuRobocop avatar.
I just honestly want to know what the tipping point with Sonic is for people that go "Oh hey, this game I've been playing where I run around as a hedgehog and I collect rings...I WANNA MARRY HIM"
Oh you mean THOSE fans? The ones that don't actually exist in SonicGAF and get ran out of the thread when they try to shit up the thread, like you get ran out of threads with your bad opinions?
Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-Unique PPV sets would return

-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble

-Raw would return to 2 hours

-There would be no PPV inbetween Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The main event for WrestleMania should be established at the Rumble and use that extended time to build up a storyline worthy of WrestleMania's main event. Elimination Chamber would be moved to a time later in the year.

-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania

-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights

All the other ideas are great. These however would cause a company already hemorrhaging money to hemorrhage even more. And I don't believe the benefit of any of these things, barring maybe Raw to 2 hours, would outweigh the money it would cost to do them.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oh you mean THOSE fans? The ones that don't actually exist in SonicGAF and get ran out of the thread when they try to shit up the thread, like you get ran out of threads with your bad opinions?

"the ones that don't actually exist"

"actually they did exist but we got upset and ran them off"

Something stinks here Beef, and I saw you on digimonunderworld.com making marriages happen with digimonsters.
"the ones that don't actually exist"

"actually they did exist but we got upset and ran them off"

Something stinks here Beef, and I saw you on digimonunderworld.com making marriages happen with digimonsters.

They don't exist because we fucking stomp them out. I know you're the leader of a bunch of carnies, but I thought you were savvy enough to understand context.
bean breath quit wrassleGAF? Oh my, I'm not sure how I feel about this. We've lost one of the best subtle heels in the business if he's quit WrassleGAF.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Let me guess, Cruiserweights werent shit until WWF saved them.

There's no way even WWE's revisionist history can make that sound right. I am curious to hear them try. WWE's lightweights were a joke, compared to the insane talent WCW had (and actually used.)


Let me guess, Cruiserweights werent shit until WWF saved them.

I have a strong feeling that they'll focus heavily on how WCW cruiserweights were being held down by upper card WCW stars and didn't get their chance to truly shine until they jumped to WWE. That or they'll continue talking about how ECW was really where the WCW cruiserweight division came from.
bean breath quit wrassleGAF? Oh my, I'm not sure how I feel about this. We've lost one of the best subtle heels in the business if he's quit WrassleGAF.

Please don't post unsubstantiated dirtsheet rumours. He is under ongoing contract negotiations and we have no other comment on the matter at this time.


Raw Viewership:

8pm: 3.833
9pm: 3.756
10pm: 3.664

Avg: 3.751

Raw is in a slump.

Thank god for NXT to help to keep the disappointed Bryan news. Plus back to evil within soon.

Let me guess, Cruiserweights werent shit until WWF saved them.

If it was the truth. It was awesome matches that made WCW good and help against horrible main events. Though those top guys held them down and were not allowed to break the glass ceiling. So they kept having the same matches for over 2 years but were made to look like jobbers by the top guys. So they got frustrated and wanted out and some went to the WWE to become stars.
Just in case anyone thought we were done with the endless variations of Cena/Ambrose vs. Kane/Rollins/Orton:

The main event of Monday's Raw will be John Cena and Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kane in a handicap street fight.


Things I would do if I took the place of Vince McMahon

-"Sports Entertainment" and "Sports Entertainers" as a whole would be banned words. Everyone would be known as wrestlers again.

I'm convinced Vince uses the term because he is worried about getting attacked for being a monopoly. Which the government wouldn't mind if the Wrestlers and backstage staff were unionized.

If Wrestlers had a union representation you probably wouldn't have the problems that wrestler have at the end of their career.
-It would be okay to call championships "titles" or "belts" again
-Michael Cole would be off commentary and replaced with a new play by play person
I don't think he is the issue...
-JBL and Lawler wouldn't be fed lines
This is the issue. Broadcasters need to have the room to improvise and call the match as they see it.
-Unique PPV sets would return
Agreed. Hell they could reuse old sets. They have all of the old sets in a warehouse in Connecticut for WWE and WCW. Altough they are hemorageing money and this has saved them a ton.
-There would be a one month offseason for talent that would run from mid December until Royal Rumble
Will never happen. Vince loves the house show money and its been funding the company for years. They could do a month of NXT or taped house shows and people probably wouldn't miss a beat.
-Mid card champions would no longer be used as jobbers for upper card feuds
Huge one. Belts need to mean something and there needs to be storylines involved for every belt. Right now there is 0 story line for the US,Tag,and Intercontinental Title
-Raw would return to 2 hours
Can't see that happening. It would make more sense to move it to Tuesday and not compete with football.
-The WWE App would be downized significantly and be a companion to the Network only. All content that is meant for Raw and Smackdown would be aired on the actual show.
-Guest hosts would be done away with
If you are going to bring Celebs in you bring them on commentary or you have to put them in danger.
-John Cena would feud for the Intercontinental Title (something I actually think he could elevate)
This is Hogan 2.0. He ain't moving out of the spotlight unless he is fired.
-The US Title would be retired
Depends on how you use the Intercontinental title.
-PPVs based on specific gimmick matches (TLC, Hell in a Cell, Money in the Bank) would be done away with. Elimination Chamber being the exception.
Then why have 12 PPVs? All of the PPV events tie into Wrestlemania at this point.
-There would be no PPV inbetween Royal Rumble and WrestleMania. The main event for WrestleMania should be established at the Rumble and use that extended time to build up a storyline worthy of WrestleMania's main event. Elimination Chamber would be moved to a time later in the year.
This makes sense but you are leaving alot of money on the table by not having a show. Plus some of their cabel deals and even WWE Networkd advertising is based off of having 12 ppv events.
-The Money in the Bank match would return to WrestleMania
I like the idea of it getting its own event but it really doesn't matter.
-Smackdown would be moved to live on Tuesday nights
Thursday nights would make more sense. Nothing wrong with having a taped show as long as its good.
-Entire current WWE Creative Team would be fired aside from those who are involved in NXT

-Divas Championship would be renamed the Womens Championship
Divas is a brand name now. They would never do this.
-Big Show, Rey Mysterio, Khali, would all be future endevoured.

Yup, Especially Khali. They only have him on because they can't find or develop an Indian talent. He gets his own tour bus and is paid $1mil a year to show up a few times a year.

I also believe that as part of their developmental program they should teach guys how to improv better.
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