Age of Flop Lesnar.
They should've just handed the title to Batista back in May. He could've part-timed it up for a few months, ran through a few jabronis like Cena, Wyatt, and Cesaro, continue to be more hated than anyone, and then finally put over someone at Wrestlemania 31. Prime opportunity to take advantage of someone getting crazy heat.
Instead, there is nothing of interest on Raw now. Even Ambrose/Rollins has somehow passed its expiry date.
There is a Cena and Orton Hell in a Cell match. It's like they forgot how shit the first one was, so we get it a second time. Truly historic.
The only interesting thing that could come out of Cena/Orton hiac is a double turn and even that will be boring.
Bluetista is blowing up in Hollywood he doesn't need this carny ass sport anymore. We'll be lucky to get a retirement match at mania from him.