Well yeah, but I'm curious how big of one it could be. I'm always thinking big.
Meltzer saying Cena/Brock at Rumble?
I'm sorry guys. Age of Brock has failed.
The wrestling pictures really make it a lot easier to understand Islam.
It will be full of guys telling that you need special guidance to read it, that you do not understand the context, that the English translations are wrong, and so on.
I have to say stro's new gimmick got some bonus points for referencing Brave and the Bold Aquaman.
If Lesnar's reign is just constant defences against Cena, what was the point?
And Brocks contact us up in AprilMeltzer saying Cena/Brock at Rumble?
I'm sorry guys. Age of Brock has failed.
Meltzer saying Cena/Brock at Rumble?
I'm sorry guys. Age of Brock has failed.
I'd rather see Brock lower himself to TNA than have another Cena match.
I'd rather see Brock lower himself to TNA than have another Cena match.
Geese is dead in KOF canon and has been, unless you count that weird 96 appearance or him as a bone-us character in XI
That's what YOU think
I'd mark for F5 into an RKO
Juvi signs photos "Rey Juice"
EDIT: lol, he's still doing the Juice
I expected Esaka, was disappointed
Revoke your Real Bout invitation FE
None that I can spare, but I could give away the rotting piece of shit that is All Star Wrestling 3.
None that I can spare, but I could give away the rotting piece of shit that is All Star Wrestling 3.
thread needs more layla
Stro for your next religious text review may I suggest The Bhagavad Gita.
Then possibly The Book of Mormon
So after months of bitchin, most of you marky marks are not only getting 2K15 day one, but are getting the season pass as well. Just like when you said you wouldn't re-up to the Network.
Absolutely amazing.
Legit the next one on my list was the Bhagavad Gita. My liberried has a copy with "interlinear translation from Sanskirt, word for word translation and transliteration, complete gramatical commentary, as well as readable prose and page-by-page translations". I was going to hit up Eastern shit next just to give my brain a break from Ye, thou, dost kind of shit. I've been meaning to read the BG for the last 4 years or so.
You'll enjoy The Bhagavad Gita. Actually most of the Hindu Vedas are interesting whether you are sober or not. I read most of them in a haze of weed smoke in my mid 20s so I'm not sure how much I actually remember them. Come to think of it i should go back and read them soon to see how my perspective has changed since I'm older and sober.
Most of the eastern religions have some stark differences from their western counterparts but then you find out that all of them have very similar messages underneath.
Meltzer saying Cena/Brock at Rumble?
I'm sorry guys. Age of Brock has failed.
I don't think the game is that bad.
Do you use something to play import games on a PS2?Never heard of it. I'll take it! PS2?
Jericho says Wyatt will be a world champion within a year...Chris Jericho's AMA:
Interesting quips there with regards to Benoit, Bray Wyatt and the 1004 holds
Jericho says Wyatt will be a world champion within a year...
Chris Jericho's AMA:
Interesting quips there with regards to Benoit, Bray Wyatt and the 1004 holds
Meltzer saying Cena/Brock at Rumble?
I'm sorry guys. Age of Brock has failed.