One big problem they have- they're not creating guys fast enough to get them on the very depleted main roster and flesh out the undercard.The Future is now.
One big problem they have- they're not creating guys fast enough to get them on the very depleted main roster and flesh out the undercard.The Future is now.
I stay up until dawn so I can sleep through the day. I clearly hate myself.How is your night going Plywoods?
Listening to Jericho on Alvarez's podcast. He said he and Punk used to talk all the time, and since Punk left he hasn't spoken to Jericho since. He then mentioned that he would send Punk texts saying stuff like "I'm watch The Clash from 78..." and Punk wouldn't respond.
Would love to see the tag team stuff get a shack up. I like the Usos and Dust can be hilarious to make fun of with friends but I'm a bit bored seeing them all the time. Although I could say that about a lot of those matches.Hell in the Cell card:
Rollins vs Ambrose
Cena vs Orton
Rusev vs Big Show
Ziggler vs Cesaro 2 out 3
Sheamus vs Miz
Usos vs Goldust and Stardust
AJ vs Paige
Brie vs Nikki
edit: oops
The fallout from Wrestlemania
Ah that makes sense, thanks for the reply. I wonder if they are trying to think of a way to avoid that huge dip next year, might need to tease some stuff at Wrestlemania for the coming weeks (although I prefer the idea of WM being the end of the road for a lot of arcs).
I just try not to think about it.So I just heard that the winner of Orton vs. Cena gets a title shot against Brock?!
So, wait a minute. Ambrose wins a match against Cena, to get to fight Seth Rollins and the loser of that match has to fight Orton... For a chance against the championship.
How is Ambrose okay with this?
How does this make sense?
You lose a match, so you get a shot at a title shot?
And, of course, the main event slot at the PPV, because we should definitely not pretend that Ambrose vs. Rollins is the hottest thing (the only hot thing) WWE has going on right now...
I don't understand what's going on anymore.
From reddit
Bawitdaba dabang adang diggy diggy, diggy said the boogy, said up jump the boogy.
My (not so) secret shame is that I didn't even need to google that shit.
Bless you.
Who will be in a dancing segment first?
Bray Wyatt
Luke Harper
Eric Rowan
Seth Rollins
Hahaha.I think they're the actual lyrics. I don't think he sneezed,
I see potential in Rowan, some dudes and/or Divas (probably just the Exotic Express actually) will be dancing round him as he stands there middle of the ring, mask still on, he slowly tilts his head seemingly in bewilderment of this nonsense....
And then busts out his mad dance moves to the thunderous roar of the crowd because there's nothing that livens up dead crowds more than monster heels suddenly throwing shapes.
This then leads into the breakup of the Wyatt family as Rowan has to try and suppress his urge to dance in tag matches with Harper while Bray rocks himself into a depression on the ramp wondering just where the gimmick all went wrong.
Rowan finally finds himself in a lower card tag team withAdam RoseThe Bunny where Rowan himself is also dressed in a matching lamb costume, JBL will commentate each match unable to hide his furry disdain while Cole keeps repeating about how much fun they're all having with forced laughter.
From reddit
GAWD DAMNNNNNNN Adam cole vs Zack sabre from Night 2 is a MOTYC.
Fucking amazing
Long term booking going over months and different shows including the never acknowledged internet shows? WWE can't pull that off, Adam Rose might not even survive to be around in a few months!Actually, I would say that Bray Wyatt casts out Rowan from the clan, and we spend the next few months showing a distraught Rowan completely lost without his family. He is latching on to a ton of superstars, just trying to fit in and find a new family to fill the empty void left by the Wyatt's. We see him down in NXT, trying to get friendly with Enzo Amore and Big Cass, we see him at Smackdown, trying to get Kane to have a tea party with him in the boiler room. He's at Raw, with Tyson Kidd, listening to Natalya bitch at Tyson for daring to show up at Raw just to taunt her. He suddenly appears at the commentary desk instead of Michael Cole, doing play by play (this can tie in with a special edition of the JBL andColeRowan Show on the YouTubes). Until finally he meets Adam Rose and Rose "converts" him to his own cult, the Exotic Express.
Dude looks like the misshapen nu-metal son of honky tonk man.
NXT is by far the best weekly wrestling show at the moment. Raw has been so shit lately.
Side note: I'm excited for Lucha Underground. Anyone else or is my excitement misplaced?
Rusev should honestly be going for a midcard title at this point. The undefeated heel stuff has lasted long enough he needs to move up
I'm the same, I've stopped watching the PPV's even, and I need a major NXT catch up session.I'm excited for it as well.
I've tapped out of all WWE programming save NXT and the occasional PPV. Ambrose really appears to be the only person worth watching. I will give it up for Rusev kicking an American soldier in the ring, that's some good heel shit.
I'm totally up for WSX 2.Lucha Underground could be good, but it might slide right into Wrestling Society X-2 if they're not careful.
Would imagine the US title is next after he's done with the Big Show. Obviously wont go for the IC title as he beat Ziggler clean last week and showed no interest in the belt whatsoever.
"King of lean"
i wonder if tuesday or wednesday is my least favorite day of the week
For a long time, I thought that was supposed to be a sexual thing.Tuesday. Wednesday is hump day