Bunch of confused souls in this thread.
Solid Snake:
- On his first mission, he rescued Gray Fox, destroyed Metal Gear, and defeated Big Boss.
- In MGS, he came out of an early retirement, saved the pansy that is Otacon, defeated FOXHOUND single handedly, fought a fucking ninja and won, saved the world again by taking care of another Metal Gear, and beat the crap out of his British twin brother.
- In MGS2, he helped Raiden grow some balls (miraculous feat), sank a goddamn tanker, inspired millions, and he swam down a Metal Gear Ray. That's right. That's how insane his skills are. He swims fast enough to keep up with a machine.
- He also has an IQ of 180 and is fluent in six languages.
Whilst we don't know what happened with this great man beyond the events of MGS2, we know he's due for a return.
Big Boss's resume includes killing his own mother figure (good job you ungrateful twat), crying about killing his own mother figure, sexually assaulting some loli looking girl, getting his ass tortured by Drago, being put into a coma (jesus christ), growing a dick on his head, then having the shit beat out of him by his own student of CQC when he tried the whole grandmaster villain reveal. He also has difficulty speaking one language, let alone six.
'Oh, I was forced to kill The Boss. Oh cruel fate, how you have abandoned thee!!'
If only Solid Snake could go back in time and kill his crippled ass.