I need to see Stone Cold E.T ordering this shit.Wait, Steve Austin is promoting Wendy's Pulled Pork?
I need to see Stone Cold E.T ordering this shit.Wait, Steve Austin is promoting Wendy's Pulled Pork?
SA is still the best GTA. No contest.
It's GTA V.
Both Vice City and San Andreas were DOPE AS FUCK when they came out. They suffer from time like pretty much all games from the PS2/GC/Xbox era. Shitty cameras and clunky controls make a lot of your favorite games unplayable today. But in their time, both were excellent and fun as fuck.
Both Vice City and San Andreas were DOPE AS FUCK when they came out. They suffer from time like pretty much all games from the PS2/GC/Xbox era. Shitty cameras and clunky controls make a lot of your favorite games unplayable today. But in their time, both were excellent and fun as fuck.
I never had issues playing old MGS, RE, or GTA games. I mean there are games with bad controls, but these aren't one of them.
It feels that people just don't want to bother adapting to older control schemes, and end up calling them unplayable or some shit. Makes me sad.
It's generally mostly bad cameras that kill me. Especially inverted camera control. It makes everything suck.
Both Vice City and San Andreas were DOPE AS FUCK when they came out. They suffer from time like pretty much all games from the PS2/GC/Xbox era. Shitty cameras and clunky controls make a lot of your favorite games unplayable today. But in their time, both were excellent and fun as fuck.
**The WWE has signed five performers to developmental deals with WrestleZone first reporting that Sunny Dhins, Gionna Daddio, Dustin Mueller, Zahra Schreiber and Josh Woods have signed deal. Schreiber had been training under Truth Martini and Jimmy Jacobs and Jacobs confirmed the signing earlier this week in an interview with Bryan Alvarez of F4Wonline.
Hey Nocturnowl, why do you keep looking up. Spikes not in heaven, IT'S IN HELL!!!
I can't make up my mind about whether I want to resub to the Network for tonight.
Fuck, anyone training under Martini and Jimmy Jacobs must be awful.
IV controls are mind numbingly bad, especially on PS3.GTA has always had spotty controls. Even 5 is nowhere near what it could be in that regard.
IV controls are mind numbingly bad, especially on PS3.
IV controls are mind numbingly bad, especially on PS3.
I'm going to go see John Wick instead of watch HIAC live
It's funny because everyone complains about GTA IV's bad controls, but they act like Red Dead Redemption is a game of the generation. Even though they control basically the exact same.
Good choice. I await your 'people like this so i don't' review
¡HarlequinPanic!;136001140 said:I predict a metacritic score of 60-65 for tonight's pay per view
I'm going in with reasonable expectations. It looks pretty dope.
and there were rumors that he was planning on making an in ring return?
uh okay...
hit the gym steve. also that habit of smashing a six pack of Natural Light every night and a bbq tray is gonna have to change.
Lmao, 'Taker no selling like a boss.This is funny:
Reading that forum makes me feel all
¡HarlequinPanic!;136001836 said:fuuuccckkkk that forum, too.
nothing but a buncha dweebs with porn star signatures after every post, and this guy who draws like three butt ugly webcomics.
Though this one poster claimed to have been Max Landis' college girlfriend and had reasonable proof of it, that was pretty interesting.
It's funny because everyone complains about GTA IV's bad controls, but they act like Red Dead Redemption is a game of the generation. Even though they control basically the exact same.