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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces


Fuck Mark Cerny

If anybody from the video games industry is TMF, it's Reggie

Fuck that


Hiroshi Yamauchi, President and Chairman of Nintendo until 2002

Told interviewers he had "better things to do" than play video games. Owned the Mariners and never watched a single game. The Famicom was red because he had a red scarf that he liked. If that's not TMF status I don't know what is.
I'm only really watching very loosely now. I tried to quit totally after Summerslam, and basically I just stopped spending so much time on here and I don't check live streams or tv shows, just skip through highlights afterwards. Hasn't been a single non-Brock match I've wanted to watch all of yet.

I'd be into watching Orton vs Brock if they could angle for that somehow. Orton's an entertaining wrestler. I'm trying to think of anybody else I think would make a good match...

I guess I'm interested most in 1 - Brock, 2 - Ambrose, 3 - Orton right now. I don't know if Ambrose is actually a good wrestler though - haven't seen him do all that much wrestling on his own. It's mostly just chasing Seth and doing some pummeling/gimmicky things. I'm hoping he's fun to watch.

The period after Summerslam to the Rumble is kind of the pits of the year, huh? It feels like nothing that good is really going on. Mizdow is funny. There's some promise of interesting things to come.

Oh, I'll probably watch all of Seth v Ambrose. It'd be cool to get some crazy off/through the cell spots from those two. I know Seth loves doing that kinda stuff, but I dunno if WWE allows it anymore. And I will watch Orton v Cena on the basis of skipping to the end of the match and if Orton wins, I'll watch the match, if Cena wins, who cares.


The period after Summerslam to the Rumble is kind of the pits of the year, huh? It feels like nothing that good is really going on.

This has been the state of things since about 98 or so, I think? Maybe even earlier than that. They just sort of coast into Survivor Series and then get people pumped for the Rumble.
Yoshitatsu says he's going to prove his worth to New Japan by taking down the Bullet Club all by himself, as such he'll be billed as 'The Bullet Club Hunter' Yoshitatsu;


Also, Bruce Tharpe-des has got his own t-shirt, lol;

Yoshitatsu says he's going to prove his worth to New Japan by taking down the Bullet Club all by himself, as such he'll be billed as 'The Bullet Club Hunter' Yoshitatsu;


The dude who was handily defeated by Corey Graves after getting thrown into steel steps? Yea ok

That hoodie is sick tho i want it


So not worth it

Kind of like going Super Saiyan.


I want that Bruce Tharpe shirt for my birthday.

Today is my birthday, I'm twenty-two years old.

Everyone pool money together and get me that Bruce shirt and the Hello Kitty NJPW one too.



Kind of like going Super Saiyan.

Yoshi Tatsu was always fantastic. I almost wish he was tagging with Jimmy Wang Yang and both of them be cowboys.

Thank you.

First birthday in years that I actually feel happy about.

I hope your birthday is Peeptastic, Mr Johnson.


So not worth it
So I got Jericho’s book right as I was finishing this issue. I wasn’t even going to open the package until after being done, because I’ve read his other books, and it was like, the minute I start, that’s it, no issue this week. But my mom came over and decided to open the package and put the book right in front of me where I was going to eat dinner. So it’s there, staring me in the face, and I’m going, I will not open this book until later in the week. So I’m eating, and it’s like, okay, I’ll just open it, read one page, and no matter what, that’s it. So I open and it’s page 120, talking about the angle with Mickey Rourke and WrestleMania, which I actually know better than all but a few people given that Frank Shamrock, who Rourke hired as his bodyguard, wanted me to go to Houston with him for Mania, but my rule of thumb of never attending Mania live (because the Mania issue is the biggest of the year, and yes, I will break the rule in 2015), I said I was too busy. Plus, he had a fight a week later against Nick Diaz and his ribs were jacked, so he didn’t need to go to Houston either. Anyway, Jericho had to explain to Rourke that when he was on Larry King with him, he was just an actor building up a confrontation for Mania. Rourke thought all the insults were a shoot and brought Shamrock and Moti Horenstein (a former UFC fighter who was a member of the Israeli special forces) with him. Anyway, there were no problems and everyone was cool with everyone. Except Horenstein, who was still mean mugging. Before the match, Jericho told Vince about how Rourke hired two bodyguards to kick his ass if he double-crossed Rourke in the ring. Vince started laughing, and said, “Are you kidding me? Those guys?” Vince said, “You me, Finlay and Malenko would’ve beat the shit out of them. I mean, look at that one guy, he’s a midget.” The midget was Shamrock. Jericho smiled at Vince and said, “Well, if anything goes down, I’ll take Rourke and you take the midget.” “Damn right I will,” Vince said as he swaggered away.

Vinny Mac debuting in UFC soon?
If you own the game and a PS2, but the PS2 is borked, is it legal/moral to use an emulator to play that game?

"Eh" with accompanied shoulder shrug of apathy to both though dumping and using your own PS2's BIOS should be considered fair use. Go for it and play them and enjoy a superior experience via emulation.


That was the case that set the precedent IIRC.

GameFAQs bullshit can fuck off.

I'll try to make it catch on in ArrowGAF

I'll consider giving you a hand.


So not worth it
Not too long ago I was asked about who had more WWE stock between Shane and Stephanie McMahon and I thought it was Shane, since Stephanie sold so much stock last year. That’s actually not the case. Shane himself must have sold a lot of his stock whether it was to fund his attempt at VOD and PPV in China or something else. We had reported Stephanie owned 661,678 shares while Shane owned 1,541,224 shares back in February. However, Vince set up two trusts for Stephanie, one in 2004 and another in 2008. Stephanie actually owned 2,511,071 shares of WWE stock, making her stock worth $34,050,122 as of the weekend. Shane owned 1,541,204 shares worth $20,898,726. Vince owned 39,272,641 shares worth $532,537,010 as of the weekend. For the UFC comparison, based on the $1.65 billion valuation of the company this past week, Lorenzo Fertitta’s stock is worth $668,250,000, as is Frank Fertitta’s. Dana White’s is worth $165 million.

Two more weeks until the next time the share price plummets after the newest Network number gets announced.


So not worth it
HA! Bandwidth caps. HA! HAHAHAHAHA! HA! The UK is the reason the rest of the world has bandwidth caps, we download everything 24/7.

The Netherlands even has this silly thing called Net Neutrality where your ISP isn't allowed to throttle your bandwidth based on how you use your internet. It's a pretty novel idea.


Todd Pettengill's fashion could not have been more 90's.


I think Stephanie Wiand has him beat.

She was popping out of gift boxes long before Dean Ambrose made it a thing. I am going to cancel my network sub if they don't add every episode of WWF Mania by the end of the next renewal period.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
And dudes in the late 90s to early 2000s always had their hair parted down the middle or shitt yfake spikes. Always.

Watching Woodstock 99 has been a painful experience when it comes to pop culture.


And dudes in the late 90s to early 2000s always had their hair parted down the middle or shitt yfake spikes. Always.

Oh shi *deletes all photos on facebook*

I seriously did this for the late 90s / early 2000s. Then realised it was rubbish and I had a high hairline, and have kept a grade 2 buzz ever since.

Fashion is not something you should ever look back upon (except with a hearty laugh).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I appreciate the late 90s/early 2000s in a kind of a destructive manner. Like the same reason I like The Room. It's so fascinatingly bad. The fashion, the music, the movies, it's just a real dark spot on the 'cool' meters. I do have some nostalgia for it, but it's like in a 'this is so ridiculous' kind of nostalgia. Third Eye Blind is still a great album though, but that might not be 'late' enough late 90s.


So, at which point does one stop caring about "keeping up" with pop culture, fashion, etc? Think it was my late-20s when I realized "I don't care about finding that much new music or watching every movie that comes out or knowing or caring what is popular. I'm just gonna listen to Pink Floyd and keep reading old books I need to catch up on."


So not worth it
WWE Network is kind of weird right now, it's worldwide, but they don't have tailored ads, so I'm watching ads for US stuff I can't ever buy. Bit pointless really, should have put some Google video ads there for non-US viewers.


So, at which point does one stop caring about "keeping up" with pop culture, fashion, etc? Think it was my late-20s when I realized "I don't care about finding that much new music or watching every movie that comes out or knowing or caring what is popular. I'm just gonna listen to Pink Floyd and keep reading old books I need to catch up on."

Ditto... I can't remember the last CD I bought. I stopped listening to music radio when my favourite DJ left the station - that was 2 years ago. I took the opportunity to fill out back catalogs of music artists.

Fashion has always been a meh subject - so long as it fits and I don't look like a douche, it's fine. I've always hated big name brands, especially when it's slapped all over the item, and that has always seemed to be in fashion. Screw that.

I feel as though I should go and shake my fist at a cloud now...

Wrasslin' tach watch:


Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Man, if Rusev was like 4 or 5 inches taller, he'd have some HUGE potential to be a mega heel powerhouse. 6'0" is pretty big, but Vader and Umaga were like 6'5" and it does become very noticeable in some of his matchups.

Fuck the medal. They need to have Putin give Rusev a ridiculous giant iron Russian helmet like this to come out with
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