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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces


NXT feels like a good indie promotion right now, and it's not just the indie guys either. The entire roster seems to be improving on their strengths and getting better. As a promotion it's building credible titles and is starting to work out good storylines and characters. It's showing that you only need an hour per week and 4 PPVs per year to build a good company.

My only fear is them calling up talent when they just start taking off on NXT like they've done in the past. However, they seem to have cut back on that. While I like the idea of guys moving up to the main roster, they should be on NXT for at least a year, if not two before that is considered.


I never understood the wrestling logic of the first part of this sequence: where Wrassler A has his legs around the torso of Wrassler B, facing the ground, and moves up/down and then something happens. Just like in this clip, in WWE too, you'd get a Rey Mysterio or Sin Cara purposely jumping into that position of Wrassler A, and usually the Wrassler A gains an advantage from this move due to Wrestling Logic.

I never could suspend disbelief to where I'd not think "that other guy should just slam the tiny motherfucker into the ground face first".

This is what happens

This is what you want to happen


I don't know but I switched to MLB Network because I thought the Friedman conference was today, then they threw it to Brian Kenny and Mick was there.

My favorite part was earlier in the show when he trolled Kenny by telling him how much of an advocate he was of bunting.


I doubt it.

While these women are good, a huge part of it is their training.

I mean to say that when these ladies head up to main roster that they are going to turn into nobodies. Creative doesn't treat main roster women as good as NXT creative does. In NXT they are an integral part of the show, main shows not so much.


I mean to say that when these ladies head up to main roster that they are going to turn into nobodies. Creative doesn't treat main roster women as good as NXT creative does. In NXT they are an integral part of the show, main shows not so much.

While true, I think we'll still get better 10 minute divas matches when they're on the main roster.


The thing with NXT is that it deserves another hour. You have a strong roster but not enough time to show it. I'm tired of Mojo and his blunders being the main part of the show.


The thing with NXT is that it deserves another hour. You have a strong roster but not enough time to show it. I'm tired of Mojo and his blunders being the main part of the show.

Another hour would induce pacing problems, filler, etc. One hour is frankly the ideal time for a wrestling TV episode. You can have feuds, matches, angles, and they don't all need to take ages. It leaves you wanting more, not wanting it to end quicker.
The longer shows are the PPVs/live specials, there's where you get the really long matches and whatnot.
I just saw a clip of Brodus from TNA. Apparently he debuted last night. Dude looked horrible. Also TNA has been telling people they signed a couple of wrestlers that will shock people and they will announce a TV deal within 10 days.


I LOVE how NXT builds and ends feuds on TV. They even have title matches regularly, with the real possibility that a title can change hands. I mean, you don't really believe that Titus O'Neil will win the belt, but it's nice to see lower main roster guys like that get a bigger role on a show.


I'm noticing they seem to be building a style for the NXT women, different from the males. It's more based on mat wrestling and submissions.


I'm noticing they seem to be building a style for the NXT women, different from the males. It's more based on mat wrestling and submissions.

They need to bump more, and there needs to be a differential in the way each woman wrestles in the ring. The only one that stands out is Naomi. Though she wrestles like she has the greatest potential of all the girls, but none of the expirence to make her look competent in the ring.
Speaking of NXT. tonights edition

sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd

NXT Women's Champion Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

NXT Tag Team Champions The Lucha Dragons vs. Wesley Blake & Buddy Murphy

The Jersey Boys vs. The Legioniares

Baron Corbin in action.

The in-ring debut of Carmella

pretty sure leva bates is doing the job to carmella

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No Ascension means I may not watch. But Baron Corbin...


I want to like Baron Corbin. He's got a presence about him, but he's just green and otherwise bland.
He looks like Misawa, and he has his stoic presence. I think that's what makes me notice him. But you know Vince is staring at his soon to be balding scalp and saying "nope".

New Japan’s next iPPV will be taking place on October 30th in Tochigi and will be headlined by an eight-man tag with Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuyori Shibata & The Time Splitters vs. Kazuchika Okada & Shinsuke Nakamura & Forever Hooligans and airing on the Niconico service, which is the new iPPV home for NJPW and Dragon Gate.

tana and shibata team up !!!

match should be crazy


If its anywhere close to that amazing tag match at the end of last year with Nakamura and Okada vs Naito and Tanahashi, it'll be great.

tana and shibata team up !!!

match should be crazy

Really hope someone can figure out a way to watch this, as it's not for regular sale - you have to sign up for the nicopro channel, which costs 540 yen per month and can't be bought with webmoney or a credit card outside of Japan. I found a tutorial for a virtual Japanese credit card, so I'm going to give that a go and see if it works. The November 1st show is an iPPV on the nicopro channel, also.



Whores and Whoremongers are blights on the earth. They can only marry each other. They deserve to be scourged with 100 strips. No pity on these suckas.

If you accuse a woman of infidelity or other sexual crimes, you must have 4 witnesses. If you don't, you get 80 lashes. If a husband accuses his wife of infidelity, they both will say their testimony 4 times, with the 5th time being a curse from Allah. And who ever falls to the curse is obviously the liar. That all came about because Mohammed forgot to bring Ayesha on a over night trip and a lot of rumors started up about her being a whore. These really pissed her off, and she tried to take out hits on the guys. The main guy who started the rumors wasn't punished because he was too important in the city. So then, a new declaration from Allah came down.

Don't enter houses of those you aren't invited to. It's okay to enter empty/abandoned houses, though.

You should cover your junk. Men and women. Women should cover up all of their parts and jewelry and should only show themselves to relatives, kids who are too young to think of sex, and retarded people.

Be good to your slaves and don't force them into prostitution.

Every beast came from water, then crawled on its belly, then walked on two feet. It sounds pretty clearly a reference to evolution, but it is possible that it was instead just referring to all kinds of animals that are under Allah's power. It's kind of a mystery.

Kids/Slaves have to ask for permission to enter rooms when you might be naked. Such as in the morning, at night, or during bathing.

It's cool for unmarried/widowed post-menopausal women to show off their jewelry/maybe tits, but it is preferred if they don't.

Never address Mohammed without a title. Such as Sir Mo.

People had a real issue with the Koran not being fully formed and released at all once. Mo (who complains about this himself at a different part in the book) decides he'll refute this by giving the ENTIRE Moses story again. From being a baby not allowed to have a wet nurse, to the talking bush/tree, to the staff being a snake, to the Pharaoh thinking he was a magician, to parting the Red Sea, to the tablets. ALL that shit. Again. At least the 7th time in full, and it pops up again in the next 3 chapters, even though they're super short. He also does this with Abraham, Noah, and Lot. And in fact, him knowing those stories at all in such detail is given of proof of his prophethood, as Mo was completely illiterate and wouldn't be able to know all the stories otherwise.

A weird story about Solomon. He throws a party with humans, jinn, animals (mostly birds, that talk), and a dude from Egypt. There are quotes from a talking ANT, who told his ant bros to make sure they stay in their hills so they don't get stepped on. Anyways, Solomon knows of a woman ruling some town in Egypt. He decides to send a messenger to tell her and her town to convert or die. She sends a bunch of money to him. He isn't interested and sends his people to blow shit up. She converts and repents, but most of her population doesn't and the city is pretty much erased.

It's made pretty clear that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed due to raping and dudes banging each other.

Allah gets really pissy with people who praise him, but then ask why he throws hardships at them. Mostly referring to in war, I believe.

Noah was 950 years old when he died.

One of the natural disaster type things Allah would send to destroy cities included some kind of really terrible sound. It's not really explained, but I imagine it is like Scanners.

Idolators are like spiders, and little do they know that a spider's house is the easiest to destroy.

The notes make it clear that all of the other gods and idols that people believe in are never referred to as not existing. They're just not actual gods. Supernatural beings. Which means, at some point in Muslim history (maybe even today), ALL gods and pantheons exist, just not as gods. Zeus, Isis, Odin, Quetzalcoatl, and
Poseidon are all totally legit. They just aren't actual gods.

Aesop, creator of TV Tropes, is mentioned.

At a point in Arab history, dudes would basically divorce their wives by saying, "Thy back is to me as my mother's back". After saying that, they would consider their wives to be like their real mothers, so obviously boning them was out of the question. Mohammed said that's stupid as fuck and to knock it off. At the same time, Arabs also considered their adopted children to be blood. It was forbidden to have sex with the wife of any blood relatives. However, Mo had adopted a kid and really wanted to fuck his wife. The son immediately offered a divorce, but Mo said to wait until Allah changes the rules. And then the rule was changed. And then Mohammed married his adopted son's ex wife. It caused a huge scandal at the time, but since you aren't allowed to criticize Allah or Mohammed, it blew over. Over fear of death. Also, don't fuck your ex wives.

Some other Mohammed/marriage issues: Mo got really annoyed with his wives always asking for nice shit, so he told them to either deal with it or get the fuck out. They stayed. Probably because no one is ever allowed to marry an ex-wife or widow of Mohammed. They aren't even allowed to be touched or looked at. And if they cheat on Mo, they get double the punishment of a normal woman. Then a decree came down that Mohammed had special rules and could marry anyone he wanted except for immediate family. He was the only one given this right. Literally, marriages that were illegal for everyone else was legal for him.

Don't annoy Mo. It's punishable by death if deemed necessary. In Arab tradition, the chief's tent would constantly have guests and entertainment. Being that Mo was a pretty popular guy, he was always having visitors. The tradition also calls for the chief not being allowed to turn down visitors. But Mo could and if people annoyed him, he could send them away. If they REALLY annoyed him, they could be killed. There is a pretty clear thread through out the whole book of things that annoy Mo being made illegal, or things he wants to do being made legal, or just him specifically given special privileges that no one else was privy to. Perhaps this is a sign of his bromance with Allah. Perhaps.


Another hour would induce pacing problems, filler, etc. One hour is frankly the ideal time for a wrestling TV episode. You can have feuds, matches, angles, and they don't all need to take ages. It leaves you wanting more, not wanting it to end quicker.
The longer shows are the PPVs/live specials, there's where you get the really long matches and whatnot.

True...I agree on this. I guess years of two hour shows spoiled the hell out of me looking at a 1 hour wrestling show.


So not worth it


Real talk: Enzo Amore reminds me quite a bit of the Rock, very natural on the mic, but cocky and full of catchphrases that are great to shout along with. Unfortunately this WWE will never get behind a smaller guy like Enzo like that, but still, he has amazing potential if he is allowed to take his ball and run with it.




Real talk: Enzo Amore reminds me quite a bit of the Rock, very natural on the mic, but cocky and full of catchphrases that are great to shout along with. Unfortunately this WWE will never get behind a smaller guy like Enzo like that, but still, he has amazing potential if he is allowed to take his ball and run with it.

I do see that in him, though at this point he looks like an extra on Jersey Shore and that whole thing will turn a lot of people off.




Real talk: Enzo Amore reminds me quite a bit of the Rock, very natural on the mic, but cocky and full of catchphrases that are great to shout along with. Unfortunately this WWE will never get behind a smaller guy like Enzo like that, but still, he has amazing potential if he is allowed to take his ball and run with it.

Not quite but almost there. I love how Enzo can control the crowd and never skips a beat with his promos. I seem him more of a ic champion at best though....while he has the personality, he doesn't have that WWE face look unfortunately :(.
Chances are, Impact gets the ad rates of shows that do half the viewers. So, even at 1m viewers, it's not viewed as such. Same reason WWE didn't get as big of increase as predicted.
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