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October Wrasslin' |OT| Running around in our underwear making ugly faces

Good lord at Renee's soft hands. She holds the microphone in equilibrium like a pebble dropping a pond, no slight disturbances, always steady.

So according to Meltz, they appear to be slotting Ambrose in the #3 face spot after Orton turns because the house shows he's headlining are doing quite badly. That is just his take on the situation but I can see where they'd do that. I just don't see Orton as a difference maker, heel or face.


So according to Meltz, they appear to be slotting Ambrose in the #3 face spot after Orton turns because the house shows he's headlining are doing quite badly. That is just his take on the situation but I can see where they'd do that. I just don't see Orton as a difference maker, heel or face.
He's always sucked as a face. I wonder how soon it takes for him to whine about being a face and wants to go back heel again.


So according to Meltz, they appear to be slotting Ambrose in the #3 face spot after Orton turns because the house shows he's headlining are doing quite badly. That is just his take on the situation but I can see where they'd do that. I just don't see Orton as a difference maker, heel or face.

You know they've hit rock bottom when Cena & Orton are the two top faces again. Jesus.


I watched Summerslam 2007 Cena vs Orton. It wasn't terrible. Crowd made it not so terrible.

I'll watch Unforgiven 2007 between those two next. Maybe they try something new in this match?


When's Hell in a Cell?

I haven't seen Raw in a couple of weeks, and don't want to Google it for spoilers. Is it worth catching up?


Pump in the fake boos while the guy on the Austin shirt checks his iphone while the girl in the blue bro shirt has that why am I here look on her face.


Controversial statement more controversial than shitting on Blade Runner and Goodfellas:

Jeff Jarrett was a great face. Better at being a face than a heel. He should have had an extended face run in WWF or WCW. His best period in TNA was as Southern Gentleman Babyface which turned into Double J Double M A. What kind of sorcery is behind face Jeff vs The Giant being more entertaining than Rey/TMF and Eddie/DDP?


Eeehhhhh. ROH is so irrelevant and interchangeable with just about any other midtier indie it's sad. Need to sign Willie Maxk exclusive asap and the brah's TNA is about to lose.....

When you look at their attendance and the fact they are now doing traditional PPVS, I don't think they're interchangeable at all. They're nowhere near even TNA levels when it comes to star power, but they could get there with upping their production just a bit more.


From Meltzer's latest issue of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter:

In something that somewhat confirms what everyone has hinted about or knows, Hugo Savinovich, who works for AAA as a liaison to Puerto Rico and U.S. business, told KGB Wrestling that Mysterio is done in WWE and will come back to AAA when his WWE deal expires. This is a very touchy subject for obvious reasons. Mysterio is under contract to WWE through April. They want him back. He obviously doesn’t want to go back, but if he doesn’t go back, they can extend his contract, like they did, because they also don’t want him walking right into AAA or Lucha Underground. They weren’t happy he was at the Lucha Underground tapings and photos came out, but he also is allowed to visit friends and go to shows as long as he doesn’t appear on camera. It’s a really weird deal because a video of him did play at TripleMania, which took a lot of balls by AAA. AAA also used Del Rio before he had gotten a release from WWE (which he hasn’t gotten yet). I’ve never seen a promotion except WCW do this, and WCW ended up in a lot of trouble when they did. So it will be interesting how this plays out. But it was really telling to me that Mysterio did not appear, even doing just a guest appearance, for the Mexico shows, particularly since Flair ended up being pulled off those shows.

Last week on Raw, when they plugged the Austin podcast, and mentioned Lawler had been on it and he doesn’t do many podcasts, it was meant as an inside rib on Jim Ross, since Lawler hasn’t done Ross’ show. At this point WWE won’t allow anyone to do Ross’ show. Pretty much they don’t allow anyone to do anyone’s podcasts aside from set up media things to push specific functions, unless it’s Austin or Jericho’s show.

While not completely immune, Orton is somewhat protected from really stupid storylines. He doesn’t outright voice his displeasure about them, but in a code sort of way he does. The idea is that when he thinks something is stupid or will hurt his character, he tells the people telling him that we should go to Levesque about it, knowing Levesque will protect him because they feel he’s too valuable to be put in stupid scenarios.

As of the weekend, Lesnar was scheduled to start back on 12/8, which would be the show where they start building his title defense at the Royal Rumble, which was originally planned for Cena.

For those who have cut the cord, Raw will be available in its entirety on the new USA NOW app that the USA Network has put out.

Austin said he’s ruled out wrestling at this year’s Mania. He said between deer hunting season, another season of his reality show, and a project scheduled for February that he isn’t allowed to reveal at this time, he doesn’t have time in his schedule to start training the way he needs to. He also said he doesn’t have the desire to do it either.

Stephanie McMahon did an interview with Yahoo! Sports and denied that there is a policy that cast members of Total Divas can’t hold the title. “Absolutely not. I honestly don’t even know how that rumor got started.” Well, of course, I do. It had been something a number of the women had said privately for months but it was also something they all considered off the record because the company didn’t want it out. But Ariane Andrew (Cameron) brought it up on 9/12 on Chris Jericho’s podcast, and once it was public, it was figured that it could be acknowledged since it’s now out there. At that point it was no longer off the record. Nikki Bella was asked during a radio interview if that was true, and she confirmed it was. Natalya was asked if that was true in a web site interview this past week building up the show in Montreal, and while she wouldn’t confirm it, she basically said you know how WWE rules are and if something is a rule, they can change it at any time anyway. When we were told about it, and it was a doctrine from Vince based on the timing of when the show is taped and that they do their stuff live, it was said Vince could change the rule since it’s his own rule, but for now, it is what creative is going under.

Stemming from all the bad publicity the NFL got, and following UFC doing the same thing, WWE has adopted a zero tolerance policy on domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Anyone arrested for any crimes like that will be suspended upon arrest, and terminated on conviction. People think this won’t apply to top guys, but it will if an actual arrest is there. The bottom line is that in this day and age, you can’t afford not to. It’s a different world than even ten years ago and while I’m sure the cover-ups will exist in every form of entertainment and sports that has stars, because that’s the real world, in a sponsor-driven world you can’t have someone who has been arrested for any of those crimes on your active roster.

One of the things talked about is a Team Nikki vs. Team Brie Total Divas elimination match at Survivor Series.

Adam Pearce was brought in this past week as a trainer.

The rushing the Orton babyface turn may be with the idea that the Orton house shows have drawn poorly with him as a heel and Dean Ambrose as the top face.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Happened to flip on the tv and see a Rockstar Spud match. It was a pretty decent tag affair. Spud matches are rare as hell so it was a nice surprise.
I love Ambrose and think he has a very bright future, but putting him as the top babyface on a house show tour is just idiotic. He hasn't been built up high enough or long enough for something like that. Hopefully that doesn't fall on him
Shame about Orton is he can be great at his job.

He has apparently been wanting time off but have told him no because of roster issues.

I would prefer him much more if he worked midcard. he's just bland filling the spot as the top heel when he has absolutely no one to feud with. he's just there to be a heel and that's it. would make more sense for him to work midcard cause he would actually have people to work actual fresh feuds with.


Ratings Killer Orton turned face again. That's a bright idea.

Typical bit by TNA that shows they don't understand the wrestling business. You have a guy you are trying to debut as a dominant big man in Tyrus, but being Shark Boy does nothing because they aired this comedy skit showing him as fat and out of shape. This doesn't benefit Tyrus or Shark Boy in any way.

Being Tyrus doesn't do a whole lot for Tyus either.
Ratings Killer Orton turned face again. That's a bright idea.

Being Tyrus doesn't do a whole lot for Tyus either.

Yeah he's horrible and doesn't look threatening at all, but still booking helps. Where is the mean brutal Brodus that was supposed to debut in WWE before the gimmick got stolen by Mark Henry? Now in TNA he still seems to be playing a goofy dumbass, but his gimmick is he is supposed to be a monster that's feared. Did he not get the memo of what his gimmick is or does he not understand the wrestling business?
I always expected Shark Boy to make it higher up than where he went since back in the day when he was working in HWA. Kind of wish I bought one of his masks back then but I was too damn broke. =\


god damn meltzer is so positive, I'm listening to the Raw review:

Meltzer: I liked Cena's promo. It was a good promo.


Meltzer: No, it wasn't terrible. He's never done the old grandpa voice in a promo. It was fine.



I love Ambrose and think he has a very bright future, but putting him as the top babyface on a house show tour is just idiotic. He hasn't been built up high enough or long enough for something like that. Hopefully that doesn't fall on him

I agree, they could build him up more. He needs clean wins on Cena, Orton, Rollins, and more compelling story lines. If you want a top face then you need to make him one. He isn't getting much help at all. Of course if Cena turned heel that would help a lot, but that will never fucking happen.


I always expected Shark Boy to make it higher up than where he went since back in the day when he was working in HWA. Kind of wish I bought one of his masks back then but I was too damn broke. =\

Shark Boy is everything bad about TNA. Dude got multiple runs by being a WCW Saturday Night jobber. Same thing for Sonny Siaki. So desperate that they'd pick up WCW/WWE developmental guys and jobbers. Continues today with BRAM. NXT cast off. Not showing any interest in the Wolves until they were on NXT.
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