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Amadeus is a goddamn tour-de-force of acting skill, brilliant set design, and a fantastic goddamn story. I love that movie.
Funny, because I think Temple of Doom doesn't get enough hate. Die Hard 2 is just a weak movie in between two great ones, Iron Man 3 is fun, but quite a bit messy in the structure department, RoboCop 2 I haven't seen in years and Jedi, looking back upon it just isn't very good, I feel.
So it probably ruined it for me. Like Tia Carrere.
Amadeus is a goddamn tour-de-force of acting skill, brilliant set design, and a fantastic goddamn story. I love that movie.
Convinced everyone involved in making that were under the influence of drugs, it's too funny and zany to have been convinced otherwise. It feels like a massive in-joke.
Watch Showdown in Little Tokyo and have your faith restored. Trust me!
Bullshit. Batman Forever is far and away the worst movie in the series. It tries to straddle the line of Shoe Maker and Burton and fails miserably at both. It's garbage all around. Val is fucking awfuuuuuuul as Bruce/Batman. The only thing that makes it half tolerable is the over acting double team of TLJ and Ace Ventura. It's UGLY. It's boring. It's stupid. It isn't funny. It isn't intense. It isn't cool. It isn't so bad it's good. It's a shitty movie to try to sit through.
Oh, they didn't just imply that, they outright told you who the good guy was.I don't know that they did - I was like 12 when it came out, and the trailer showed the T-1000 killing cops and causing mayhem. It was definitely implied at that point, there was no mystery to me. I just wish I had experienced the surprise.![]()
¡HarlequinPanic!;135426502 said:I dunno man.
dat battleship game.
RoboCop 2 is fun, but not as good as 1.
It's actually pretty close to what the comics were like in the 50s and 60s, but the Adam West show had the added benefit of actors who were WAY too into their roles.
T2 was the first R-rated movie I ever saw in theaters.
As Biden would say...It was a big fucking deal.
I kind of like Robocop 2, but I wouldn't call it 'fun', not compared to the first one. It's much more violent and contains a lot less humor and satire. Or maybe the humor (all the directives) just fell flat for me.
Robocop 2 and 3 were career ending movies for their directors. Hopefully Jose gets to direct again after the remake.
I don't know that they did - I was like 12 when it came out, and the trailer showed the T-1000 killing cops and causing mayhem. It was definitely implied at that point, there was no mystery to me. I just wish I had experienced the surprise.![]()
The live action Battleship movie with Tim Riggins and Rihanna wasn't half bad, I'm not kidding.
Those trailers implied, but school yard chatter, and my sister made me think Arnold wasn't to be trusted either.
Oh, I saw what Die Hard 2 was going for. It's not bad, but it's just that it didn't really hold my attention all that well, judging from the last time I watched it (probably due to a change in director, but at least the guy who made it would go on to direct Cliffhanger).Die Hard 2 gets shit for being "the first movie but in an airport" when Die Hard 3 in all honestly tries to copy the first movie even more blatantly than 2 did. At least Die Hard 2 didn't try to be another elaborate bank robbery. Die Hard 2 has the best set up for the catch phrase too.
Wait someone thinks Die Hard 3 is a great movie? A movie that is a hodge podge of two seperate scripts mashed into one and that fucking horrifically bad ending.
Then again we have people here who only watch wrestling for its very worst parts so I can't be that surprised.
Oh, I saw what Die Hard 2 was going for. It's not bad, but it's just that it didn't really hold my attention all that well, judging from the last time I watched it (probably due to a change in director, but at least the guy who made it would go on to direct Cliffhanger).
Eek, have any diva pictures surfaced I want to see how bad they are if they can't even render Corey skinny.![]()
There was...¡HarlequinPanic!;135427177 said:If it had 4 scenes and some f bombs then use olol
I agree. I saw it on HBO one day and it was a perfectly enjoyable dumb summer action movie. I'd rather rewatch it over Godzilla 2014 anyway.
The Adam West Batman show was intentionally absurdist. Obviously. The producer Bill Dozier wasn't a fan of comics, so when his company was given the show, he read some and thought the only way to make that show was to be as wacky and ridiculous as possible.
There was...
1. Arnold's bare ass
2. T-1000 stabbing John Connor's foster father through the mouth(but some of that was off screen)
3. T-1000 stabbing the cop through the eye(Probably the goriest scene)
4. Arnold cutting off the skin around his cybernetic arm
5. And maybe the scene where Dyson slowly dies from a gunshot wound.
Outside of that the movie is pretty sterile for an R-rated movie.
I would think maybe the T-800 getting fucked up near the end might have done it too? I dunno, it's not as R-Rated as Terminator 1 was but I think it still earns its R stripes. You could probably make a case that T1 wouldnt be R rated if you got rid of a few scenes and removed f-bombs.
He gets fucked up, but he's still a robot. Plus, he doesn't bleed as much as he did in first.
Yeah, I've heard of that. Minority Report also has a similar origin. It was supposed to be a sequel to another Philip K. Dick adaptation/Ahnuld movie (Total Recall). But for whatever reason, it was delayed for a number of years until it became a Tom Cruise/Spielberg movie (and you can see bits of what remained in the final movie, like when Anderton brought Agatha to that place that looks a lot similar to what Rekall sold its product as).I usually watch it once every other Christmas for kicks, it's not bad. Honestly it's the only Die Hard sequel that really feels like it channels the spirit of the first movie at all. Die Hard 3 kinda sucks though.
The origin of Die Hard is fucking cool though, I think. Die Hard is adapted from a book named Nothing Lasts Forever. That book is a sequel to a book that was previously adapted into a Frank Sinatra movie. When Sinatra didn't want to do a sequel they tweaked the script to be a sequel to fucking Commando, but then Arnold turned it down so they tooled it into a stand alone movie that became Die Hard.
Fave five Bring It On movies:
I think the only The Rock movies I've seen are The Other Guys and Doom.
The 'twist' in DOOM is the worst part about Doom. Like, it was just an aliens ripoff but whatever, I could still watch it. Then the FPS segment happened. Then The Rock turned heel, and it was like, who the fuck wants to be blockhead Karl Urban instead of The Rock?
I would. Just so I could be THE LAAAAAAAWWWW!I think the only The Rock movies I've seen are The Other Guys and Doom.
The 'twist' in DOOM is the worst part about Doom. Like, it was just an aliens ripoff but whatever, I could still watch it. Then the FPS segment happened. Then The Rock turned heel, and it was like, who the fuck wants to be blockhead Karl Urban instead of The Rock?
Amadeus is a goddamn tour-de-force of acting skill, brilliant set design, and a fantastic goddamn story. I love that movie.
Taken and the grey are GOATs
I would. Just so I could be THE LAAAAAAAWWWW!
Probably why I enjoyed beat em games.The Warriors is my ultimate movie. It's got all the things I like
Dudes punching dudes in the face
Pulpy 70s music
Shitty 70s New York
Pretty ladies
Pretty ladies with knives
Baseball bats
Afros and bellbottoms
Pinball tables
Amusement Parks
That movie had probably one of the biggest marketing blitzes ever for an R-rated action flick.
...And looking back at it, outside of about 4 scenes, and a couple of f-bombs, did it really deserve that rating?